Happy Life in Jiang Ye

A Carefree Life in Jiang Ye Chapter 8

"Don't worry, Senior Sister Seven, although Pippi doesn't practice seriously, he is still very good at cooking, and he also delivered me meals on time." Xia Yu was hungry for Chen Pipi to take care of Ning Que. There was a lot of complaint about the matter for several days.

"Twelve Junior Brothers are out, so let's ask everyone to gather together." The second senior brother on the side also put away the iron sword in his hand and walked over. "If you have time, the Twelve Junior Brothers should learn from me and let me Look at your progress this time in retreat."

Without Xia Yu's refusal, the second brother first walked to the cooking hut where everyone usually assembles.

After a short while, the brothers from the mountain all came to the hut, everyone sat separately, eating things made of tangerine peel, and talking about the instructions left by the master before leaving.

"Before the teacher left, he said that the opening of the mountain was the last time he had accepted disciples. Let us prepare for many matters concerning the opening of the mountain." The second senior said both.

"It is said that even Longqing from Xiling is here this time." Senior Brother Six said.

"You don't have to pay attention to the bulge, just do the things the teacher ordered," the third elder sister said in the end. "Everyone is responsible for what you should be responsible for."

"By the way, Junior Brother Twelve, this mountaineering, the teacher asked you to take charge of the last step, you must not despise it." The second senior brother said to Xia Yu.

025 Transition

The end of the thirteenth year of the Tang Empire

At this time, it has been a month since Chen Pipi rescued Ning Que, and Xia Yu returned to Zeng's mansion after a meeting with everyone in Houshan.

At this time, it was not a few days since the Spring Festival, and the Zeng Mansion was also full of lights.As a loyal servant of the Queen’s Empress, Zeng Jing’s mansion has such a large number of visitors during the festive season. Some people want to please the queen but not the way, and some are the same as the Queen’s keeper to contact the relationship, but this is the first visitor. This one must be nothing.

Xia Yu had just entered the gate of the mansion, and before he had time to inquire about the location of Zeng Jing, Zeng Jing brought everyone to greet him.Don't doubt, what Zeng Jing greeted was naturally not Xia Yu, but the one who came to visit at this time.

A cavalry squad came not far from the street in between, and with the cavalry came a blood rushing towards the face, showing that the hand of this cavalry was not less stained with the blood of the imperial enemy.The leader of the cavalry team even wore a dignified armor in the city of Chang'an. The cavalry behind him was holding a military flag, and the flag was written "Xiahou". That's right, the person here was the queen's brother, the general of Tang Dynasty, Xiahou.

Xiahou is a man of great achievements in battle, and he is extremely domineering. His children are all named Xiahou. According to him, he wants to create a majestic family, and his name will always be remembered as the family continues.

Xia Yu still admires Xiahou, although he despises Xiahou Zhan's character.What Xiahou did was actually to protect his sister, that is, the current Queen Summer, which was intimidated by the Xiling Temple.But in fact, if Xiahou sincerely trusts the king of Tang, he does not need to care about Xiling's views. Tang will naturally protect the people of Tang.

Zeng Jing is the most powerful person among the Queen’s ministers, and she also has a lot of power in the court. Xiahou came to visit for the Queen’s sake.At least Xiahou thought so.

But that is not the case in the eyes of others.Xiahou is a military chief, and Zeng Jing is a chief minister. The interaction between the two will naturally arouse the jealousy of some people with ulterior motives, especially the princess, who is not dealing with the queen.Originally, because of Xia Yu, Li Yu had a good impression of Zeng's mansion. Today, he personally visited Zeng Jing to win over Zeng Jing. But at the moment she saw Xiahou, she was still angry and unwilling. The queen was in the army. Xiahou’s support, and she herself has only one Huashan Mountain in Gushan County in the military, and Huashan Mountain does not have the authority in the military yet Xia Houzhong, the military is more concerned about combat merits, and this is the entire Tang Dynasty only Xu Shixu Lao The general can be adjacent to Xiahou.It is a pity that General Xu Shi only supports King Tang, he will not stand in line, he is only for Tang Guo, which also caused him to always look at the academy not very pleasing to his eyes, but when the master was still there, he had no reason to attack the people who were born in the academy.

Li Yu watched Zeng Jing talking with Xiahou, and was about to leave in his heart, and saw Xia Yu who was boring.As soon as Xia Yu arrived at Zeng's mansion, he saw Xiahou visiting. There was a scene of Xiahou. He, the Twelfth Master of the Academy, who had never been seen in front of the world, was actually left out.And bored, he also saw Li Yu who was about to leave.

Li Yu got up and came to Xia Yu, saluting until "Li Yu has seen Mr. Twelve"

Xia Yu was very pleased with what Li Yu called him. Li Yu did not distance himself because of his kinship, but respectfully called him Mr. Twelve.This is not respect for Xia Yu, it is respect for the academy. Xia Yu likes the academy very much, so he has a good impression of people who respect the academy.

026 Long Khanh

Li Yu got up and came to Xia Yu, saluting until "Li Yu has seen Mr. Twelve"

Xia Yu also got up and said to Li Yu, "His Royal Highness, just call me by name. After all, you are still my cousin."

"Then Li Yu is offended. I wonder if Ayu, do you know that Prince Longqing is coming to Chang'an?" Li Yu said

"I still know this. Long Qing came to Tang Guoben for the opening of the academy. How could the son of Guangming Xiling not say hello to the academy in advance?" Xia Yu smiled, "I wonder if the princess mentioned this for?"

"With the arrival of Longqing, Prince Chongming will inevitably entertain people in Beijing, and Longqing should also entertain the disciples of the academy." Li Yu slowly expressed his own thoughts. "At that time, I will definitely go there too, but Longqing is the country of Yan. The prince of the Kingdom of Yan, who had originally resented Tang State after the collapse of the State, and was the son of Guangming Xiling. Historically, Tang State was not pleasing to the eye, and he would definitely embarrass Tang State if he wanted to come to the banquet."

"So the princess wants me to go with you?" Xia Yu took the conversation

"Yes, Ayu, although you have been walking in the world for many years, you lack the appearance of someone who has seen you. When Longqing is in trouble, it is easy for you to deal with it." Li Yu smiled.

"In the third year of entering Xiling Tianyu Academy, the prince of Longqing began to follow his classmates to preach to various places. It is said that he argued with the seven sons of Buddhism in Washan Lanke Temple for three days and three nights, winning seven games in a row, and finally let Lanke live in seclusion. The elder tolls the bell and speaks before returning to the table. According to legend, Elder Lan Ke praised his profound scholarship. If he joins Buddhism, he will be able to turn his mind around within ten years." said Lu Qingchen next to Li Yu."But how did Xiling let their proud disciple join Buddhism? When Long Qing returned to Tianyu Academy, he was accepted as a direct disciple by Haotian Changjiao, and even began to learn to deal with the affairs of the Temple Adjudication Division. Now I heard that he is only one step away. Entering a well-known realm is highly regarded by Haotian Dao."

After hearing Lu Qingchen’s words, Xia Yu smiled, “It’s still a fate to know your fate if you’re one step away from being well-known, it’s not to be afraid”

Li Yu added, "In fact, there is one more thing Longqing came to Chang'an besides joining the college.

"What's the matter? It can't be the proton who replaced his brother called Tang Guo, right?" Xia Yu said, with a little disbelief in his tone.

Li Yu smiled and said, "This is really the reason. It is said that Emperor Yan is very old and no one knows when he will pass away. My Emperor pays attention to filial piety and agrees that Prince Yan will return to China to serve his relatives, but ask Yan to take a sufficient amount of royal family instead. After much deliberation, only Longqing is qualified"

Xia Yu frowned. "Xiling Temple has cultivated Longqing for many years, and he values ​​it very much, and the facts have proved that he is really outstanding. The people of Yan state value him, and they value the relationship between Yan and Xiling. So Longqing is in the eyes of Yan people. The important thing is, how can Yan State agree to this change of quality? I think there is still a hidden story about this matter. In that case, I will accompany His Highness through this experience."

The Fourteenth Year of the Apocalypse of the Tang Empire

At the back of the academy, at the Chen Pipi hut

"Prince Longqing is going to Beijing today" Ning Que reminded Chen Pipi

"Prince Longqing, who is it?" Chen Pipi was a little confused

"Don't you know Prince Longqing?" Ning Que was a little surprised

"Pippi, how many times have you talked about it? When Houshan has a meeting, you should pay attention and listen carefully." Xia Yu walked in at this time. "The second brothers said in the last assembly that they are the genius of Xiling. They came to the academy to participate in the second floor. Examined."

Ning Que saw Xia Yu coming in, and quickly got up and saluted. During this time, Ning Que always came to Chen Pipi’s hut. It was a common sight for Xia Yu. Coupled with the pressure brought by Xia Yu’s pinnacle of fate, Ning Que was always on guard. Xia Yu."Mr. Twelve, I have a question"

Xia Yu looked at Ning Que, "You want to ask if the relationship between Datang and Xiling is not good or even a little bad, why did the academy accept Pippi, and now you agree with Longqing's arrival?"

Ning's shortcomings nodded, "Yes, isn't the academy worried about what secrets Xiling Temple stole?"

027 You're Lost

Ning's shortcomings nodded, "Yes, isn't the academy worried about what secrets Xiling Temple stole?"

"Students in the academy always don’t ask about the source, but only about the ability and character. This is the so-called teaching but not the kind. The master dared to accept my task as an ordinary student, let alone the second number of a temple adjudication department. It's a character." Chen Pipi said from the side, with a little contempt and ridicule in his tone."However, Ning Que, you remember that the Xiling Adjudication Division specializes in suppressing foreign heretics, with extremely powerful authority and harsh methods. The people inside are all abnormal and fanatical lunatics. They may not do anything in Chang'an, but Outside the border, they do use the image of a demon to coax children. Although you don't need to be afraid of them, you'd better not provoke them."

Xia Yu on the side poured the boiled hot water into the tea set, with a very graceful posture, and handed the tea cup to the two of them. "If you want to talk about the Xiling Judging Division, you have to say the Daozhiye Red Fish in the world's three idiots, although she Not the leader of the adjudication division, but she has amazing authority and excellent talent. In addition to her infatuation with Tao, the realm of cultivation is also a top-notch existence in our generation."

Chen Pipi trembles a little when he hears the name Dao Chi, and looks at Ning Que with a solemn tone. "Ning Que, remember, even if you offend some Prince Longqing in Xiling, or some priest, I can protect you. But if you offend that woman, please stay away, because even I can't wait to stay away even when I meet her."

Ning Que saw Chen Pipi's exaggerated expression, thinking that you still say that you are not Xiling's heir?But because Xia Yu is here, I really can’t tell to molest Chen Pipi, so I can only change the topic, “Today the college talked about that Prince Longqing very lively, I don’t understand it, the well-known realm,,,, is it really amazing?”

"One person in the world is able to know fate, of course, it is very remarkable. There are many people who can practice, but how many people do you see can enter to know fate? Looking at the whole world, there are not many strong fateful people." Chen Pipi slightly raised his head and raised his chin to look. Xiang Ning Que, with pride in his eyes, as if to say it again, look at me, this genius is such a great master of life.

"But you and Mr. Twelve are also masters who know fate?" Ning Que said, "and are you going to make sure you are masters of fate?"

"The realm is the realm, and it has nothing to do with the appearance and demeanor. I can know the fate, and I am the master of the fate, so the top grade of Dongxuan is not in my eyes." Chen Pipi was a little bit by Ning Qi, and his voice suddenly became louder. .

"There is no proof, just say you are you?" Ning Que said embarrassedly.

"How to prove it? Do you want me to find a master of Dongxuan top grade to come and beat him in front of you?" Chen Pipi spread his hands innocently.

"This proposal is not bad. Cao Zhifeng, a teacher of etiquette in the academy, heard that he is a master of Dongxuan. Why should you use him as your opponent?" Ning Que smiled.

"Discuss the beating in front of me. Is Pippi not afraid of the punishment of the second brother?" Xia Yu took a sip of tea, decided to scare Chen Pipi, and taught Ning Que a lesson, let him know not to pick things lightly. Pi, let Ning Que feel the horror of a master of life."

In practicing the Five Mirrors, Zhiming is the most mysterious and mysterious highest realm. On the way back from the frontier fortress, Ning Que knew it through Lu Qingchen, but he has self-knowledge, and he never wanted to experience the blow of a master of Zhiming as an example.

However, in the daytime, in the academy, the classmates who usually ignore their own classmates are excitedly talking about the proud man, who is still a young man, and Ning Que will naturally be a little jealous, wanting to feel the power of a master of life.

028 Banquet

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