Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 291 A visitor arrives from afar

"I...I sneaked out on my own. You, don't tell our lady."

The girl named Xiaocui trotted away and saw her back disappearing into the alley. The words she said before leaving rang in Li Yi's ears again.

"What on earth is this woman doing..." Li Yi rubbed his brows and murmured.

With her character, it is obviously impossible for her to give up on herself, so what is the reason for such inaction? It was Xiaocui who came over secretly, and he realized that Zeng Zuimo's situation had reached such a state.

Is it because I am thin-skinned?

However, no matter what happened that night or not, Li Yi couldn't watch her passively accept that fate. If Li Xuan was right, with those things, the problem has been solved now, right?

But why do I still feel irritable for no reason?

"Uncle, it's time to eat..."

Xiaohuan's voice came faintly from inside. Li Yi temporarily suppressed the chaotic thoughts in his heart, turned around and walked back...

The girl named Xiao Cui held the book tightly in her arms and ran out of the alley.

The flow of people on the street began to thicken, and she slowed down. She carefully took out the book from her arms, flipped through a few pages, and saw the dense writing on it, and a smile immediately appeared on her pretty face.

"It seems that the bad guy is not that bad after all." He murmured to himself, bought a candied haws on the street, and skipped forward.

He has been with the young lady since he was a child. Even though she knows nothing about music, chess, calligraphy and painting, at least he can read and understand poetry.

That bad guy------is no longer a bad guy now.

The poems written by that young master are amazing. Last time in the garden, so many people were frightened. I also heard that those who wanted to compete for the courtesan cried and begged him to write poems for them. Last time, my mother gave When Chen Miaomiao asked her to find the young master with five hundred taels of silver, she heard everything.

Humph, why did she, Chen Miaomiao, ask that young master to write poems? She hasn't even flown to the branches as a phoenix. In the past few days, she has been saying weird things in front of the young lady all day long. If the young lady hadn't stopped her, she wouldn't have torn her apart. Q……

Isn't it because her mother wants to promote her as an courtesan? She is not as good-looking as the young lady, and her talents are even worse than the young lady. More importantly, has she let that young man see her body?

Nothing can compare to a young lady, so if you want to be an courtesan, just dream!

There are also those people who can't get anything from others even if they ask for poems. Today, I got what they dreamed of even before I opened my mouth. It can be seen that the young master is still worried about his own lady...

Thinking of this, Xiao Cui felt even happier.

She quietly slipped into Qunyu Courtyard through the back door. The young lady had just gone out to find Sister Ruoqing, so she had the chance to sneak out. She gently opened the door and heard a familiar voice.

"Xiao Cui, where did you go just now?"

He hurriedly hid the things in his arms. If the lady knew about it, he would definitely ask her to return it. He grinned, showing two rows of white teeth, and said: "Miss, I just went out and bought two bunches of candied haws, one for you..."

The sky had completely darkened, and movement finally came from inside. Liu spat out the dead branches in his mouth and saw the old man and the young man walking out of the house.

"Sorry for causing you trouble." The old man bowed his hand and said.

"Did the old man find what he wanted?" Liu Yishou asked curiously.

I guessed in my heart that seeing how sadly he cried just now, he must have found it, and ------ the result didn't seem so satisfying.

The old man did not answer directly, but asked with a smile: "May I ask this head catcher if all the household registrations in this county are here, and are there any missing ones?"

"I dare not say that the household registration of all the people is here, but it is probably not much different." Liu Yishou replied.

Some time ago, I took my brothers to conduct a census of the population from house to house. Unless there were black households hiding in the mountains and unable to come out, each village had as many household registrations as there were people in it. This would not be wrong.

"Thank you." The old man smiled kindly, pointed to the young man who was scolded by the stick today and was now being supported by two people, and said to Liu Yishou: "The old man is not strict with his subordinates. When he first arrived in your house, he let him commit such a crime. Big mistake, I didn’t know…”

Liu Yishou waved his hand and said: "Since the punishment has been imposed, you can take him away. Just remember not to ride horses in the city."

County Magistrate Liu obviously didn't want to have too deep a relationship with these people. He specifically gave Liu Yishou these instructions during the day. I don't think the County Magistrate would say anything.

Seeing this group of people leaving the county government office, Liu Yishou stretched his waist, thinking that it was time for him to go out on patrol.

Otherwise, those guys under his command will definitely take the opportunity to be lazy.

I stretched my back and my fatigue was slightly relieved. Fortunately, there are only a few days until the Yuan Dynasty. After the Yuan Dynasty, the city will implement a curfew again, so I no longer have to suffer at night...

"Uncle Li, do we want to go to that village now?" The old man walked out of the county office with more than ten guards, and the man named Li Zheng turned around and asked.

The old man known as Uncle Li looked up at the sky and said, "Let's find an inn to stay in. We'll talk about it tomorrow morning."

Turning back and looking at the tall county government gate again, his face showed a deep sadness that could not be resolved.

Early in the morning of the second day, a group of people led horses out of the city gate. More than ten guards jumped on their horses, and a horse pulled a carriage and galloped in a certain direction.

Half an hour later, Lijia Village welcomed a group of strange guests.

It was strange because more than ten people rode tall horses, and they looked dusty, as if they had traveled a lot. Outsiders came to the remote places, mostly poor relatives of someone in the village. When has there been such a scene?

"I wonder what you guys are doing in my Lijia Village?" Seeing these people get off the horses, the old man of Lijia Village walked over and asked with a bow.

He secretly winked at the Dazhuang brothers not far away. When you don't know the intentions of these outsiders, it's always right to be vigilant.

"Brother, is this Lijia Village?"

Looking at the kind old man opposite, who seemed not to be causing trouble, Muramasa was relieved and said, "This is Lijia Village."

"I wonder if you know Li Minghan?"

"Li Minghan?"

It turned out that he was looking for someone. Muramasa muttered the name. He had some impression of it, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

The village was full of uneducated rough people, and their names were all Dazhuang, Erzhuang, Ergou and Sanpao. Li Minghan, such an elegant name, didn't seem to be something that the villagers could come up with.

At this time, another elderly villager murmured, "Li Minghan, is this the name of Li Xiucai?"

Muramasa slapped his forehead and said with sudden realization, "How could you forget Li Xiucai!"

Turning his head to look at the old man, he said, "Yes, there was such a person in the village before. He moved here with his wife from outside 20 years ago. Later, he settled in the village and was the only scholar in the village. But he has been dead for many years. Is he the one you are looking for?"

"Twenty years ago, yes, yes..."

Hearing Muramasa's description, two lines of turbid old tears fell from the old man's eyes, and his voice choked, "Master, I am late!"

[ps: Friends who are short of books can follow a WeChat public account called "Thirty-six Strategies of the Great Book Famine", which recommends and reviews many good books, which are not bad. The latest issue is a special topic on young scholars. If you are interested, you can go and have a look. 】

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