Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 243: Disrespecting Second Uncle for Being Old

In fact, Li Yi had no intention of isolating Li Xuan at all. It was much easier to deal with him who was stubborn than to deal with Her Royal Highness. 』

It is true that gunpowder is too sensitive and cannot be touched by ordinary people, let alone princes and nobles except the emperor. It is also for his own good. The fewer people involved in this matter, the better, especially Li Xuan. It is better to mix less.

When he came back, the food had been prepared, and Xiaohuan was planning to send one to his second uncle.

The second uncle is the oldest lonely old man in the village. I have never heard of him having any children or heirs. In the past, every household in the village took turns bringing him meals every day.

"I'll deliver it to you. You go wash your hands and get ready to eat." Li Yi saw that she was still wearing an apron around her waist, so he picked up the wooden food box and walked out to the opposite yard.

The door was not closed and opened with a slight push. The second uncle was lying on the rocking chair in the yard and taking a nap as usual.

Li Yi often saw him sitting on a chair at the door to bask in the sun. Occasionally he walked around the village with a cane, and then came back to continue to bask in the sun.

Since getting the rocking chair, my second uncle’s frequency of going out for leisure has been significantly reduced...

This magical weapon was fully utilized by my second uncle.

Young people should bask in the sun more, and elderly people even more so. This habit of my second uncle is very good. Li Yi often feels that as the oldest old man in the village, this may be one of the secrets of his ability to live for such a long time.

"Second uncle, stay in the sun for a while and remember to eat..."

Li Yi put the food box on the stone bench aside, stepped forward and patted his shoulder gently, turned and walked out the door.

On the rocking chair, the old man's half-closed eyes slowly opened. When Li Yi was about to walk out, a voice reached his ears.

"Wait a moment."

He turned his head and looked at the old man struggling to get up from the chair.

"Second uncle, what else is going on?" Li Yi asked standing there, not knowing what the old man wanted to say. Ruyi and the others were still waiting for him to eat at home.

The second uncle raised his hand to wave to him. Although Li Yi was confused, he still walked over.

"Tsk, tsk, this body is still too weak." The second uncle hunched his body, looked up at him, and shook his head.

Li Yi was a little unsure of the deep meaning of his second uncle's words. Was he calling him here just to say that he was weak?

To say that he is weak, it must be his old man, right?

With this thought in his mind, the second uncle was already leaning on crutches, straightened his body, and patted his shoulder with his other hand.

Li Yi didn't hide. He knew that his second uncle liked to tap people on the shoulder, and he wouldn't use much force anyway.

The next moment, a huge force surged from his shoulders. He almost lost his footing and fell to the ground.

"Remember this energy in your body, and slowly try to guide it. Although you are not very qualified, as long as you practice diligently, you will not be bullied outside for a few years." The second uncle murmured. He murmured something, opened the food box, placed the food on the stone bench, and started eating leisurely.

While eating, he praised: "Ruyi's craftsmanship is still good. All those big girls and young wives should learn from her..."

Li Yi stood there in a daze, feeling that there was indeed a weak air flow slowly flowing inside his body. Although the air flow was so subtle that it could be ignored, and if you didn't feel it carefully, you might not be able to notice it, but in two lifetimes, it was still It was the first time I had this wonderful feeling.

"Is this the legendary Qi?" Li Yi couldn't hide the surprise on his face. Liu Ruyi once clearly told him that with his qualifications and hard training every day, maybe in one or two years, It's possible to feel a little angry, but if you want to make greater progress, I'm afraid it won't be possible in this life.

Therefore, Li Yi's desire to become a peerless master and dominate the martial arts world has been put on hold for a long time, and he doesn't have much hope. When he thinks about doing dangerous things in the future, if he takes her with him, won't everything be solved?

However, comfort is comfort. It is finally possible to realize the dream of childhood. The fire of hope that was just ignited was ruthlessly extinguished by Miss Liu Er. How could I not be disappointed and depressed in my heart.

At this time, when he felt the flow of air, an unprecedented feeling of power filled his body, and Li Yi was still inevitably a little excited.

Jiang was still old and wanted to hug his second uncle's old face and kiss him a few times. After looking down, he resisted the urge.

At this moment, the old man seemed to remember something, put down his chopsticks, and said: "Although it is a shortcut, it seems to have some bad effects. What is it, I forgot..."

He waved his hand and said: "Forget it, it's not a big deal. At most, I'll go crazy and get injured or disabled, but my life is not in danger..."

The smile on Li Yi's face froze, and he had the urge to jump and scold his mother.

What are the side effects? I told him before patting him on the shoulder. If he had known that this thing could make people go crazy and become disabled, he would never have taken the risk...

What should I do if I take pictures of others without their consent? What should I do if the pictures are damaged?

Of course he wanted to be a master like Miss Liu Er, but it would be boring to be an injured master.

At this moment, the second uncle slapped his head and said: "It doesn't seem that serious. By the way, I remembered that before the martial arts is perfected, one must remain a boy, otherwise he will die suddenly on the day he loses his virginity. At that time..., hey, is that so?"

Li Yi rushed out of the door, not daring to listen any more. He was worried that he might have a heart problem if he was frightened by the old man. He was also worried that he couldn't help but fight him. If he couldn't beat him, he might be angry to death if he listened a little longer. .

"What's wrong with my husband? Why are you in such a hurry?" Li Yi hasn't come back after delivering food to his second uncle for so long. Liu Ruyi was about to go over and take a look when she stood up and hadn't stepped out of the house when she suddenly saw him running in in a hurry. asked.

Worried that what his second uncle just said was true, and that he would be deceived, Li Yi immediately described what he just said again.

After hearing what he said, Liu Ruyi asked with some surprise: "My husband is already feeling energetic?"

She grabbed Li Yi's hand, and after a moment, a smile appeared on her face, and she said, "Don't worry, my husband. My husband has been practicing martial arts for a long time. Even without my second uncle, I'm afraid he will still be angry in a few months." I feel like my second uncle just helped my husband shorten this time by a few months."

Before this, she had actually had such an idea, but after all, she had just stepped into the master realm. If she forced him to break through like this, she might be in danger, so she never mentioned it.

"Really?" Li Yi breathed a sigh of relief. Ruyi's words were still very credible.

Liu Ruyi smiled and nodded.

"Then the second uncle is talking nonsense about not being able to consummate the marriage before his martial arts is perfected?" This is the question that Li Yi is most concerned about.

"Although such kung fu exists, it is very rare in the entire martial arts world." Liu Ruyi looked at him and said, "The mental skills practiced by my husband will have no impact even on consummating the marriage. Second uncle's words do not need to be taken seriously."

She was originally stating the facts, but after she finished speaking, she felt that the atmosphere in the room suddenly became a little strange when she said these words.

Xiaohuan's pretty face was flushed, and she just lowered her head to eat. Ruyi looked strange, and a hint of blush could be seen faintly.

Finally understanding something, her face turned a little red.

After hearing Ruyi's explanation, Li Yi finally felt relieved. His second uncle was old and disrespectful, so he actually scared himself so much that he would choose dishes he didn't like the next time he served him food...

He walked to the dining table and sat down, picked up the chopsticks, raised his head and asked doubtfully: "Xiaohuan, why are you blushing?"

Then he turned to look at Liu Ruyi, who was still standing at the door, and said, "What are you still doing standing there? Come over and eat!"

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