Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 111: Master Li?

At this time, in a garden somewhere in the inner courtyard of the mansion, several young women gathered together, whispering quietly. 』

"That wishful dew, is it really that magical?" The woman surnamed Chen told them what happened last night, and a woman next to her asked in disbelief.

A woman opposite also spoke again: "I'm afraid Yu Ning may have exaggerated. Since the beginning of autumn, mosquitoes have been rampant. We have also tried various methods. Why have we never heard of this "Ruyi Dew"?"

For women, rampant mosquitoes are indeed an annoying thing after autumn. Several close friends were talking just now. A woman named Chen Yuning talked about a thing called "Ruyi" that these women had never heard of. "Lu" strange objects aroused their curiosity.

"Is that thing really as good as the shopkeeper said?" The woman who went to the street with the woman surnamed Chen yesterday looked at her in surprise and asked.

"You will know if it is useful or not. You will know after you try it." Chen Yuning did not explain too much, turned around and looked at it, and said a little strangely: "What happened to Xiu'er today? You have been away for so long and you still haven't come back?"

As I was thinking curiously in my heart, the figure of the little maid who was close to me finally appeared in sight.

Seeing the little maid walking over with empty hands, a look of confusion appeared on her face and she asked, "Where are the things I asked you to buy?"

The little maid made a sad face and said somewhat innocently: "Miss, when I found the "Ruyi Fang", the shopkeeper said that Ruyi Dew had been sold out... However, I have already made an agreement with them that they will keep it tomorrow. If we want the Ruyi Dew, Xiu'er can just go get it when the time comes."

The woman surnamed Chen looked at her suspiciously and asked, "How could it be sold out so early? To be honest, were you lazy and going shopping again just now?"

The young lady exposed her immediately, and the little maid felt a little guilty. She quickly changed the subject and said, "By the way, young lady, I went to Ruyifang today and discovered something."

"whats the matter?"

The little maid's trick was indeed effective. The woman surnamed Chen was aroused by her curiosity and asked with some doubts.

Several women around him were obviously interested in this, and they all looked at the little maid.

Thinking of that incident, the little maid was still a little surprised and said: "The shopkeeper of Ruyifang seems to be Mr. Li..."

"Mr. Li, which Mr. Li?"

When she said this, the woman named Chen became even more curious.

"Master Li?"

"The shopkeeper of Ruyifang?"

"what is going on?"

The reactions of several women around her seemed to be stronger than hers, with gossipy expressions on their faces, "Mr. Li...could it be that our eldest lady of the Chen family has finally fallen in love with the world?"

Hearing the nonsense of several people, the woman surnamed Chen glared at them, then looked at the little maid and asked: "If you talk in roundabout ways, you are asking for a beating? Come on, Mr. Li, what is going on?"

When the little maid heard this, she said a little aggrievedly: "That day at the Mid-Autumn Poetry Festival, Miss asked me to invite Mr. Li to the banquet. Miss, have you forgotten?"

I secretly thought in my heart, the young lady is really heartless. She obviously liked Mr. Li very much that day, but how long has passed, she doesn’t even remember what he looks like...

"Mid-Autumn Poetry Party, banquet?" The expression on the pretty face of the woman surnamed Chen was stunned, and then she seemed to remember something, and asked with some surprise: "You mean Mr. Li?"

There was only one talented person she sent Xiu'er to invite to the Mid-Autumn Poetry Festival, so she naturally remembered it quickly.

Could it be that the handsome young man she met yesterday was the Li Yi from "Magpie Bridge Immortal" and "Shui Tiao Ge Tou"?

On the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, although she was shocked by the other party's talent, she did not see his appearance. She only heard from people around her that Mr. Li was both talented and beautiful. There were few talented people in Qing'an Prefecture who could compare with him. She still regretted that she had never seen him before. However, he did not expect that Mr. Li would not be acquainted with him when he met him in Ruyi Square yesterday...

"What Mr. Li?"

"Who is Mr. Li?"

"Yeah, come on, come on, come on, don't be so pretentious!"

Seeing the expression on Chen Yuning's face, several women around her became more confused and felt uncomfortable, so they all asked.

"That's Mr. Li Yi from "Shui Tiao Ge Tou"..." The little maid looked at the few people and said with some confusion.

But I was curious in my heart, what happened to them? They had been talking about Mr. Li a few days ago and read his poems all day long. Why do they all seem to have amnesia now?

It seems that all the ladies from these wealthy families are ruthless people...

With this thought in her heart, when she looked at the ladies again, the little maid couldn't help but be startled, and was frightened by the light blooming in their eyes, and took several steps back.



Next door to Ruyifang, the owner of the cloth shop slowly walked out of the shop and glanced at the shop opposite.

He had done this action countless times in the past two days.

I don't know when, the door that had been closed for a day was opened.

The shop opposite is really strange. It was only open the day before yesterday. It was open for half an hour yesterday, and the shopkeeper has never been seen again since then.

Could it be that you gave up because your business was not doing well?

The more the fat shopkeeper thought about it, the more likely it was. The shopkeeper looked more like a scholar than a businessman. He opened a shop but didn't call out. Customers didn't even know what was sold there. How could he get business?

The rent of this shop was probably one or two silver coins a day. No business meant losses. He wanted to see how long the shop could last.

When the shop couldn't be opened anymore, he could talk to the scholar and maybe sublease it at a low price. By then, the cloth shop could also expand its scale, and the business would probably be better...

If the business was better, he could consider opening a few more shops and hiring a few more assistants. He could just count the silver behind the scenes. If he could become the largest cloth merchant in Qing'an City within his lifetime, he would have no regrets in his life.

Not far away, a dozen women walked together and came in this direction.

The fat shopkeeper saw clearly that these women were coming in the direction of the cloth shop, and a smile immediately appeared on his face.

There are so many customers coming in early in the morning. The business of the cloth shop is booming. Tomorrow, I will talk to the scholar. If he is willing to transfer the shop, the price can be negotiated...

This way, he will be one step closer to his dream.

Thinking of this, the fat shopkeeper's smile became even brighter.

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