Happy Little Mayor

Chapter 1234: . Silverfish tide (5/5)

According to the words of the Mexican pretty boy, Wang Bo went to find the second-generation Williams who were still in the sunset town.

After seeing him, Williams was very happy and waved, "Hey, Wang, I heard what police secret operation you are going to perform. How is it going, all right?"

Wang Bo smiled bitterly: "Where did you get the gossip? I obviously went to the Royal Police Academy for training. Where did you perform any secret operations?"

Williams blinked at him and said, "I know, I know man, this is a covert operation. Is it inconvenient to disclose it?"

Wang Bo shrugged and no longer explained. He remembered the theme this time and said, "Have you recently raised a male Rottweiler?"

As soon as he heard this, Williams knew his purpose, and an awkward smile appeared on his face.

Wang Bo said: "Don't laugh, man, don't tell me, you know what your dog did."

Williams spread his hand and said, "If I say I don't know, it's deceiving you, but I can't control this thing, my bomber likes your queen, the queen feels good to it, and then they are together Now. "

He brought a dog keeper to help, and the worker said, "Mr. Mayor, in fact, this is voluntarily given by the queen. It is in the season of love and love, and the bomber is a man of good looks, blood and virtue Dog, it chose the bomber. "

Williams nodded hurriedly: "Yes, yes, your queen is not a good dog, man. He stayed with the bomber a few times and then ignored the bomber."

"For this reason, the bomber is very sad and runs into your castle every day. But the strong man is a stingy guy. It does not allow the bomber to enter your site, so for several days, the bomber has been looking at the castle at the foot of the mountain, waiting for the Queen someday Will change his mind and come out to find it. I swear, what I say is true. "

"What about your bomber?" Wang Bo asked.

Williams Road: "I locked it at home. It needs rest. Some time ago it was looking for it day and night in pursuit of the queen. His body was exhausted."

Wang Bo said: "I'm going to look at it and see if it matches the queen of my family."

Williams laughed: "There is no doubt about this. The bomber is definitely the best Rottweiler in the world. Its bloodline is superb. I generally don't let it mate with **** casually."

They drove to the villa area, and now the villa has been delivered. Many people started to renovate. Williams immediately bought it and renovated it. They had money to do things and the renovation was fast. He had already lived in it.

There is no fence or fence in the villa area, but Williams's villa is surrounded by beautiful small fences, mainly because he has a lot of dogs and is worried about affecting others.

Seeing his car, several dogs in the yard suddenly stood up and swayed their tails.

After they entered, Williams called a 'bomber' and a mighty Rottweiler ran over.

This Rottweiler is not very tall, it is of medium length, with a wide head cover, a short and thick nose and mouth, a forehead that is quite swollen, two foreheads that are very wide, and the expression is always noble, alert and confident.

Its body is almost square, and it looks like it is strong and strong. It has a wide chest and a straight back. It looks like a good dog at first sight.

Of course, with William's identity, status, and wealth, his dogs can't go wrong.

After the bomber ran out happily, first came to Williams and sat down, then sniffed and looked at Wang Bo.

Because Bo Bo had the smell of a queen, the bomber's eyes lit up. Then he looked at Williams and saw that the master had no special instructions, he walked slowly to Wang Bo.

Helping the queen identify her husband, Wang Bo returned to work with confidence.

Half a month after he returned, New Zealand entered the silverfish fishing season.

He had also farmed silverfish in Lake Hawea before, but this fish grew slowly, so there was no large-scale harvest. Starting in mid-April, with the hot weather, the silverfish school came out.

The New Zealand silverfish's English name is whitebait. It is not a single species, but a collective name for some small fishes that have similar appearances and a similar size.

Silverfish is rich in nutrients, high in protein, low in fat, rich in calcium, does not need boneless cooking, and has a delicious taste, which is beneficial to human health and improve immunity.

The silverfish appearing in Lake Hawea is about 4 to 5 cm in length. It is white or pale silver, and some bodies are even translucent. They appear in groups in the lake.

New Zealanders don't like freshwater products, but silverfish is an exception. This fish is rich in nutrition and delicious, and easy to eat. It has soft bones and no internal organs. It can be fried or braised.

Seeing the silverfish school in Lake Hawea, Atulu came to Wang Bo excitedly and asked him to lead the team to catch music.

"Boss, you have to seize this opportunity. Only these ten days can catch the silverfish. Other times are not."

Except for the half-month in mid-late April, the rest of the time is the fishing season for silverfish.

This is naturally to protect the population of silverfish. As a small fish, silverfish lives at the very bottom of the food chain. Its existence provides a source of food for other aquatic products. If silverfish are overfished, then What follows will be the extinction of other types of fish.

Wang Bo has not eaten New Zealand silverfish, but it is also found in China. The seawater in their hometown was rich in small silverfish, and it is really delicious when fried.

After seeing these silver fish, Bo Da and Bo Ma were more interested than Atulu.

Because in their hometown, silverfish can be used as soup. Silverfish soup, like catfish soup, is a big tonic. It is very helpful for pregnant women and can promote the effects of diuretic and nourishing yin.

Bo Da and Bo Ma went to prepare the nets, and New Zealand was not allowed to use the nets for fishing for silverfish. Wang Bo specifically told them to buy small eye nets for small fish.

After seeing the school of silverfish, he arranged for the police to go on duty to prevent anyone from unscrupulously fishing for silverfish with a household net.

Silverfish are not cheap in New Zealand. After all, they are small in size, all are wild rather than farmed, and fishing for silverfish is basically done manually.

Wang Bo looked on the Internet. The price of this kind of silverfish in the supermarket is $ 150 per kilogram, and it is still a common commodity. If it is a fine silverfish produced on the coast of Dunedin, it will cost more than 500 yuan per kilogram.

Silver fish is not the name of a certain fish, but a general term for this type of fish, so there are not only freshwater fish but also marine fish.

Many people in the sunset town, when they saw the silver fish school, took off with fishing nets.

In addition, many outsiders also came to catch silverfish. Seeing this, Wang Bo quickly issued a rule that the lake only allows half an hour of fishing time every day, and silverfish are not allowed to be caught at other times!

(To be continued.)

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