Happy Little Mayor

Chapter 1038: . All-purpose honey (4/5)

When returning to the castle, Wang Bo opened the sand table for a while, and found that the heart of the territory was not as powerful as he had imagined, and could not help him obtain truffles. % Chinese% Fiction

The heart of the woodland covers the entire mountain forest. Its existence allows Pharaoh to control the things above the surface of the mountain, but nothing below the surface can be seen, but truffles live underground.

However, if he wants to dig truffles, then he should train the strong men and the queen to gain something. After all, these little guys are very sensitive in smell.

Putting away the sandbox, he checked the transaction situation of truffles on the Internet with his mobile phone. If necessary, he wanted to try artificial truffle cultivation.

As a result of this investigation, it was found that the truffle was worthy of being called a gold nugget in the soil. In 2010, Chinese betting king He Hongxuan bid at the auction for US $ 330,000 for two Italian Toslana whites weighing 1.3 kg. Truffle and Molise white truffle.

In the same year, in Paris, France, Michelin teamed up with the world's largest food magazine "Restaurant" for the sixth consecutive year to host an Italian white truffle international charity auction dinner at the Hilton Hotel. In that dinner, British star David Beckham paid $ 500,000 For a price of 1.25 kg of white truffle.

In recent years, due to climatic and ecological reasons, large truffles have been produced less and less, but the catering industry in many countries is paying more and more attention to truffles.

For example, the dish of black truffle wild mushroom soup has entered the US national banquet recipe. For example, the dish of truffle sauce has been on the British national banquet. In addition, countries such as France, Italy, Norway, and Switzerland have earlier adopted truffle as a The star dishes of the state banquet.

From the news, Wang Bo found that most valuable truffles were found in the northern hemisphere, which is mainly related to the truffle species. White truffles rarely appear in the southern hemisphere, such as Australia and New Zealand, and black truffles are generally produced.

Black truffles are much less valuable than white truffles. Last year Australia found the world's largest truffle. The truffle is a black truffle that weighs 1.5 kilograms and has a value of only about 30,000 US dollars.

From this point of view, even black truffles are very expensive. One kilogram is 20,000 US dollars. No matter how good the beef and mutton in Wang Bo Ranch is, it is impossible to sell such a price.

After Lancaster returned to the castle with these black truffles, he manually diyed a grinder to grind the black truffles into truffle powder and truffle fragments, so that truffles could be better preserved.

Don't look at these truffles, but unlike all fungi, it is not a soft plant but a stiff texture, like a rock.

So there are not only two pockets of truffles dug out from under a tree, but if you weigh it, there are also two kilograms.

Lancaster divided the truffle into two, one left by himself and one for Wang Bo.

Wang Bo gladly accepted that these truffles were all found in his territory. According to the law, he could even ask Lancaster to stay.

But he wouldn't be so stupid, not to mention that the truffle was discovered by others, just to say that the princess and his wife had worked hard in the preparation work of the town of Luori Town, and even if he gave him a hundred kilograms of truffle, it was nothing.

Lancaster and Eugenie would continue to play in Sunset Town. Wang Bo asked Kobe to cook with black truffles, but he didn't understand anything about it.

Black truffles have a scent of dried fruit, and the taste is more complicated. Wang Bo can't eat much, but everyone else has a taste.

From a white's point of view, truffle is not only delicious, it is also particularly nutritious.

Scientific research data show that black truffles are rich in protein, 18 amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids, multivitamins, zinc, manganese, iron, calcium, phosphorus, selenium and other essential trace elements, as well as sphingolipids, cerebrosides, and ceramides. , Triterpenes, androstenone, adenosine, truffle acid, sterols, truffle polysaccharides, truffle peptides and many other metabolites, with high nutritional and health care value.

Eighteen of these amino acids include eight essential amino acids that the human body cannot synthesize. Androsterone has significant effects in helping yang and conditioning endocrine; sphingolipid compounds have significant activity in preventing Alzheimer's disease, atherosclerosis and anti-tumor cytotoxicity. ; Polysaccharides, peptides, and triterpenes have the effects of enhancing immunity, anti-aging, anti-fatigue, etc., and can be used for health care.

In particular, in terms of enhancing immunity, truffles do have a very good effect. The favorite afternoon tea of ​​veteran British and French aristocrats and new riches is truffle honey with coarse grain biscuits.

Sunset Town produces the best honey in New Zealand. Lancaster and Eugene are immersed in the taste of rainbow honey, and must buy some to take home.

Wang Bo was very generous in this regard, saying, "I still have a lot in my storage room. How much do you need? Is it enough to give you fifty pounds?"

Rainbow Honey has entered the local tyrant market in the Middle East, but Wang Bo's supply is relatively low, and he still understands the principle of scarcity.

In fact, there are a lot of honey produced by beehives now. The road to birth flowers is fifty miles away. The existence of the heart of the hive keeps the colony expanding. The queen queen Tatak-Benemarama can't even get busy. Find a nephew nephew to help.

Now in the summer and autumn, more than 20 kilograms of honey can be produced in a day. Like a small castle, the hive constructed by the bee colony has become a new tourist attraction in Sunset Town. This hive is too large. Bowen said he still wants to apply. Guinness World Records.

After listening to Wang Bo's words, Princess Eugenie and Lancaster both smiled. The latter said: "That's great. We are going to pack it and give it away. Of course, this needs to be checked. As long as it passes the quarantine inspection, I can Send them to Buckingham Palace. "

Honey can go back to give away. There is not a lot of truffles, so there is no need to do so, and New Zealand's black truffles are not very precious.

However, they are combined with honey to make truffle honey, which should be very good.

Beeswax is needed to make truffle honey. This Wang Bo cannot be generous. This thing is for the bees to build the nest spleen, the ovary cover and the feed room cover.

It must be known that the nest spleen is a place for bees to store food, breed bees and colonies. Therefore, beeswax is not only a product of the bee colony, but also a material necessary for its survival and reproduction. This cannot be taken out in large quantities.

Making truffle honey is technical work. At first glance, it is made by blending honey and truffle oil, but if you use more truffle oil, then truffle honey will be more greasy, and it will be too sweet if you use less.

So, add salt and some spice juice to balance the taste. (To be continued.)

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