Happy Little Mayor

Chapter 1109: . Flowers under the lake (5/5)

Wang Bo motioned for the helmsman to turn to the side and said, "Go slowly and let me find a good place for fishing."

Williams, who was grooming dog hair for curious men, asked curiously, "Aren't we in a good position for fishing now? The water is slow, deep enough, and the aquatic plants are abundant."

Uncle Bing, who was packing the fishing rod, laughed: "This must be heard from our leader. He grew up by the sea and has a good ability to find fish across the water."

The steamer started slowly, and finally reached the water above the bottom of the brilliant lake on the sand table.

Wang Bo took a closer look and was surprised to find that the colored owner was coral. He had previously returned home and had picked up a large number of dead corals from the ocean floor and threw them into Lake Hawea.

According to his cognition, the coral stones formed by the dead of the polyps are ordinary stones. This change is irreversible, not his fabrication. This is based on scientific research data.

But now this scene has changed the results of scientific research. Wang Bo is looking at the sand table unbelievably. If he is not confident enough in his own sand table, he must think that this is his own illusion.

Yes, there is no doubt that the dead corals are resurrected, and they are resurrected in large quantities!

This can only be explained by resurrection. The reproduction speed and growth rate of coral polyps are particularly slow. To form a colorful coral, it takes hundreds of years as a unit.

There aren't even a hundred days now, so many coral rocks have become living corals. Besides saying that the corals are resurrected, what can you say?

Wang Bo guessed that perhaps the coral worms on the coral rocks were not dead, but entered a state between death and sleep.

But it doesn't make sense. After hundreds of millions of years of evolution and adaptation, corals have only lived in the ocean and cannot live in fresh water.

He quickly checked it on the Internet. As he guessed, corals were originally divided into marine corals and freshwater corals, but freshwater corals became extinct tens of thousands of years ago.

This situation can only be attributed to the heart of the lake.

Wang Bo scratched his head and ignored this problem. When he was discovered later, he would definitely attract a lot of experts to study, and leave the professional issues to the professionals.

Judging from the sand table, this area of ​​Coral Lake is extremely beautiful. The beauty is the charming beauty and delicate beauty without all the scenery of the sunset town.

With the support of the heart of the lake, corals have not only been resurrected, but have become much more beautiful and brighter and brighter than before, as if a flower field appeared at the bottom of the lake.

Wang Bo was a little intoxicated. He didn't understand why such a beautiful coral scene was not discovered by tourists.

There are many cruise ships on Lake Hawea, and many tourists come to fishing on the rafting lake while spring is coming. It stands to reason that such a beautiful bottom of the lake should not be discovered.

After reaching the top of the coral lake, Wang Bo knew the reason. When he threw these coral stones, the lake area he chose was too deep!

The winter sun is not so bright and the penetrating power will not be strong, so the scene at the bottom of the lake cannot shine out.

Now with the advent of spring, the penetration of sunlight has increased, but the lake is not glass, and the scene below is still not clear through a deep lake. Wang Bo looked hard, but only saw some faint bright colors.

He thought about it and decided to do a big project to move these coral rocks to a slightly shallower water near the lake.

This is not difficult for him. The sand table can be enlarged at will. He must pay attention to be careful not to hurt the corals, and then tumble the coral stones to the lake.

In this way, he randomly chose a place where fish, shrimp, and crabs were used for fishing, and when others were fishing, he carried it.

The transportation of these coral rocks will inevitably disturb the bottom of the lake. After he has finished his work, it took more than two hours for the lake to return to the clear water. Then, some people shouted:

"My God, come and see! Come and see! There is a garden at the bottom of the lake! What's wrong with the bottom of the lake?"

The discoverer was fishing on a kayak, and accidentally bowed his head and found the faint coral rocks.

In order to avoid people doubting this, Wang Bo did not transfer the coral stones to very shallow waters. This thing is fine as long as it is found, and there is a strange beauty in the vagueness.

The exclamation sounded, some boats around were attracted to the past, and then people looked closely at the bottom of the lake, and more exclamation sounded:

"This is also the case with me. What is this? It looks like yellow and orange?"

"No, there are purple and red, and blue! My God, this is so beautiful!"

"Is this coral? The only thing so gorgeous in the water is coral?"

"Nonsense, how can there be corals in a freshwater lake? What kind of new aquatic plants?"

More and more people were attracted by the sound, and even the joking Lancaster and others were attracted.

"What's the matter?" Wendy frowned, asking he wasn't involved in chatting with friends, and he was conceiving the idea of ​​building a house at the foot of the mountain and on the mountainside.

Therefore, the idea was disturbed by the exclamation, the second generation of Gui was very unhappy.

Wang Bo also pretended not to know what was going on. After listening carefully, a bodyguard said hesitantly, "It seems, as if they have found something, and said that it is something particularly beautiful."

Williams was a passionate and curious guy, saying, "Fuck the fishing rod, let's go and see."

Lancaster is a true fishing enthusiast. He has learned a lot here and reluctantly said, "Would you like to fish for a while? I haven't hooked a big fish yet."

"Where there are waterweeds, there are often big fish." Wang Bo said.

Lancaster laughed, "OK, let's hurry up and take a look."

The small steamer drove slowly, and people's words clearly entered their ears, and a group of people lay down on the side of the ship and looked down. Williams said in surprise: "Really, what is underwater? It looks very beautiful."

There is always no shortage of sturdy warriors in New Zealand. In the early spring, someone undressed and jumped into the water to check it.

When Wang Bo and others arrived, someone just came out of the water. He took off his diving goggles and called out, "My God, we discovered the eighth wonder of the world! Below are corals, really a piece of coral!"

"How is this possible?" Lancaster said first. "How can there be corals in the lake?"

Wendy also nodded: "These guys must be looking at the eyes, Wang, have you sent someone to throw some colored stones under this?"

Pharaoh's strenuous performance revealed a dazed look: "I haven't done this before. Did I do it? I called and asked."

People keep diving into the water to watch it. As long as they dive into the water and dive for a meter or two, the full picture of coral stones can be seen.

So the truth was confirmed. (To be continued.)

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