Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 273: Emotions Heal

According to royal practice, a princess cannot live in the palace after she reaches adulthood. Although she does not need to go to a fief, she still needs to build her own mansion outside the palace and live in the palace. The Sound of Nature novel has either not reached the screen yet, or it is very popular.

There are very few people like Princess Yongle who are over 10 years old but still have their own palace in the palace and do not have to live outside the palace.

Many officials complained about this matter, but they were all suppressed by the emperor, which shows his love for Princess Yongle.

Of course, Princess Yongle is the daughter of the Queen and the only daughter of His Majesty and the Queen, so it is quite normal for her to receive such preferential treatment.

Li Mingzhu walked out of the main hall, and the old woman waiting outside the hall followed him and walked to a palace in the harem.

Li Mingzhu said as he walked: "My father is going to assign fifty craftsmen to the battlefield and ask Shen Liang to go with them. The people who participated in the creation of Heaven's Punishment from the Princess Mansion also assigned half of them to follow them. Heaven's Punishment is too dangerous, let them go with them." Always be careful."

Without personal experience, I have no idea how dangerous Heavenly Punishment is. Even if I know the formula, if I'm not careful, it can cause disaster.

Everyone in the Princess Mansion knows the rules and regulations that Li Yi listed for her by heart. With them following, they will be much safer.

"Don't worry, princess, I'll make arrangements as soon as I get back." The old woman responded, then a trace of hesitation appeared on her face, and she whispered a few more words in her ear.

"What, Father already knows?" She stopped and her face changed slightly.

The old woman nodded and said: "The few personal maids around His Majesty know this. It is not a secret."

"Let him come to see me immediately!" Li Mingzhu's face darkened.

"Mommy, what does the princess want to do with her subordinates?" A young man followed the old woman forward at the princess's residence and asked in confusion.

"Of course the old woman doesn't know about the princess." The old woman said lightly, pointing to the back garden of the princess's house not far away, and said: "The princess is there, you can go there yourself."

When the man saw a silhouette in the garden, he suppressed his uneasiness and strode over.


He said respectfully, then stood back and waited quietly.

Li Mingzhu turned her head, with a hint of disappointment on her face, and said, "Chief Guard Lu, you have been working at the Princess Mansion for quite some time, right?"

"Back to the princess, thanks to the princess's promotion, my subordinates have been in the princess's mansion for five years." The young man said slowly.

"Starting from tomorrow, go and protect Shen Liang personally. The matter of divine punishment is of great importance. You must ensure that the secret recipe will not be leaked and nothing will happen to Shen Liang." Li Mingzhu looked at a plant in the garden that had not yet bloomed. Mei Hua said lightly.

As if he had thought of something, the young man's face suddenly turned pale, his knees softened, he knelt down, kowtowed as if pounding garlic, and shouted, "Thank you, Your Highness, Princess, from now on, the secret recipe is here, and the subordinates are here! The secret recipe is here." If you are ill, I will die to apologize!"

A thousand guards left the palace overnight. The sound of horse hooves stepping on the bluestone seemed to shake the entire Kyoto. I don't know what happened. All the people in the city closed their doors and windows and huddled at home. They waited until the smoke and dust dispersed. A pair of eyes appeared from the crack in the door, guessing what happened. There had been no such big move in the palace for a long time.

As for the big and small officials and wealthy nobles in Kyoto, many of them stayed up all night, their backs soaked with cold sweat. With so many forbidden troops dispatched, something big must have happened. I just don’t know who is unlucky this time. Don’t be... It's better for you.

It wasn't until daybreak and nothing special happened that everyone finally felt relieved.

For a time, the wealthy and powerful families had their carriages and horses coming out one after another, and officials of all sizes walked around each other to get information...

Compared with this matter, the matter of the princess's palace changing the captain of the bodyguard is not worth mentioning.

At the same time, the distant city of Qing'an was far less chilly than Kyoto. As the New Year approached, the city became more and more lively day by day.

After a whole year of busy work, it is finally time for everyone to take a break. Except for those vendors and a few people with special professions, most people will choose to take a vacation for themselves and enjoy life.

The large and small gourmet bars inside and outside the city are crowded from morning to night, especially the theater in Fucheng and several large gourmet bars built one after another outside the city, which have become a favorite entertainment place for most people. Place.

There are endless performances and programs such as mixed-use houses, puppet shows, and shadow plays, which are enough to dazzle the eyes. If you are tired of watching these, you can go to the large hook bars to watch stage plays. They are all new plays and exciting. Spending a few coins on this is definitely worth it.

In order to maintain public security in the city, the government sent out more government officials. From time to time, soldiers from the city defense were seen passing through the streets in formation. Occasionally, government officials were mixed in with the crowd. Street vendors greeted them enthusiastically and stuffed them with hot buns. , a few pieces of pastries were served, and the government officials did not refuse, took a bite with a smile, and continued patrolling.

Although he felt that with his current physical condition, it would be no problem to kill a cow, Li Yi was still recovering from his injuries. Anyway, Her Royal Highness the Princess had already asked for a long enough sick leave for him before she left. The matter of maintaining law and order was left to him. County Magistrate Liu, those who can do more work.

As for the general small cases, with Liu Yishou's help, there won't be any problems. This guy was born to do this business. I don't know how he got through it in the past. This time he suddenly got his way and solved several old cases. His reputation has spread to several counties. It is said that under his hands, no prisoner can last two incense sticks.

This is a qualified subordinate. Li Yi feels very proud of his wisdom.

After waking up, he washed his face with cold water. After shivering, he felt refreshed.

Today is the Little New Year. According to the customs here, we should start buying New Year's goods today and pay tribute to the Kitchen God.

The customs of the Little New Year in later generations are different in different places. Li Yi doesn't know how the Little New Year is celebrated here. Xiaohuan and Ruyi just need to know.

After the last incident, the family no longer lit the stove at night, but they still light a fire every morning. For the first time, Li Yi felt that carbon monoxide is also a good thing, which actually has the effect of promoting the relationship between husband and wife.

He is not Liu Xiahui, who can resist being tempted when sleeping with such a beautiful woman every night. Although the last line of defense has not been broken yet, he has gained a lot of small advantages. It's just that he feels a little uncomfortable when he gets up in the morning, and his face is always red when Ruyi brings him toiletries.

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