Happy Little Mayor

Chapter 1185: .On several methods of exterminating insects

Walking in the night, a group of people, dogs, cats and parrots went to the vegetable garden.

Tonight is not good, the sky is overcast and dark, and the moon cannot be seen.

Xiao Wang flicked his tail a little uneasily, ran two steps and ran to Lao Wang, looked up at him with a unique expression.

"Mad, you are scared even at night? Are you the offspring of lions and tigers?" Wang Bo was so upset, how could the little king become bolder and less courageous.

Bo Da looked at the sky and said, "This night is really scary. It is estimated that there will be a storm. Hurry to catch the slugs. If it rains, they will be arrogant."

Bo Ma said: "The most feared is the strong wind. They lay their eggs on the leaves, so once they are blown away, they are really all over the place."

The snots seem to be very weak, but in fact they are a kind of super-viable insects.

Only dry weather and hot sunlight are their natural enemies, and nothing else in nature threatens them.

In addition, they are resistant to hunger and thirst, and can survive for a long time without food or bad conditions.

Regardless of the smallness of the snot, a snot can damage vegetables that are tens of times heavier than its own one night. It can be described as "eating, pulling all the way, eating all the way".

Bo Da told him: "At that time, there must be two acres of cucumber field in our house. As a result, hundreds of runny worms were given to us in a few days."

"The worst thing is the leeks of Lao Liujia, which was confiscated for a year by the snot."

Wang Bo was surprised: "They are so powerful?"

Bo Ma said: "Your dad likes to exaggerate now. He didn't make it clear. The leeks are sold with leaves. The leaves are incomplete and have insect eyes. No one can buy them. stay home."

Wang Bo hesitated a moment and said, "Then, let's just use pesticides. Our vegetable plot is too big."

In specialized agricultural vegetable gardens, pesticides must be used only for large-scale pest control.

Bo Da did not agree: "Let's supply this vegetable garden to our family. What we want is pollution-free, pure natural. What kind of vegetable are we here?"

"Organic vegetables."

"Oh, yes, organic vegetables. We can't use pesticides. With pesticides, they become inorganic vegetables."

Pharaoh was shocked by Dad's ability to create nouns: Dad, you are really my dad!

It is not easy to use pesticides to exterminate insecticides in New Zealand. The common pesticide stores on rural streets in China are forbidden to open in New Zealand. It is more laborious to buy pesticides than antibiotics.

Wang Bo lamented: "Dad, hundreds of hectares of land, do you really intend to use all of them to catch bugs? Even if you want to catch bugs, you have to call out all the helpers?"

Even if you have the heart of a vegetable garden, you still need someone to help.

Bo Da and Bo Ma are in charge of the vegetable garden. In addition, Wang Bo has hired more than 20 helpers to produce vegetables. Otherwise, relying on the second old man, they can break their old bones.

Bo Ma said: "Don't show this bear-like, what did your mother tell you when you were young? Farm work, the less you do, the less bugs, not all the vegetable slugs appear in all vegetable fields, just small cabbage fields Have."

Wang Bo recalled that he wanted to estimate the area of ​​the cabbage field, but he hadn't come to the vegetable garden for too long. At most, he controlled it from the sand table. There was no impression of the cabbage field in his mind.

This vegetable plot is located at the southeast corner of the vegetable garden. Obviously, the runny bugs emerged from here. Fortunately, Bo Da and Bo Ma worked hard and checked every day.

The area of ​​the small cabbage field is small in the vegetable field, but it also looks like a dozen acres. Wang Bo shook his head, which can lead to a protracted battle.

The worms were caught by hand, and Bo Da took some small plastic buckets, sprinkled with edible salt, and caught the slugs and threw them in. They would soon lose water and die.

Snots are similar to snails without shells. They have mucus on the outside and are filled with a lot of fluid. They are afraid of high temperature and light, and they are afraid of losing water.

There are many ways to make them lose water. In addition to high-temperature light, dehydration with a desiccant is also a method. There is no desiccant in the castle. Boyd prepared salt, which is also effective.

Everyone wore a head-mounted hat, and started to catch bugs with disposable rubber gloves.

Little Lolita giggled excitedly after getting dressed: "Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, look at me, I've become a miner."

Wang Bo praised: "Where is this beautiful little miner? Come, mine with your brother-in-law ..."

Bo Da glared at him, and said, "How old are you, how can you say so casually?"

Wang Bo was inexplicable, and then rehearsed his own sentence, it seemed that there was some ambiguity, but Little Loli didn't notice it, and she was still there to organize her headlights to be beautiful.

Several people dispersed, and President Xiao laughed quickly: "Look, I caught two, and they stayed together."

The two slugs stacked on top of each other. The old man shook his head. The bear child, Mad, didn't know how much he had done anything harmful. The slugs definitely hated him. They were mating.

The slugs can be seen by opening the leaves of pakchoi, which is very easy to find, because the mucus on the outside of the slugs will reflect light, and the light will shine on it.

Wang Bo quickly caught more than a dozen and threw them into small buckets, without shell protection. The nasal slugs became dehydrated soon after being contaminated with salt.

But the efficiency was too low. He stood up after pulling out a while, pulled out his mobile phone and started to go online for help.

Googling how to deal with snots, the first answer came out is drug confrontation.

There is a medicine in New Zealand called slugbait, which is cheap and can be bought in many supermarkets.

Wang Bo suddenly refreshed, he saw the introduction, this thing is very effective against slugs.

However, because of its low toxicity, this thing can only numb the snail and keep it from moving for several hours, but it cannot kill them. There is no way. In New Zealand, low-toxic and efficient pesticides do not exist.

There are many methods circulating on the Internet. Wang Bo looked up and couldn't help laughing.

Among the online methods, some said that they buried a mug in the ground next to the plants and poured beer or sugar water to attract the slugs to fall and drown.

There is also a way to pour coffee grounds on the side of the plant. Caffeine poisoning and death will occur when the snots come into contact.

There is even a way for people to create a dark and humid environment, wait until dawn to attract the slugs to crawl in, and then wipe it out ...

Seeing that the Pharaoh couldn't help laughing, the New Zealanders were so funny and cute, they caught a bug and made it look like a spy. What's the idea!

He read it out to everyone, and everyone laughed. After the smile, the sky began to rain.

Seeing this, Bo Da and Bo Ma couldn't laugh.

(To be continued.)

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