Happy Little Mayor

Chapter 1106: . Face is earned by myself (2/5)


Wang Bo pulled out his knife and turned his head to look, the situation is more optimistic.

Although these wild boars look magnificent with their large waists and round waists, they are actually silver-headed hoes, but they are scary in appearance and average fighting power.

It is also inevitable that they are the offspring of domestic pigs, and the phenomenon of returning to ancestors only makes them look similar to their ancestors, in fact, the combat effectiveness is far worse.

In New Zealand, wild boars have no rivals. They usually graze in the mountains and do not fight very much. They are naturally not good at fighting.

Although the hounds are much heavier than wild boars, they have received professional training on how to hunt such large prey.

It's like a group of young assassins encountered a stupid giant. If they are hard-working, they are still not giant opponents, but if they use their killing skills to fight cleverly, they will not fall into the wind as long as they are not attacked by giants. .

The strong man and the queen rushed to a wild boar again, and the trick was repeated. Together they held the boar's hind legs.

Wang Bo quickly slapped the boar on the back of the boar through the sand table and knocked it to the ground.

The sound of distant inhalation in the distance sounded. To others, it was the strong man and the queen who toppled the boar.

Like the executioner, Wang Bo went up to grab the boar's head and waved it with a knife.

‘唰-咣! ‘After the muffled sound, the boar ’s head was chopped down again!

After repeated killings, the remaining wild boars were frightened. They did not have much fighting spirit at first, but only a swarm of bees followed. This would be attacked by Wang Bolian, and he turned and ran away.

They were large and powerful, and the hounds couldn't stop them when they ran away, they could only bark behind them.

The strong man and the queen wanted to go after him, and Wang Bo shouted, "Grass, stop!"

The two dogs stopped immediately. The other hounds saw this scene, and they also stopped the chase, without using the owner to order.

This means that they surrendered the strong men and the queen, identifying them as leading dogs.

Wang Bo's purpose is to lift the danger. He doesn't want to see these rich and expensive second generations go wrong on his own site. As for these wild boars, there is no need to kill them.

Of course, if you kill it, you will kill it. In this forest farm, he plans to develop a tourist route. There is always a safety hazard in the wild boar. He has to organize people to go up the mountain to clear the wild boar threat.

The strong man and the queen ran back, and Wang Bo walked backwards. He looked down and was full of pig blood and fishy anger. He couldn't help but burst out a swear word: "Grass!"

A group of people stared at him blankly, including Lancaster, who had fought on the battlefield, and his face was shocked.

Watching the blood-stained Wang Bo approaching them, Wendy turned around and raised his fist. The Williams behind him reacted quickly and waved a slap.


Williams smiled gloatingly: "Is it painful? Alas, you are not dreaming, I proved it for you, you don't have to thank me. ↑ △ 小 ↓ △ ..m】"

"Of course, I know that this is not a dream. I want to wave my fist and say‘ Long live ’. Mard, you fool hit me!” Wendy was furious.

The look of Wang Bo's eyes was the same as that of aliens. Lancaster swallowed and asked, "Did you kill them? Did you kill four wild boars?"

Wang Bo shrugged, "It's us, the strong man and the queen are here to help me. Do you bring any clothes for washing? I want to change."

"The castle is behind you, you should go back to the bath and change your clothes," Lancaster said. "But don't go first, let me take a look first, my God, you are simply God of War!"

"How did you do it just now?" Samir asked, "How can you be so great! You cut off so many wild boar heads! Unbelievable!"

One rich second-generation exasperated: "It's a pity that I didn't turn on the video recorder. I should take this scene. This is definitely the limit of human field combat!"

There is no doubt that Wang Bo's previous performance shocked a group.

Just as the strong man and the queen became the leading dogs of the hound, after this fierce battle, Wang Bo also has a unique position in these expensive second generations.

Although Lancaster invited them to play in Sunset Town, although they knew that Wang Bo had invested heavily in Sunset Town, but these people were noble from all backgrounds. They were polite, enthusiastic and kind on the surface. top.

Compared with their family, Wang Bo's wealth and network resources are not that much, so they had at best regarded Wang Bo as a friend who could communicate on an equal footing.

But at this moment, after he had four wild boars in his hands, these second generations looked at him with great respect.

Under the premise of similar status and wealth, stronger violence and fighting power are often the most effective means for men to obtain higher status.

In the blood of men, there are always cells that are still brave and brave.

"This is really shocking." The people still sighed for a long time after the incident.

Wang Bo said: "You have won, guys, these wild boars are not the same as those on the European continent.

"When our hounds were trained in the field, the first thing they learned was to save themselves, so it was normal for them not to be injured, and they didn't kill wild boars," Williams said.

Wang Bo shook his head and smiled: "Well, whatever you think, I will go back and change clothes. At the same time, I will bring the pot. Who is interested in leaving stewed wild pork and roasted wild pork?"

"Are there any parasites? The smell is a bit heavy, right?" A rich second-generation laughed.

The group looked at him with disdainful eyes, and the rich second generation hurriedly waved their hands: "Haha, my joking guys, of course I want to enjoy all this, this is a very rare opportunity."

"You can continue looking for black truffles. I'll go back first, and I have to clean up." Wang Bo laughed.

Taking a bath, changing clothes, bringing an oven and pressure cooker, he returned to the forest.

When he returned to the place where everyone was, it was close to noon for lunch.

Lancaster and others saw him coming, and immediately came over, guarding him in the middle, and it can be seen that his status has changed and he has become the core personnel.

These people are all white people, born with xenophobic emotions, so that they also recognize Wang Bo's status, so we can see how shocking they were from the previous scene.

There is a stream in the mountain forest. This is a mountain spring brought by the upgrading of the heart of the mountain forest. The spring water is clear and flowing, and the water potential is quite large.

A few wild boars were killed by cutting their heads with sharp blades, and the blood was long gone, so the pork was not stained with blood and the taste was the best.

Wang Bo chose one that was beheaded by himself rather than torn by hounds, so that even if there were bacteria, there would be fewer bacteria.

Lancaster and others didn't care, but the two rich second generation looked a little pampered. He still respected others. (To be continued.).

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