Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 267: Changes in the Brothel

"Sorry, I was confused. Tianlai "Novel"

Ruyi played a card, and Li Yi smiled and pushed down his card wall. Liu Ruyi jumped off the warm bed in annoyance, glared at the two of them, and said: "You two are colluding, let's not fight!"

Since Ruyi became his boss, Li Yi's luck has returned. He keeps making gestures secretly, and Ruyi can always understand what he means, so Miss Liu Er becomes the only person in the family who loses money. .

Although winning money is no longer the focus later on, and you can only use a few copper coins to deal with it, but playing cards requires winning and losing, and it is not a problem to lose all the time. Miss Liu Er is obviously very angry and will probably pick up the sword again. Go out in the yard and chop the air.

If there is a mahjong god, Xiaohuan must be her biological daughter. However, she has been obviously absent-minded recently and is not paying attention when playing mahjong. I don’t know what she is thinking.

Li Yi changed his room into a storage room the next day on the grounds that no one could live in a room that had been ravaged by carbon poisoning, so he started living together with peace of mind.

Although he had no choice but to choose the latter between a beast and a beast, but compared with before, this was already a ground-breaking event.

The reason why Xiaohuan is a little depressed may be that she can no longer sleep with Ruyi in her arms, and has to sleep on the heated kang in the kitchen for a long time. But it doesn't matter, just build her another boudoir when spring comes. Girls always sleep in the house. The kitchen is not an option either.

Of course, the position that should have belonged to her was occupied by herself. The little maid felt aggrieved first and then slowly compensated her later.

She took Xiaohuan to buy the hairpin she had liked for a long time, and the depressed expression was no longer visible on her face.

The two people walking in front were chatting, talking about a new play at the Changping Street Theater called "A Chinese Ghost Story."

The former Goulan is no longer called Goulan, but is now called a theater. Although most people are not used to it, the name is not the point. The point is that most of the plays performed there are novel and special, and cannot be compared to any other thatched shed in Waseli.

I hope this time "A Chinese Ghost Story" will be better than the previous "Painted Skin".

Of course, there are always some special rules in special places. I heard that the theater is different from the ordinary hook-up theater. Not everyone can enter if they want to. You have to buy a so-called "ticket" at the door. It is said to be a ticket, but in fact it is There is a small wooden sign that lists the plays that can be watched with the wooden sign and the time that you can stay there. When you exit, the wooden sign has to be handed back.

The tickets are not expensive, just a few cents is enough, not as much as the rewards they throw away at once.

Some people secretly cursed, those actors are crazy about money. I have never seen Goulan take the initiative to collect money. They want money, right? Can I stop watching it?

Many people are very satisfied with this and feel that the idea of ​​the theater is really wonderful. The appearance of tickets is to keep these poor people out. Last time they went to the theater, there were actually beggars sitting next to them. They were dirty and smelly. It's too dry to look like.

There is only such a big place inside the theater. I got there late and there was no room to stand. But things are better now. Those guys who just join in the fun and are not willing to pay for the reward can't get in. They are happy and peaceful, enjoying themselves. Sit down with a pot of tea and a stack of broad beans, and then leave after watching your favorite play. It is extremely comfortable.

Of course, when a new play comes out, the legs and feet need to be more agile. Who lives in the capital city and doesn't care about a few pennies? If you go late, you will still have to stand up.

"Thank you, uncle."

There was a newly bought hairpin on her head, and Xiaohuan's eyes turned into crescent moons again. One hand was holding a candied haws, which was given to her by Aunt Xu when she met her on the street just now. The other hand was holding Li Li's hand. He took a bite of Yi's arm, and then leaned over to give Li Yi a bite as well.

Bite off one in one bite. The candied haws in winter is not so easy to melt, and the taste has risen to a new level. Those women have been trying to make more delicious candied haws, and now they have developed several different styles.

"Uncle, shall we go to the theater to watch a show?" After eating the candied haws, the little maid raised her head, looked at Li Yi, and said expectantly.

I just heard the two people in front of me talking about A Chinese Ghost Story. My uncle told me this story. She has heard so many ghost stories that she is not scared anymore. Last time her uncle took her to see the stage play "Painted Skin", and there was only the female ghost with a ferocious face. When she came out, she screamed. Her uncle said that A Chinese Ghost Story was not that scary, so the little maid thought it was okay to go and see it herself.

She did not refuse Xiaohuan's request. She was originally taking her out for a walk today. She had grown up in the village and had not been exposed to many people. The innocent and lively girlish nature of the little maid remained very good. She was chattering with her by her side. , any worries will be swept away.

A small room was built at the door of Goulan, with room for only one person. A dozen people lined up to pass in front of the small room, put a few pennies in, and a wooden sign would be handed out from inside the next moment.

As one of the major shareholders of the theater, Li Yi of course did not need to buy a ticket. He held Xiaohuan's hand and walked directly in from the door. The people in line honestly wanted to question him, but when he saw the young man checking the tickets at the door, he respectfully greeted the young man. After the gift, I swallowed what I wanted to say and queued up to buy tickets honestly.

After walking in from the gate, the stage is right in front of you. The expanded stage is more than twice as big as before, and the number of seats below has also increased. There are separate stalls on both sides. For a few cents, you can buy a plate of broad beans and a pot of tea. There are three flavors of broad beans, and you can choose freely. Of course, in addition to broad beans, there are also many cakes. When watching a play, eating some snacks and drinking a cup of tea will immediately make you taste much better than those guys who only know how to shout.

The prices of seats in the theater are not the same. The closer you are to the stage, the clearer you can see, and the more expensive the price is. Therefore, there are often empty seats in the first row. Some people think that the difference between the front and the back is not too big. It is not cost-effective to spend a few more cents for the front seats.

The curtain on the stage has not been opened yet, and you can see the shadows behind the curtain. I am afraid that they are still preparing. People are still queuing to enter. There are not many people in the seats. Pull Xiaohuan to sit in the middle of the first row and wait with peace of mind.

I glanced at the wooden sign in the hand of a person next to me. It said "Painted Skin", which meant that the next performance was "Painted Skin". Pu Songling was indeed a great master of his generation. There was still a performance of Painted Skin here, which meant that this play was still quite popular.

I turned around and looked around. I felt that from the old brothel to the current theater, there had been too many changes in just a few days.

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