Happy Little Mayor

Chapter 327: .Snow Pigeon Hunter (3/5)

Daiquiri is really powerful. This stuff is suppressed by ice and lemon juice. It tastes sweet, but after all, it has a high degree of alcohol, and it plays its role in the back.

The moment before, Pharaoh ate the pancake roll barbecue, and the next moment he felt his head cyanotic, and quickly sat down.

Bowen ran with a smirk when he saw it, holding a glass of Daiquiri in his hand, and said, "Come here, Boss, dry this glass! Dry this glass!"

Pharaoh shook his hand and said, "No, I'm going to vomit, I can't drink anymore, you go drink."

"How can a man say no? Come here, drink, drink, but you can rarely drink Daiquiri. Boss, you speak Chinese well, it ’s a short night, drink it!"

The old king understood that the grandson had deliberately come to run on him, so he shouted, "Zhuang Ding, Xiao Wang, come here and give me this bastard!"

He reached for Bowen, and beside him, a little Wang who was struggling with a cow's foreleg immediately got up, looked at Bowen with an excited look, and a tiger jumped at him ...

The Liger Beast thought that Bowen was going to tease him, so it was very active.

Bowen screamed, "Oh no ..."

Then the person was crushed to the ground.

This is not the end. The strong man drove away from Xiao Wang, holding Bowen with his front paws, and leaned on his body, crawling on Bowen's back and began to shake the buttocks rhythmically: he heard the command "do", so he did 'of.

The New Zealander's party is very lively, and people are very entertaining. Seeing this scene, the party does not first let the children cover their eyes, but applauds.

Bowen tried his best to push Zhuang Ding away, and he didn't dare to come back to Yin Pharaoh again, far behind him.

Drunk feels very bad. Pharaoh stood up and stomped into the kitchen. He wanted to drink a bowl of soup to squeeze the wine, but he couldn't help but walked into the kitchen and vomited.

A faint shower * smell spread into his nose, and someone patted him on the back, chuckling and asked, "How about, is this wine strong enough?"

This is Eva, Wang Bo can tell from the taste, even now he smells the most alcoholic smell.

After a spit, the sky was dark, and he estimated that he would spit out everything he had eaten, which would make him much more comfortable.

Eva prepared warm boiled water, dripped lemon juice in it, and let him rinse his mouth: "Lemon juice is very suitable to suppress the taste of wine, come on, you will be a living creature again after you rinse your mouth."

"I smell lemon now and want to vomit." Pharaoh smiled bitterly, Daiquiri was made from lime juice.

Eva poured it into his mouth and shouted, "How can there be so many things? This is the most suitable thing. If you just rinse your mouth with water, you can't suppress the taste of this wine."

After washing his mouth, the beauty teacher simmered him a bowl of beef bone soup. In the autoclave, the soup has been stewed into a milky white. Of course this is why Pharaoh added some milk to it.

The beef bone soup is very fragrant. Adding a little milk will make it more beautiful and stickier. Sprinkle some wild vegetables on it, and it will taste the flavor of beef and the sweetness of wild vegetables. Later, the uncomfortable body suddenly became comfortable because of vomiting.

Eva looked at him with a look of enjoyment, and poured a bowl herself. After taking two sips, she grabbed some wild vegetables and said, "Where did you learn from cooking? It's so admirable."

"My mother taught it to serve his wife and children in the future." Wang Bo said with a smile.

Eva thought he was joking, but it was true ...

After vomiting, Pharaoh's vitality came back. He drank two bowls of beef bone soup to calm his stomach, and then went to the courtyard, and drew Bowen and Kidd to drink again.

Kidd couldn't bear it first, and fell to the ground to sleep while holding Xiao Wang.

Xiao Wang pushed him away with his big claws. Pharaoh pointed to the guest room. He opened his mouth and kidded Kid's clothes, and raised his head to carry him to the bed in the room.

"This tiger is so powerful, oh no, is it a lion?" Carter exclaimed.

Wang Bo protected the news of the lion and tiger beast well. Although he took it to the town several times, he did not let it show up. Most people in the town did not know the existence of Xiao Wang.

The others were knocked down one after the other, so the party was almost over, and Catherine and Eva, who were not drinking, drove them away one by one. In the end, Wang Bo couldn't bother to clean up the mess and got into the bedroom and fell asleep.

In the morning, he woke up, and a gurgling sound rang out of the window. The hangover did not make him uncomfortable. The heart of the second-level castle was amazing. As long as he slept, his negative feelings and emotions would disappear.

But these bird calls still annoy him, needless to say, this is the call of a snow pigeon.

There are more and more snow pigeons in the castle, and they don't know if they can be changed by the heart of the lair, but they are much smarter. When they found that the captain stole the bird eggs, they no longer left regularly, but left the guard in batches. .

The captain hasn't tried to steal bird eggs recently. There are too many snow pigeons and they can't beat them.

"I don't know how to sleep, I hear birds everywhere." The old man said with a sigh. "Grandma, this poem is pretty beautiful. I really hear birds everywhere, annoying! Captain, go, drive them away!"

The captain pretended not to hear, and kept tidying his feathers with his mouth.

Pharaoh shouted again, and the captain saw that he couldn't hold it, and jumped to the window and shouted: "Ah! Your mother has blown up! Ah, your mother has blown up! Ah, go! Ah, go!"

"Well ..." The scream was still arrogant.

When he heard the birds cry, Fat became interested. He wanted to climb up to the window, but his short legs were doomed to jump. He couldn't jump from the bed to the window sill. He wanted to climb up from the wall. The wall was smooth. It climbed no more than half a meter high, and it fell down suddenly.

Seeing the anxious fat, Pharaoh came to the spirit, yes, he now has rabbits and cats. They are very interested in catching birds and very brave. Why do you ignore them?

Thinking of doing it, Wang Bo put the big fat and the second fat on the window, and the two rabbits flew up, the snow pigeons panicked and screamed, flapped their wings and flew away.

In this way, the bedroom suddenly quieted down.

Pharaoh lay on the windowsill and looked out. These snow pigeons were annoying. There was bird feces everywhere on the windowsill. The heart of the castle did not purify so quickly. In summer, it would be stinky.

So Pharaoh began to order: "Big fat, take two fat to catch birds!"

Fatty looked at him ignorantly. He reached out to the snow pigeons. Fatty understood, and a little bit of fat, chubby head, ran away with two fat.

The rabbit's small short legs restricted their flexibility and speed, but they were good at ambushing, and when they found a place where snow pigeons often gathered, the two of them stayed still.

More than a dozen snow pigeons flew down, and the fat and two fats exerted their forces almost at the same time. ‘Hoo’ swooped up and held the snow pigeons with their mouths accurately! (To be continued.)

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