Happy Little Mayor

Chapter 1163: . The world under the hills (4/5)

There are a lot of Chinese in Sunset Town, especially Chinese tourists. In order to prevent conflicts between different cultures, Wang Bo asked Kid to often give classes to townspeople to let them know Chinese culture.

Therefore, after listening to Eva's words, the elder brother suddenly realized.

The relationship between lmc and pregnant women is very close. Some medical examinations are more exaggerated than the life of husband and wife. Let Wang Bo's parents know that they will be very uncomfortable.

In fact, even Wang Bo would feel uncomfortable.

There are also nurses in the town of Sunset Town who also have lmc qualifications. After all, the hospital now has more than ten nurses, and many of them are immigrants. They are all excellent.

Wang Bo hasn't been to the hospital for a while. He knows that the scale of the hospital has expanded. He now has a total of six doctors and 14 nurses, and is still recruiting.

But the pure numbers and personal experience are not the same. Twenty medical workers are not a small team. He walks around the hospital, and a doctor or nurse greets him almost after a while.

Just two years ago, there were only four or five people here.

At dinner, Bo Da and Bo Ma specially made shrimp tofu cake, which nourishes qi and stomach, and is a staple food for pregnant women in his hometown with better economy.

In addition, stewed pork rib soup, Bo Da said to her, "Boy, do you want to go to the big hospitals in Wellington, Auckland? Have a full body examination of the baby."

Wang Bo said, "You don't have to be like this. Eva was only one month pregnant. Imc has done a comprehensive examination of her. No problem, very healthy. Our hospital in town is not bad, so rest assured."

Bo Da said: "You have to be careful about the baby."

"Big baby or little baby?" Wang Bo teased, and Eva laughed when she heard it.

Bo Da rolled his eyes: "You're not growing up, you can make fun of anything!"

Wang Bo is not kidding. He is very fond of Eva, but the hospitals in the town, whether in terms of personnel strength or technical equipment, belong to a good level in a small country like New Zealand. He has confidence in his people.

Eva continued to be her teacher, and the transfer of the post of chairman of the Board of Education took more energy.

After New Year's Day, the artist Oradi, who presided over the life channel building on the central square, came to find him again and said, "Mayor, I have an interesting idea recently. Would you like to listen?"

Wang Bo asked him to sit down and said, "I'm very happy."

"That's it. When I was walking around the town recently, I found that there are many small hills in the town, and these hills have not been used up." Oradi said.

Wang Bodao: "Isn't the pavilion built?"

Oradi nodded: "Yes, but that's only part of it, and there are more parts that are still idle, isn't it? So I thought, why don't we build these hills into some kind of building? Such as underground huts, such as underground Little bars and the like. "

"Imagine that you live in an underground hut, with the gate somewhere in the hills, and the roof and surroundings are surrounded by natural lawns and gardens."

"Pushing the door open in the morning, we see a fresh green, no pollution, no garbage, no hustle and bustle, and the fragrance of grass is everywhere."

"Wake up with the birds in the morning and fall asleep while listening to the howling at night. What do you think?"

Wang Bo listened to his description and exclaimed: "How beautiful it will be."

"More than that," Oladi said excitedly. "The hills can be used, such as growing your favorite fruits and vegetables on the roof and sloped walls, such as tomatoes and cucumbers."

"That can't be better!" Wang Bo nodded.

"If you think this is all creativity, then you are wrong. Another advantage of this hill as the main body of the building is that it can make a microworld," Oradey said.

Wang Bo asked, "Microworld? What is it?"

Oradi introduced: "Just decorate the hills. If someone likes the desert, you can remove the surrounding vegetation and cover it with sand, then plant some cacti and put a few electric scorpions."

"If you like rainforests, this is more difficult, but it is still feasible, as long as you transplant some tall trees and set up some sprinklers."

"Similarly, if you like the desert, you can also create a desert environment. If you like any terrain, you can try it. Is it very interesting?"

This is really an interesting idea, Wang Bo nodded, "It's really good, we may be able to shape a Hobbit world?"

"The hilly world becomes the Hobbit world, then the sunset town can be called the Middle-earth world, isn't it?" Oladi said with a smile.

The two sides enjoyed each other very much, and this design proposal was approved by Wang Bo.

Oladi wasn't the only one. He even listed the possibilities.

He helped Wang Bo choose a building material, a new material developed by an Australian laboratory. It uses fiber and resin to make a modular design. It is very strong and can be assembled to make a cabin.

In other words, this laboratory has developed a new type of building block material that is more durable and stronger, but it is a bit more expensive.

Oladi said: "It's not suitable to use in the market to make a big house, but what we want to do is a hut, just like a capsule hotel on a lake beach. They are used to assemble the hut to make a skeleton, which is the most suitable. "

Wang Bo nodded in agreement: "What are you waiting for? You design the style of these houses, and I will arrange for people to contact this company and start work!"

Pharaoh has a very strong ability to act, and his fierce popularity has always been his outstanding character. After making a decision, he began to order materials, and then chose a small hill to test.

As it happens, pavilions and pavilions have been built on the hills of the town's large sites, and the rest are small hills, and this cottage is suitable for small hills.

Bowen is in charge of this work. Wang Bo has other things to do, which is preparing to participate in the dog sled race in Alaska.

The competition was held in mid-January, and now it is early. They have to catch up and adapt the participating dogs to the cold climate of Alaska in advance.

The participating Chinese pastoral dogs have followed Tony Jackson to Edita Rhodes, and the strong and queen are still staying in the sunset town, and they are the ones to adapt to the snow and ice.

Wang Bo was scheduled to bring Eva, but now Eva is just pregnant, it is not a time to take a risk.

Bo Da and Bo Ma learned that he was going to Alaska, and they were determined not to allow Eva to go, saying, "You have to consider the body of the doll, if anything happens there, it will make your kid cry too late!" )

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