Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 104 Birthday Banquet Invitation

If a cousin marries a cousin and a cousin marries a cousin, in the future, not only will it not be allowed by law, but even if there is such an idea, the parents of both sides will break their legs if they are not stabbed in the back by others.

But in today's era, it is the most normal thing.

The saying "cousins ​​are born to be a pair" has existed since ancient times. The ancients who did not have the concept of genes and heredity believed that this was "close relatives", so they had such a deformed complex.

After thinking it through, the strange color in Li Yi's eyes slowly disappeared.

He sighed for a long time, kid, it's not your fault, it's this world that is wrong...

However, it seems that in the ancient times of the original world, cousins ​​can get married, but cousins ​​can't, right?

Although people in that era still lacked scientific knowledge about this, the concept of ethics and morality was more profound than in later generations. Cousins ​​are already considered to have a close blood relationship and cannot get married. If someone dares to hit on the cousin, he will still be broken...

Could it be that people in this world don't have such an understanding?

When he gets to know Li Xuan better, he will find a chance to remind him. If they really get married in the future and give birth to a fool or a child with congenital defects, Li Yi will feel guilty.

"By the way, where do you live? Why can't so many people in Qing'an Prefecture find you? Even the daughter of the prefect Dong can't find you even with the power of the government." Li Xuan looked at him and suddenly remembered something and asked.

He has been puzzled about this for a long time. He cured his mother's depression that time, and the Ning Wang Mansion also sent people to look for her, but still found nothing.

There are quite a few people named Li Yi registered by the government, but after checking them one by one, they found that none of them are the people they are looking for.

There is one person whose age and identity are more consistent, but when they sent people to ask, they learned that the scholar named Li Yi had gone insane not long ago and never came back after running out of the village. The villagers searched everywhere but to no avail, and have reported to the government and listed him as a missing person.

Crazy------then it naturally wouldn't be him.

"I live in a remote place outside the city, so it's normal that I can't find it." Li Yi replied.

Li Xuan seemed to remember something and said, "My mother's birthday will be in a few days. You should come with me. Last time you cured my mother's illness, the palace hasn't thanked you properly."

The birthday party of the princess must be attended by well-known figures in Qing'an City. Why would he join in the fun? Li Yi wanted to find a reason to refuse, but after thinking about it, an idea suddenly popped up in his mind. After hesitating for a while, he nodded.

"There are still some days before my mother's birthday. Tell me your address, and I will send someone to invite you... Forget it, let's talk about this later." Li Xuan waved his hand, looked at him, and showed an expectant expression on his face, and said, "Let's talk about how many poems you want to give me."

Obviously, Li Xuan is still obsessed with this moment.

"Are you so sure that your cousin likes poems and lyrics?" Li Yi sighed and looked at him and asked.

I always thought that my EQ was low enough, but I didn't expect that there was a weirdo whose EQ was even lower than his.

"Don't these women like poetry?" Li Xuan looked up at him and said in astonishment.

Those so-called talents in Qing'an Prefecture often deceived those women with a few poems, isn't it because they all like this tune?

Not to mention the distant past, when "Magpie Bridge Fairy" and "Water Melody Song Head" were released, there were countless women in Qing'an Prefecture who secretly admired Li Yi. Doesn't this mean anything?

Li Yi looked at him as if he was looking at an idiot.

"You have known her for such a long time, have you ever seen her talk about poetry in front of you?"

Li Xuan's expression was stunned, and after thinking for a while, he shook his head and said, "It seems... no."

"Women in the world have different looks and personalities, so how can they be generalized? In fact, they are just like men. There are those who respect literature and those who respect martial arts. Which type do you think she is?" Although Li Yi only met the female detective once, he also knew her personality.

Her martial arts are so high, probably the same type as Ruyi and Ruyi. People who respect martial arts generally look down on scholars who are weak and powerless. They are far from those ladies from wealthy families and rich ladies who can deceive their hearts by reciting a few lines of romance.

On the other side, after listening to Li Yi's words, Li Xuan's expression has become serious, and he seems to be lost in thought.

Li Yi stood up, patted his shoulder, and said: "When pursuing a woman, you must not act too hastily. You need to understand her preferences first. If you act rashly, it will only backfire."

When he said this, he felt that something seemed wrong.

Is he teaching Li Xuan to pick up girls, pick up her cousin?

So, he is actually helping him to do evil?

At this time, Li Xuan's face showed a look of sudden realization. When he looked at Li Yi again, his complexion had changed a lot. He bowed and said: "Listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books. You are a master in this way. I should have thought that you can even conquer such a beautiful wife's sister... I admire you, I admire you!"

Li Yi's face darkened again. He felt that he could no longer chat with this guy.

After saying this, Li Xuan no longer entangled how many poems Li Yi should give him to repay his kindness, and turned to other attention.

Before parting, he reminded Li Yi again that he must have a good exchange of ideas the next time they meet. What exactly is the "Female Psychology" and "36 Ways to Chase a Girl" he just mentioned...

Li Yi did not leave the address of Liuye Village. By that time, it is estimated that the shops in the city will be open for business. Just go there to find him.

Li Xuan was still a little surprised that Li Yi actually opened a shop in Qing'an Prefecture. The status of merchants was low. Generally speaking, scholars disdained business and thought that it would lower their status.

Many dignitaries were like the Ning Wang Mansion. Although they also had business outside, they would never stand in the open and cooperate with those merchants. They left the things that were exposed to the public to them.

However, he knew how Li Yi did things. He had never figured out his routine. He was not like an orthodox scholar at all. If not for this, Li Xuan might not have been interested in him at first.

Of course, Li Xuan was also very curious about the "Ruyi Lu" that he had never heard of. The strange paintings and candied haws, the things he made were always unusual and very strange. I wonder what the "Ruyi Lu" is. I must see it when the time comes...

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