Happy Little Mayor

Chapter 1231: . Write a testament (2/5)

Seeing this scene, all the policemen on the CMB bus were dumbfounded. A policewoman covered her mouth tightly and they were frightened.

The police who came back for training this time are also new police officers. They have only been employed for a year or two. They usually deal with neighbourhood disputes. At most, they are going to catch a thief. Where have you seen this scene?

Salinchi fists: "King, do a good job!"

He turned back and pointed at the police who had previously shot and attacked the robbers: "That was Police Officer Wang Bo of our 180th detachment. I think many people have heard of his name. He also just came to reinforcements, like you, But he has already killed two robbers, so the **** opposite are not as scary as you think. "

"Did it really die?" Someone asked with a sad face. "I'm a Buddhist. I can't kill anyone."

Wang Bo rushed over and pushed Salinci away. "What are you still doing here? Get off the bus and wait for those **** to shoot at the car?"

As soon as his voice fell, the distant bank extended his muzzle and spit bullets at it.

The window glass was smashed, and the driver in the driver's seat shuddered twice, then the window was planted, and the shoulders of the snow-white uniform turned red.

Seeing this, Sarin roared: "Sergeant Russell!"

Wang Bo pushed him away: "Go and see Officer Russell, the others come with me, hurry up, follow me!"

There was chaos in the car, and screams and heavy gasping sounds mixed together. Wang Bo let the door open, and everyone rushed to run down.

The police all got out of the car, Wang Bo jumped down and beckoned to them: "Xuete, why are you hiding here? Go to the convenience store behind! Haven't you learned? Bullets can shoot through the body!"

After hearing this, the policemen jumped and ran to the convenience store.

Wang Bo went in last, and no one was in the convenience store. He said, "The staff has been evacuated. No one takes a piece of paper and a pen to write a testament."

"What ?!" Another group of dead chickens.

Wang Bo said impatiently: "I do n’t understand what is written, written or written ?! Do I have to say a hundred times on horseback?"

"You, get the book and send it to everyone, find a pen on the shelf, write quickly, each person has five minutes, don't grind, write down what happened after you and give it to me."

"If you're alive later, come to me and leave the suicide note. If I die unfortunately, I will give the suicide note to your family!"

"Sergeant, did you write it?" Someone asked timidly.

Wang Bo threw the police cap to the ground and said fiercely: "Of course it is written! Damn, my wife has just been pregnant for a few months! I urge you to write as fast as possible, don't think of Russell Police officer ... "

At this moment Sarinch walked in quickly, and Wang Bo looked at him and said, "How is Officer Russell?"

Sarinchi whispered: "The neck was shot, the carotid artery was broken, and the doctor was over when he came over."

Wang Bo stomped on the police cap, angrily: "Fak Fak Fak! What are you still doing? Quickly write!"

Another policeman came in and shouted, "Where is the **** reinforcement?"

Wang Bodao: "Write a testament."

The policeman said, "Hurry up! Those bitch-girls on the other side want to rush out! Aos those idiots Fak haven't arrived yet, we must stand up!"

"What about heavy weapons? Have they been transferred?"

"No, what about these reinforced policemen? Do you have automatic rifles? Do you have sniper rifles? Or the best machine gun for stepping on horses ..."

One student called, "Police Officer, we don't even have a pistol!"

The policeman who just arrived suddenly stunned: "What? You don't even have a pistol? So how do you come to reinforce?"

Wang Bo grabbed a policeman and said, "You don't have a pistol ?! What do you have? How did you get reinforcements?"

Buckelder came out and said, "Hey, calm down, calm down. We are a team of 18 students, Officer Wang, are you 180? Are you carrying a gun when you came to train?"

Wang Bo pushed him away and said, "Speak well and ask questions. When are you asking questions again ?!"

Sarinchi scratched his hair with both hands and shouted, "What can I do?"

Wang Bo said: "It doesn't matter. There are toy guns in convenience stores. We have an allusion in Chinese history called the empty city plan. Maybe we can also use the empty city plan."

"How is it, king?"

Wang Bo pointed at the street and said, "It's very simple. Let them show up on the street with guns. The robbers will be very scared. With so many policemen and so many guns, they won't want to rush out anymore. It's all right when aos arrives. "

Another man arrived, a doctor with blood on his white coat. He ran in and said, "Sergeant Billy is not good. You are his buddy. Go and see him for the last time ..."

Wang Bo stepped back immediately, shouting desperately: "How can this happen? He was shot in the leg ..."

"It hit the femoral artery and the bullet got stuck in the pelvis. We lost too much blood in the process of getting the bullet for him. Unless a large amount of blood is transfused for him now, type AB blood," the doctor said.

A few policemen did not hesitate to throw away the pen and stood up and said, "I am ab. I'm fine. I can, right away!"

Just then, a voice came from the intercom: "Look at the bank door!"

Two people walked out of the bank. One was tall and big, and he was wearing a mask of evil spirits. He was over one meter nine meters tall, with wide shoulders and a wide bald head, and looked very scary.

Dahan held a bank clerk in his hand, and he shouted: "The outside police listen and get away immediately! Otherwise we will kill a hostage every minute!"

After that, he pulled the trigger cruelly, and the bank clerk fell to the ground with blood splashing.

Wang Bo slammed the table fiercely and asked the police, "Are you ready to write ?!"

A policewoman said in horror: "It's not five minutes ..."

Wang Bo said impatiently: "Hurry up, hurry up, there isn't so much time! After writing, take the toy gun and go out and do it for me!"

"Wasn't it sent to death ?!" The police quit.

Wang Bo said: "You don't have to fight hard to scare the gangsters. Besides, we are police. Do we let ordinary people die if we don't die?"

A copy of the postscript was sent up, and the bank door was opened, and the gangsters rushed out with their rifles and went straight to the convenience store.

Seeing this scene, saw a dozen gangsters running with rifles and assault rifles, the police in the convenience store was frightened and shouted, "What should I do?"

"Go ahead, you guys have a gun!"

"Virgin Mary, please forgive my sin ..."

Wang Bo sighed and said, "Sorry, everyone, I want to say something to you."

"Happy April Fool's Day!" Sarinchi shouted with the police and doctor.

(To be continued.)

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