Happy Little Mayor

Chapter 830: . Non-stop storms (Happy National Day)

On the first day of the first month of the month, the National Day is a great day. I hope everyone is happy and happy during the holidays, so pay attention to safety and don't overeating. Then, take the opportunity to ask for a monthly ticket. Although it hasn't changed much, it is updated at least 4D daily after it is put on the shelves. I think it should be encouraged, thanks! ****

A tropical cyclone is a low-pressure system formed over the warm, high-temperature waters of the ocean. The airflow inside the system is very active; the cyclone formed in the southern hemisphere will rotate clockwise, and the highest wind can reach more than 200 kilometers per hour!

Its transfer speed is also very fast, the sky just changed in the morning, and it immediately began to rain in the morning.

Unlike the previous rainfall, this time the rain was not a small rain tick and then the rainfall increased, but a sudden downpour in the sky!

"It's okay, just heavy rain, no wind." Kidd breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the heavy rain in the office, previously he had been drawing a cross on his chest.

As a result, he finished the remarks less than half an hour, and the gale that was late arrived immediately, just as it had rained before. When the wind blew into the sunset town, it was a gale. A row of small trees in front of the government was almost blown!

"Fack, you crow mouth!" Wang Bo couldn't help scolding.

Kid blinked embarrassingly, arguing: "Boss, how can you blame me? It is natural knowledge that tropical cyclones are accompanied by strong winds, even if I don't say anything wind will come."

Wang Bo was too lazy to talk to him more.

The high winds swept the torrential rain, tapping on the glass and making a 'bang' sound, as if someone was smashing a window, and the sound was extremely appalling.

Wang Bo looked out. Because of the heavy rain, the visibility outside was very low. It might not reach one or two meters. What he saw was all water.

Conley fiddled with the computer and said, "Lorina is really a grumpy little girl. There are storm surges in the coastal areas."

Tropical cyclones can cause strong winds and heavy rainfall, and then cause severe floods. In more severe areas, the vegetation on the surface is likely to be largely destroyed, eventually causing flash floods and debris flows.

Although New Zealand is located at a higher latitude, it is not a place where cyclones are active. However, because New Zealand is an island country, the mainland of New Zealand, especially the North Island, is subject to several tropical cyclones, large and small.

Although its destructive power is not as great as near the equator, there is news every year in New Zealand about which tropical cyclone landings have damaged houses, damaged roads, electricity, sewage pipelines and other infrastructure.

For coastal cities, it is even more destructive. Huge waves caused by hurricanes can overturn ships moored in ports and near the coast, and they can easily cause severe coastal erosion when the waves hit the shore.

But this is not the most threatening and destructive problem. The most powerful part of tropical cyclones is that they can cause "storm surges".

Once the storm surge occurs, it will cause sea level rise, allow seawater containing a large amount of salt to be poured back into low-lying areas on the land and allow these areas to be immersed in seawater for a period of time.

Seawater contains salt, which can destroy the structure of buildings, corrode metals such as steel, and destroy local vegetation.

After listening to Kidd's words, Wang Bo sighed a bit, the damage to Christchurch was severe enough this time.

Storms and heavy rain have been raging. From 10 am to 4 pm, the sunset town seems to be boxing bags destroyed by heavy boxers, crumbling in the storm.

Seeing the rain falling, Wang Bo was worried about the drainage system, and took Uncle Bing and Atulu to watch the drainage problem outside.

Elizabeth prepared raincoats for them, and Aturu pushed them away. He said boldly, "Why a raincoat? Put on shorts and naked upper body. This is the best gesture to welcome the storm!"

The writer next to Hill was surprised: "Man, when have you become such a man?"

Wang Bo said: "Don't play any chicken soup game now, put on your raincoat honestly."

Atulu explained: "Boss, what's the use of wearing a raincoat? Believe me, I have experience. It's the best way to go out naked in this weather."

Uncle Bing shrugged, "This time I'm on Aturu's side, he's right."

No time to talk, Wang Bo nodded and took off his shirt, then wanted to open the door and go out.

This push, with his divine power, He did not push the door open!

The wind outside was too strong, blowing a southerly wind, and the strong wind blocked the door.

Kidd and others came up to help. Almost all the men in the government building went into battle. It wasn't that it took so many people to open the door. It was not difficult to open the door. The difficulty was that the door was closed slowly under the wind.

Otherwise, with this wind, a door blows when the wind blows.

He went out against the strong wind, and the wind and rain slaped on him, as if he was beaten by a whip, and his whole body was in pain.

Atulu was right. Any protective gear in this day is wasteful. The wind is too strong. It is estimated that the raincoat will be blown away once it is worn out, or it may be blown away by people.

I couldn't see clearly in the office building. The water was rolling on the streets outside. They went on the road, and the rain did not reach their knees, as if a river appeared on the town.

Uncle Bing shouted to Wang Bo, but the wind and rain were heavy, Wang Bo could only see him open his mouth, but could not hear his voice.

Although there is a lot of rainwater, the town's drainage system has not yet been destroyed. Wang Bo feels that this is thanks to the heart of the lake, because the alternative of the drainage system is to the lake.

At first, he invested heavily in the drainage system. Domestic sewage first went to the underground storage sewage tank. If it exceeded the capacity of the sewage tank, it would be discharged to Lake Hawea.

The latter possibility is prepared for such extreme rainfall weather.

After simply checking the drainage, Wang Bo and others fled into the office and fled back to the office building.

The weather outside is too bad. If you stay outside for another second, your life is in danger for a second.

As soon as the three men opened the door and entered, the door of the room was slammed by the wind, and the door and window glass shook for a while, but it didn't break.

"Xuete, this horse-riding ghost weather!" Asulu sweared as soon as he returned to the house.

Uncle Bing said, "Boss, this disaster is terrible, and I think we need to prepare for an escape plan."

"So terrible?"

"Be prepared, and for some buildings, they may need to escape."

Many buildings in Sunset Town are building houses, which are really difficult to resist extreme weather.

Wang Bo wanted to make a call and found that there was no signal on the mobile phone. Conley said: "Maybe an hour ago, there was a problem with the recent signal tower. I guess the line was hung up by the wind. The signal station is out of service and is under repair. "

"If you want to be notified, you can go through our web forum and everyone is talking about this **** weather."

Wang Bo took a look at the Internet and immediately thanked him for his decision to build a smart city network system. The network base station was no problem and the network was still available.

The overall situation in the town is not bad, except that many houses have been exposed to wind and water leaks. The windows and doors of some houses have shattered, but the roof has been blown off or even the house has been blown away.

(To be continued.)

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