Happy Life in Jiang Ye

A Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 79

The crow hovered over the main hall and finally stopped above Sangsang, spinning continuously.

Ning Que was looking at the place where Baoshu died at this time, and kept touching himself, feeling that there was no change, but he didn't know that black energy appeared on Sangsang behind him and began to appear.

This is the symbol of the son of Pluto, no, she is now the daughter of Pluto.

Ning Que yelled to everyone

"Where is the son of Hades? Where is the son of Hades?"

It's a pity that everyone looked at Sangsang in surprise, no one would care about Ning Que.

The dignified daughter of Guangming, Wei Guangming's descendant, turned out to be the daughter of Pluto. This discovery was indeed surprising.

Xia Yu also knew at this time that there was no room for recovery, so he got up and jumped in front of Sangsang, shouting to Ning Que.

"Little Junior Brother, open the big black umbrella and walk quickly with Sangsang."

Ning Que heard Xia Yu's voice, and then returned to see Sangsang who was already lying on the ground.

Sangsang said weakly to Ning Que

"Young Master"

That voice, like a newborn kitten, made people feel pity.

Xia Yu protected Sangsang from being attacked by the crows with his own power of thought, but Xia Yu was still too weak in the face of the power of the Buddha.

Ning Que ran over holding the big black umbrella, carrying Sangsang on his back and looking at Xia Yu


Xia Yu nodded, facing the Buddha's strength in Yulanling just now, it made him a little weak at this time, but he still spoke.

"With me, you go first."

At this time everyone also reacted, raising their weapons and rushing towards Sangsang.

Xia Yu's thought force bounced them away, and casually placed a sleepy character, trapping everyone including herself in this hall.

The hanging man shouted to Master Qishan

"Master Qishan, this is your dojo. Now that the goddess has appeared, you have to give everyone an explanation."

When everyone heard this, they stopped their intention to attack and looked at Master Qishan.

Master Qishan looked around everyone and said

"Well, let me tell everyone that Ning Que is not the son of Pluto, Sangsang, and Sangsang is the daughter of Pluto."

The hanging man shouted at this moment

"Everyone has heard it. The daughter of Hades found it. People in this world can't let her escape. Twelfth sir, just give up. Even if you are above the five realms and face so many people, you will protect Can't stop them."

Master Xia Yuqishan tilted his head and looked at the people around him, especially those who were hanging in the air and Xiling. The corner of his mouth smiled slightly, with a little cruelty and expectation in his smile.

Xia Yu speaks slowly

Mount 101 has Qishan, and the road is a forked road

"Master Qishan, you want to protect everyone, but you still didn't protect you?"

Qi Shan sighed slightly.

"Mr. Twelve, now that Ning Que and Ning Que are far away, don't kill evil."

Xia Yu shook his head

"Xiling, the people hanging in the air stay, the others are free."

Everyone in the air raised their weapons and aimed at Xia Yu

"Mr. Twelve, will there be no one when we are suspended?"

Xia Yu looked towards the sky, his eyes on Ning Que and Sangsang.

Ning Que left Lanke Hall with Sangsang, but met Qi Nian at the foot of the mountain.

Qi Nian used the Buddha sect formation method to control the two of them, and the Buddha sect aura in this Buddha sect array caused great harm to Sangsang.

Xia Yu couldn't wait any longer, he wanted to quickly get rid of these people in front of him and help Ning Que and them two.

The highest cultivation level in front of the people in front of them is only Dongxuan photogenic. If one-on-one, Xia Yu can easily deal with them, but now with dozens of people, Xia Yu confronts them and it is really time-consuming and labor-intensive, and they have also fought A look at Yulanling's Buddha's power, Xia Yu did have some scars in his body at this time.

Fortunately, at this time, the big brother arrived, Xia Yu can continue to confront the people in front of him, everyone should not do anything, just like that.

"Anyway, you can't beat me. I can't kill you all. Let's just stay like this. When my younger brother gets away, or your backhand catches my younger brother, how are we going to leave? ?"

Xia Yu said to the person in front of you

I put my eyes on Ning Que again

Because of the arrival of the senior brother, Qi Nian strengthened the effect of the formation, and even made it impossible for the senior brother to break open for a while.

But it doesn't matter, the college is not only the first brother, but also the second brother.

The second brother did not reach Wushu, he came on horseback, in his words

"The nearest road is a straight road, and a straight road is the right road."

Who knows where he came from, he came anyway.

A flying sword slammed into the formation. It was true that it was smashed or not. The second brother's sword was a kind of generous giant sword. It really hurts to smash it. Don't ask how Xia Yu knew it.

"A gentleman can deceive him"

The second brother decided to use the skill after seeing the basic attack and the inability to open the formation.

"A gentleman deceives him by his side

Although the practice of shouting one sentence is very good for the second, but the second brother’s attack is really strong, even Xia Yu, dare not say that he is more ruthless than the second brother in the fight, you know, the second brother is everywhere to the younger brother Studying, that was a ruthless person who destroyed the Demon Sect.

Seeing that the second brother could break the formation, the senior brother went to Qi Nian's side without any distance, and threw the Qi Nian out, yes, he threw it out.

The big brother doesn't know how to fight, so he can only throw out the seven thoughts with all his thought power. It should be painful to think about it.

This is not very painful anymore, but it will hurt you seriously. Fortunately, it is the Seven Thoughts, the Buddhist monk who walks all over the world, except for the door.

Ning Que sees that the crisis is overcome, and he salutes the two seniors

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