Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 247: The Han Family's Sword Technique to Exorcise Evil Spirits

For these people who often travel on the rivers and lakes, they are all brothers in the world, and most of them have a forthright personality. After all, when they are away from home and no one is in trouble, it is very necessary to make friends. Tian Lai Xiao "said

The flames were raging, and someone brought some firewood from the corner to add to the fire, and the temperature in the room increased a bit.

The people in the world chatted about the world. After taking a few sips of strong wine to warm up, the conversation slowly started to open up.

"It's not easy to sell goods on a snowy day. Where are brothers Wu going?" After taking a few sips, the man sealed the wine bag. This thing is expensive. If he hadn't fallen in love with this brother Wu, he really wouldn't have. Be willing to take it out.

After the brief exchange just now, we already know that the brother opposite is named Wu Da. He makes a living by escorting people and transporting goods. He was also delayed on the road tonight by the sudden snowstorm.

"Chuzhou." Wu laughed and said.

"It's not that far." The man continued following the topic. Although the escort business was hard and had certain risks, the rewards were very considerable compared to others.

"Haha, we can just barely make ends meet." Wu laughed and said, "It's just a living. All the big business has been taken over by the Sihai Escort Bureau. We can only pick up the ones they don't like. If you come down, you won’t make much money.”

The Han family's Sihai Escort Agency is famous in Qing'an Prefecture, and this man often hears about it. Thinking of a rumor he heard in the past two days, he wondered: "I heard that Senior Han from the Sihai Escort Agency issued a killing order for a woman a few days ago. , many people in the green forest wanted to have a relationship with the Han family and went to kill the woman, but they were all killed. I wonder if this is true or not? "

"Senior Han, he's just a eunuch." A sarcastic voice came from next to Wu Da.

The man looked at the person who spoke and asked doubtfully: "Eunuch? Dare I ask this brother, how do you say this?"

The man looked at the man and was a little surprised, "Hasn't this brother heard of the Han family's seventy-two evil sword techniques?"

The man shook his head. He had never heard of this kind of sword technique to ward off evil spirits.

"I would like to hear the details." The man said, cupping his hands.

People in the martial arts world have their own talent for gossip. Senior Han is well-known in the martial arts world. Although there are some anecdotes, they are far less exciting than what the person in front of him said.

The man vaguely felt that he was about to hear a little-known secret again.

It was boring to sit here and warm up by the fire. There was nothing going on. The man slowly said: "The matter started from twenty years ago..."

I don’t know why, but the stove was lit yesterday and the room was too warm, but it still felt a little cold last night.

Li Yi woke up from the cold early in the morning. When he was getting dressed, he felt the cold wind in the house. He glanced at the position of the window and found that the window opposite was actually opened slightly. He must have forgotten it when he went to bed last night. Close it tight.

After a night, the stove was probably out, so Li Yi ran over to close the window. When he looked out, he saw a vast expanse of white.


Don't rush to close the windows. The snow came suddenly. Although the snowflakes floating in the sky are small, judging from the thick snow on the ground, you can imagine how heavy the snow was last night.

The cold wind blew in from outside, and I immediately woke up a lot. At this time, I didn't feel the cold much anymore.

This was not the first time he had seen snow. As a native of the north, he would experience such heavy snow several times every winter.

At that time, I was still in the countryside. When I woke up early in the morning, the mountains and fields were all the same color. Early in the morning, I and my friends took the family’s local dog up the mountain to chase rabbits and pick up pheasants. The snow was thick, the rabbits could not run fast, and the pheasants stuck their butts out. If you are stuck in the snow and can't get out, catching them is as easy as pulling out a carrot, and you'll be happy when you get home.

Of course, this was the first time I saw snow in this world, and I felt a little different in my heart.

He got up very early today. Ruyi and Xiaohuan had not left the room yet. He walked over and opened the courtyard door. Lao Fangzheng was sweeping the snow with a big broom.

"Good morning, uncle!"

Lao Fang said hello to Li Yi, and his men's movements did not slow down at all. They pushed past like a humanoid road sweeper. In the field of vision, many people were already busy.

They have been up early all their lives and have long formed a habit. Except for naughty children, even in winter, few people will snooze.

Li Yi turned around and saw the only set of footprints that he had stepped on in the yard, and felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

This is a hobby I have had since I was a child. Whenever I see only one line of my own footprints on the white snow, I feel happy for no reason.

Grab a handful of snow from the ground and knead it into a ball, wanting to experience the feeling of having a snowball fight when you were a kid.

At this moment, a door somewhere in the courtyard opened. Seeing the figure walking out of the room, Li Yi subconsciously threw the snow ball out.


Liu Ruyi swept her sleeves, and the snowballs suddenly exploded in the air and scattered in all directions.

Seeing Miss Liu Er looking at him with warlike eyes, Li Yi subconsciously ran out the door.

I forgot to think about it before I threw it. Is Miss Liu Er someone he can offend?

Several snowballs flew over from behind, landed on his neck, and poured in from the back of his neck. Li Yi shivered, and his feet moved faster.

Although Miss Liu Er did not chase her, Li Yi still planned to take a walk outside before going back.

Most people were clearing the snow on the road, not only in front of their own houses, but also in the houses. All the snow was cleared to the roadside. A few naughty kids who got up early were already having fun. Snowballs flew everywhere. They didn't get angry when they hit their heads. They grabbed a handful of snow from the roadside and fought back. After a while, their clothes were wet from inside to outside. They stood on the roadside and shivered like sieves.

If they were seen by their own adults, they would kick them a few times and drag them home by their ears. They quickly changed into dry clothes. If they caught a cold, the medicine money would be a small matter. If they got sick, they would suffer for the rest of their lives.

After a few cries, the naughty kids were no longer seen outside. Li Yi took a walk and returned to his home. The snow in the yard had been swept into a pile. Xiaohuan was squatting on the ground making a snowman. Miss Liu's snowman was already made. Li Yi distinguished it for a long time before he could vaguely recognize a little human figure.

Li Yi laughed so hard that he fell backwards. Under the unfriendly eyes of Miss Liu Er, he took a few wooden shovels from the kitchen and walked to another snow pile opposite.

He patted the snow pile twice to make a rough shape, then used the shovel to repair it, and handled some small parts with his fingers. After a while, the shape of a woman came out.

Xiaohuan's snowman had been built long ago. After looking at her son-in-law, her face turned red, and she pushed down the snowman she had built with great difficulty, ran over and stood behind Li Yi, looking at it.

After Liu Ruyi took a look, she kicked her snowman apart with one foot, and a trace of shame and anger appeared on her pretty face. Everything was afraid of comparison. Li Yi made a snowman, and hers was at most a snow pile.

In fact, she was wrong this time. A snowman should look like a snowman, with a small head and a big belly. A broom would be an arm. What Li Yi made now was a snow sculpture.

The artistic cells that were missing in the last life were all made up in this life.

There are a lot of books about ice sculptures and snow sculptures in the library. After digesting a few books, making this thing is just like painting and writing. It is full of skill points and not difficult.

It only took half an hour to make a snow sculpture half a person's height.

Time is limited, and many details cannot be perfect, but it is the first time for Xiaohuan and Liu Ruyi to see someone use snow to make such a lifelike figure.

The woman stood there with a sword in her hand, and even the expression on her face could be seen clearly. She was a miniature version of the second lady.

Xiaohuan glanced at the second lady and felt a little envious. It would be great if the son-in-law could make a little Huan. Of course, it would be even better if he could make a big lady.

Liu Ruyi was no longer embarrassed. Putting aside his intentions, she liked this snowman very much.

Li Yi was also very satisfied with his work. After all, it was the first time he made it, and it was already very good to have this level. He looked up and down for a while, and suddenly smashed the snow sculpture with a palm.

It was like spending half a day to build a house with thousands of blocks, and then destroying it by himself. For someone with obsessive-compulsive disorder, the feeling in his heart at that moment was extremely comfortable.

The only thing that was a little wrong was that after he smashed the snow sculpture, the temperature around him seemed to be a little colder...

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