Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 229: Seeking Help is Blocked

Li Yi urged the car dealer to speed up and arrived at the foot of Luliu Mountain in only half the usual time. sounds of nature novel

Without any delay, we arrived at the village without incident. Before we even entered the village, several people came over.

Li Yi easily recognized that it was Uncle Liu Qi's family. When he wanted to get involved in the candied haws business, he was one of the first people to speak.

At this moment, this family is covered with burdens of all sizes, including the two naughty children.

Seeing Li Yi at the gate of the village, Liu Qishu and his mother-in-law were stunned for a moment. The expressions on their faces became strange, and they walked straight past Li Yi without saying hello to him.

The two naughty children paused, raised their heads and looked at him, called "Sir" in a low voice, turned around and caught up with their parents.

When Li Yi stood there and looked into the village, he saw several more blurry figures carrying thin luggage walking towards this side.

Among these people, there were members of the Liu clan and ordinary farmers. The look in their eyes could be described as weird. More people passed by him without saying a word. Occasionally, some people would come forward. Give him a thank you.

For those farmers who don't even have land, ten taels of silver, if saved a little, is enough for their family to spend two years in addition to settling down.

Although Ruyi is only the leader in name, and they have never acknowledged her in their hearts, from this point of view, they are indeed treated well. There is no resentment in these people's hearts, they just want to leave the place where they have lived for so long. Somewhat reluctant to give up.

I don't know if it was Li Yi's illusion, but when I walked through the village, I felt that the entire village was much emptier than before. It wasn't until I walked to the door of my house that I heard a rough voice coming from inside.

"Miss, what are you talking about? If I don't leave, I won't leave. I've lived for most of my life and I can't be afraid of these little thieves..."

This is Lao Fang’s voice.

Another voice came out next: "Hey, Miss, we all know where the food you gave us in the past two years came from. If you leave now, will we still be human?"

After this voice came, several voices in the courtyard immediately echoed.

"You damn Green Forest Man, are you really treating us like a soft persimmon?"

"Listen to Lao Fang this time, we won't leave!"

When Li Yi opened the door and walked in, everyone turned their heads and looked here.

Liu Ruyi was stunned for a moment, then walked over quickly and asked, "Ms. sir, why are you back?"

Li Yi looked at her and said: "Everyone will come back to Fucheng with me. No matter how brave they are, they will not dare to run wild in the city."

There are more than a thousand defenders in Fucheng. As long as those people show up in large numbers, the government will not care. If those people dare to take action in Fucheng, they will not be able to escape even if they have wings. But here, they don't have so many scruples.

"Already your husband knows?" Liu Ruyi looked at him and asked.

Li Yi looked into her eyes. Did she still plan to hide such a big thing from herself?

Liu Ruyi smiled and said: "What is supposed to come will always come. Don't worry, sir. In fact, I am very skilled in martial arts...those people are nothing to be afraid of."

Liu Ruyi knew better than anyone how the people in the green forest acted. If she couldn't teach them an unforgettable lesson, they would be in constant trouble in the future. She could only be a thief for a thousand days and not guard against thieves for a thousand days. Although she was not afraid of it, she could not guarantee that they would not. I will start from other aspects.

She turned around, pointed to a few people including Lao Fang, and said, "Uncle Fang, you and my uncle go back to the city first. I am enough here."


Although Ruyi is powerful in martial arts, she can't beat four hands with her two fists. I didn't hear Wu Er say there were dozens of those people, and Li Yi couldn't let her stay here no matter what.

However, just as he was about to object, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of his neck, and dizziness and darkness came over him the next moment.

"Ms. sir, I'm sorry..."

He watched Liu Ruyi retract her hand, support him, looked at him with an apologetic expression, opened her mouth, and lost consciousness.

"Uncle Fang, I leave it to you..."

Looking at the eldest lady and then at his uncle who fainted, Lao Fang finally nodded helplessly.

When Li Yi woke up, he felt that the whole world was shaking. When he opened his eyes, the land below was flying back. This posture was very familiar, he felt very familiar, and the horse under him was even more familiar.


Li Yi shouted, and Lao Fang in front pulled the reins, and the horse gradually stopped.

Lao Fang kindly reminded: "Uncle, don't think about going back again. The eldest lady will knock you out again. I'm afraid it won't be so easy to wake up the second time."

What Lao Fang said makes sense. Although she has a gentle temper, her decisions are not easy to change, at least Li Yi cannot change them.

The debt with her will be settled after this matter has passed. How to survive the immediate crisis is the most important thing. Li Yi sat upright on the horse and urged: "Go to Fucheng!"

After entering Fucheng, Li Yi did not return to Ruyifang, but went straight to Prince Ning's Mansion with Lao Fang.

The only thing he can rely on now is Li Xuan's power.

The county government's fast-moving government officials are not enough in front of those people. The guards of Prince Ning's Mansion are all very skilled and there are a lot of them. If they can borrow some, they will be a big check on those people.

"Sir, please wait here for a moment. I will go and inform the prince right away."

The servants in the Ning Wang Mansion had a good memory. During the last birthday banquet of the princess, the butler was very polite to this young master. Now of course, he did not dare to neglect him. He politely asked Li Yi to wait here and ran in quickly.

"Son-in-law, is that pretty boy really the little prince?" Lao Fang had known Li Xuan's identity for a long time, but he still couldn't connect that unreliable pretty boy with the Ning Wang's prince.

"That's right." Li Yi nodded.

After getting confirmation from Li Yi again, Lao Fang finally put down his hanging heart.

He didn't know how powerful the palace was, but the guards who were familiar with him were not covered in kung fu. If there were more such people, it would be more certain to deal with those mobs.

"Sorry, the little prince is not here."

The servant went in and out quickly, and said to Li Yi very apologetically.

"Not here?" Li Yi frowned and said, "Please inform him, I want to see the prince."

Li Yi had never dealt with Prince Ning. If it weren't for a situation like today, he would never take the initiative to see him in his life, but at this moment, he couldn't care so much.

The servant still smiled and said, "Sir, I'm so sorry, the prince is not in the mansion either."

Li Yi's expression froze for a moment, as if he understood something. He turned his head and looked at Lao Fang and said, "Let's go."

"Where to go?"

Lao Fang was puzzled. Why did the son-in-law leave before he saw the person he was supposed to see?


"What are you going to the pharmacy for?" Lao Fang was even more confused.

"Buy some arsenic. If I can't beat him, I'd better take some medicine and commit suicide to avoid being humiliated."


Seeing Li Yi and Lao Fang disappear from a distance, the servant looked around and returned to the palace. He walked through several corridors and knocked on the door of a building. After hearing the response, he pushed the door and walked in.

"Your Highness, the people have been driven away."

"I know, you go down first." A voice came from the table in the middle of the room, and the servant bowed respectfully and slowly retreated.

"Your Majesty and the princess seem to think highly of this boy, and the prince also has a close relationship with him. Why does Your Highness..." An old voice came from the corner, and before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by King Ning's hand.

Thinking of Li Xuan's recent changes, King Ning frowned and said, "He has some crooked talents, but he is still not presentable. If Xuan'er hangs out with him all day, I'm afraid it will do more harm than good..."

After King Ning spoke, there was no more sound in the corner of the study.

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