Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Happy Life in Jiang Ye Chapter 92

Both sides stopped, the leader of Xiling Cavalry, Luo Kedi took the lead to speak

"Master Qi Nian, the head teacher asked me to ask, if thousands of people are dispatched in Chaoyang City to let the daughter of Hades die, will you Tianqing take action?"

Qi Nian's expression has not changed at all

"The world is people's home. In order to prevent this catastrophe, I think no one will be unwilling to contribute their own strength."

Luo Kedi nodded and asked again

"What if someone comes to the college?"

Qi Nian speaks loudly

"People from the academy, I have my own way, Tianqing."

Luo Kedi said again

"Should I be able to do the first lecture?"

Qi Nian shook his head

"The first lecturer will not take action. The first lecturer now has his own problems to deal with. At the same time, he and the master have an agreement that no matter what happens in the world, the three of them can only remain neutral."

Rochdi smiled.

"Master Qi Nian is walking around the world in the Xuankong Temple. I, Luo Mou, is the leader of the Xiling Cavalry. Both of us are above Ning Que in strength and cultivation. So as long as the Master does not come, no one can stop us. ."

Qi Nian snorted

"Even if the Master comes, I will still go."

Rock was hostile to these seven thoughts, and the alliance was settled in this way.

It's just that neither Qi Nian nor Luo Kedi noticed the people in the Xiling Guangming Hall in the house not far away.

At this time, Ning Que went outside to change Sangsang a basin of hot water, but suddenly heard the sound of a gong knocking outside.

Ning Que stopped and listened quietly, only listening to people outside

"Those who see the daughter of Hades will be rewarded many times. Those who report the daughter of Hades will be rewarded many times."

Ning Que's expression changed slightly, and he jumped out of the wall covering next to the courtyard.

On the wall of the alley outside, there was a wanted notice for Sangsang every two or three meters.There was even a portrait of Ning Que.

Suddenly, several people ran past Ning Que holding wooden sticks, shouting as they ran.

"The daughter of Hades appeared"

Such words.Ning Que quickly jumped back from the wall

"Sangsang! Sangsang! Pack things up, we have to go quickly."

Sangsang was sitting on the chair at this time, not knowing what he wanted to write about, his face was full of smiles, his face turned pale when he heard what Ning Que said.Quickly got up and Ning Que gathered up and saluted.

At this time, Chaoyang City, the sky was full of crows, and the crows were crushed, which was very scary.

Luo Kedi has also ordered that the Xiling cavalry begin to hunt Ning Que and Sangsang from house to house.

There are naturally suspended monks who hunt Ning Que and Sangsang from house to house. Faced with the issue of Ning Que and Sangsang, the suspended monks have become less benevolent and polite.

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The people who searched for it all broke into the homes of the people and began to search, arrogant and rude.I completely ignore the lives of those people and their mood.

Qi Nian raised his head to look at the crows in the sky, and found that those crows were circling and flying regularly in the air.

He hurriedly lifted the stick and walked in the direction of the crow.

Seeing Qi Nian's movements, Luo Kedi hurriedly followed, even if he didn't know what Qi Nian had discovered.

In the end, both the hanging disciple of Qi Nian and the Xiling Cavalry of Luo Kedi came to the house where Ning Que lived before.

At this moment, the crows were hovering above the house, and the crows in the distance were flying towards this side.

Luo Kedi saw the seal written by Ning Que at the door of the house and asked the people behind him.

"Why is there a seal on this house?"

The man returned to the Tao

"This house has been dead. The haunted house has long been unoccupied."

Upon hearing this, Qi Nian and Luo Kedi looked at each other, and Luo Kedi shouted

"Search me."

Both the Xiling cavalry and the hanging monks rushed into the courtyard.

Unfortunately, there were no figures in the house at this time.

After walking out of the house and coming to the courtyard, Qi Nian raised his head and glanced at the crows in the sky, shouted, and shook these crows into flight.

The crow was like before, flying in one direction in large swaths.

It has to be said that these crows are like police dogs, chasing and guiding, and the direction the crows fly is the direction where Ning Que and Sangsang fled.

Below the crow in the front, Ning Que and Sangsang were two people.

Ning Que and Sangsang fled to the center of Chaoyang City. When they were about to escape outside the city, they were discovered by the people in the city.

A common man raised the gong in his hand and knocked it vigorously, still shouting

"Quick, quick, the daughter of Hades is here, don't let her run away."

The surrounding people also immediately took the tools at home, rushed out, and ran towards Ning Que and Sangsang.

Perhaps they vented the arrogant anger of the Xiling Cavalry before on Sangsang and Ning Que.

Ning Que and Sangsang ran all the way, and the people chased them all the way. In the end, all the people in Chaoyang City were chasing Ning Que.

Finally, they were surrounded by these people as they should.

Ning Que kept Sangsang in his arms and kept avoiding the attacks of these people. Ning Que still didn't want to hurt these people.

But never thought that no snowflake in the avalanche is innocent. Since these people chose to take action against Ning Que and Sangsang, they are no longer innocent.

Time slowly passed, and it was no longer just the people who surrounded Ning Que. The cavalry of Xiling and the disciples hanging in the air gradually came here.

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