Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 286: Confusion

Facts have proved that don't try to restrict Miss Liu Er with your requirements for secular women. When she said she wanted to visit a brothel, she was not asking for Li Yi's opinion, she was just announcing it. Tian Lai Novel

With one hand behind his back and the other hand waving a folding fan, the elegant gentleman's temperament is clearly revealed.

Seeing those brothel girls casting flirtatious glances at them one by one, Li Yizhen wanted to yell, "Are you blind?" He even changed his clothes and style and couldn't even identify his gender. He used to think that the women in TV dramas disguised themselves as men. Most people are talking nonsense. Anyone who is not blind can see it. Now it seems that the screenwriter has been wronged.

"Young gentlemen, if there is a girl you like, I will make arrangements for you right now." The old madam ran over enthusiastically, glanced at Liu Ruyi and Yang Liuqing with a strange look, and said to Li Xuan with a smile on his face.

How could she not see that there were actually two girls over there because she had a sharp eye? But Mr. Li was a frequent visitor here before. He often flattered Drunken Mo, was generous with his gifts, and left after listening to the music. She had a very good impression. profound.

"Just arrange a good location, and you don't need to worry about the rest." Li Yi waved his hand and said.

The Madam knew the rules of Young Master Li in front of her, so she sent someone to clear out a perfect spot on the second floor and immediately brought several people there.

As for the original guests there, of course she found some excuse to drive them away.

Seeing Li Yi staring at him with dissatisfaction, Li Xuan made an innocent expression, meaning that this matter had nothing to do with him.

I don't know what Miss Liu Er is going to do, so Li Yi can't leave directly, so he just sits there openly. The madam is quite good at doing things. The location of this cubicle is very good, with a wide field of view, and he can have an overview. Full view of the stage.

There are many such compartments. There are bead curtains blocking the outside, making it difficult to see what is going on inside. However, the stage can be seen clearly from inside.

Li Xuan sat on the chair very familiarly, with his legs crossed, looking leisurely and contented.

Yang Liuqing had never been to a brothel before and was very curious about everything here. Occasionally, she saw women nestling in the arms of those men in the opposite compartment. When the other men touched their hands, a blush appeared on her face and she secretly spat. No more looking.

Liu Ruyi seemed to be addicted to pretending to be a handsome young man. She flapped a folding fan back and forth in her hands and looked at the stage below through the bead curtain, looking very interested.

Ever since the woman she had just seen in the room came out, the crowd seemed to be boiling. It was obvious that her reputation must be quite big. Liu Ruyi looked back at Li Yi and found him sitting on a chair, staring blankly. Stay ahead.

Li Yi was indeed in a daze. The beautiful scene just now was still in his mind.

Glancing at the figure below, I felt a little complicated.

Although she had done many appraisals in her previous life, it was the first time in her life to see this kind of scene with her own eyes. Even though she had put on clothes now, what came to her mind was still the scene in the room just now.

"Listening to Miss Drunk Mo playing the piano is simply one of the great pleasures of life."

"Although Ms. Zui Mo is proficient in all kinds of music, chess, calligraphy and painting, the most powerful thing is her painting skills. Many people want to have one but it is rare. Ms. Drunk Mo never shows her paintings to others easily."

"Although it is impossible to get the top ten oirans this time, she will definitely have a seat."

Although he couldn't see the specific situation in the surrounding cubicles, the sound could be transmitted. Li Yi took a deep breath, took a sip of the tea on the table, and forced the scene out of his mind.

This woman can quickly forget this matter, as if nothing happened, and he doesn't have any petty temper.

Li Yi didn't know that Zeng Zuimo's expression in the gauze curtain was dull, but her slightly rising chest and crimson jade neck showed that she was not as calm as Li Yi thought.

It was simply because she was born in such an environment that she had long been accustomed to hiding her emotions. She couldn't see anything on the surface, but she couldn't suppress the turmoil in her heart.

Although she was in a brothel, she had been trained as a courtesan since she was a child, and all her teachers were women. She had never been seen by a man before, and she thought she would be extremely angry. But strangely, at that time, in addition to being embarrassed and annoyed, Apart from that, he didn’t feel any anger, and even helped him act out the play. Thinking about it now, I seemed to have been a little too calm at the time...

She has become very proficient in the art of piano. Although she is not yet at a very high level, she can still perform well in every room. However, when her mind was confused, the music of the piano was naturally messed up. In just one section, she had already made several mistakes while playing it. Although she concealed it very well, it was impossible to hide it from those who were proficient in music theory.

"Strange, what happened to Miss Zui Mo today? She has played wrongly several times."

"Yes, is the person who is playing really the drunk girl?"

"What, I played it wrong. If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense. I think Miss Zui Mo plays it very nicely..."

There was a commotion in the hall, and Zeng Zuimo took a deep breath, calmed down, and wanted to play with peace of mind.

However, the more I want to meditate, the more irritable I feel. Even people who don't know how to do it can pick up some clues.

"Is this really the drunk girl?"

"Are the rumors about her piano skills outside all false?"

"Indeed, the level she showed today is really inconsistent with the rumors."

"If this matter spreads, it's hard to say whether she can win the position of oiran. Others are trying their best to build momentum for themselves, especially Liu Yiyi and Lu Qiaoqiao. Liu Yiyi is the leader of the Su family. If they throw out enough silver, they might be able to find a leader.

6 Qiaoqiao has always been very close to those talented people. Once Yang Yanzhou's poems were sent out, many talented people imitated them one after another. So many talented people were willing to praise her. I heard that even a few days ago, she was rumored to be the number one in Qing'an Prefecture, replacing Yang Yanzhou. The talented Li Yi is also interested in Lu Qiaoqiao and plans to send her poems during the competition for the title. Liu Yiyi probably can't compete with her...

Miss Zui Mo didn't argue at all. She had turned away so many talented people, Junyan, which made them very dissatisfied. They would definitely not praise her like she did last year. If she was kicked out of the top ten oirans this year, it would be great fun. No After gaining the fame of being an courtesan, it is only a matter of time before you fall into the secular world. Maybe you and I will also have the opportunity to have a romantic relationship and spend time with a beautiful woman..."

Li Xuan looked at Li Yi with some surprise and asked, "Are you going to give Lu Qiaoqiao poems to help her become the leader?"

"I don't even know what Lu Qiaoqiao looks like, so why send her poems?" Li Yi was also confused. He didn't know where the rumors and hype came from. It was just hype...

"I think so. If you send Lu Qiaoqiao's poems, I'm afraid there will be many heartbroken women in Qing'an Mansion. Those Qinghuan who want to become Kui will definitely fight for you." Li Xuan nodded. said.

Although many aspects are taken into consideration when running for Oiran every year, those talented men and women are the decisive factor.

Nothing makes them famous more than a widely circulated poem.

"Skillfully dance with soft waist, Zhangtai Liu, Zhaoyang Yan...", "Yiyi has been able to sing and dance since she was a child, and her movements, movements and facial expressions all help Chu...", "Miaomiao holds a cluster of wooden flowers and mother-of-pearl and sings a new voice. Gorgeous clothes...", if a talented person writes such a poem for them, and the poem spreads, their fame will definitely soar.

If these words were written by the most talented person in Qing'an Prefecture, the effect would certainly be better. When the poems are spread orally, no matter how unknown this clever, Yiyi, Miaomiao was before, it will become famous overnight. Known by countless people.

Although this number one talent could not be more low-key, and many people have even forgotten his name, Li Xuan can be sure that if he writes a poem for a certain girl, others will not even think about competing for the top position. Just go ahead and do whatever you have to do...

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