Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 295 Let’s consummate our marriage

"Miss, who is that old man? I've never seen him before." After listening to Ruyi's words and closing the courtyard door, the little maid walked back and asked in confusion.

After seeing him, the son-in-law went back to the room without saying a word. He looked a little depressed, which immediately made the little maid have a bad impression of the old man.

Ruyi rubbed her head and said, "The son-in-law is thinking about something very important. Don't disturb him."

"Oh..." Xiaohuan responded in a low voice, quietly walked out of the door, looked inside, and walked to the kitchen lightly. It was getting late, and it was time to make dinner.

Li Yi lay on the bed and stared at the roof again. The difference was that this time he didn't think about anything in his head and was in a state of emptiness.

As he looked at it, his eyelids became a little heavy...



The north wind was sobbing, and the whole world was white.

"Dad, why do Li Dong and Li Bei have grandfathers, but where is my grandfather?" The boy in thin clothes stood in the yard in the heavy snow and said loudly.

Snow fell on his head and shoulders, his lips were frozen purple, but his resolute expression remained unchanged.

"You don't have a grandfather." After a long time, a hoarse voice came from the room with flickering candlelight.

"Why?" The boy shivered, but his voice became louder.

"If you say no, then no, don't ask again!" The voice in the house became stern.

The boy bit his lip, his body began to tremble slightly, and he looked at the candlelight in the house stubbornly, but refused to take a step.

The snow was heavier, and the wind blew on his face like a knife. The boy's legs had lost consciousness. At a certain moment, his body shook and fell on the snow.

At the same time, the door was pushed open, and an anxious man ran out of the house, picked up the boy on the snow, and said in a hoarse voice: "Yier, Yier..."

The boy was unconscious, and his forehead was very hot.

The man carried the boy into the house, and soon rushed out again. He wrapped the boy in a quilt, carried him on his back, pushed open the gate, and disappeared in the snow and wind in the cold wind.

"Doctor, my child is sick, please open the door!"

"Doctor, please!"

"Doctor, please save my child!"



On the night of New Year's Eve, the drugstores were closed, and the clinics were closed. The man knocked on several clinics with the child on his back, but no one answered.

Finally, just when he was about to despair, the door of the last clinic slowly opened. The old doctor with white hair looked at him, sighed, and said, "Come in."

When the boy woke up from his coma, he saw the man with bloodshot eyes and messy hair standing by the bed.

"Dad, I'm sorry, the child should be obedient." The boy said weakly.

"It's not your fault, it's not your fault, it's all Dad's fault." The man held the boy's hand, his tiger eyes filled with tears.

"Dad, I miss mom."

The man turned his head away, not wanting the boy to see the tears on his face.

The boy suddenly smiled, held his hand tightly, and said, "Dad, I won't ask that question anymore."

The man finally couldn't help crying.



Li Yi sat up suddenly from the bed, feeling a blockage in his heart. When a white handkerchief reached out to him, he realized that his face was already full of tears.

Ruyi held one of his hands and wiped his tears with the other hand. Li Yi looked at the sky outside and asked, "What time is it now?"

"It's almost midnight." Ruyi looked at him and asked, "Did my husband have a nightmare?"

"Midnight..." Li Yi didn't expect that he had slept for so long. The scenes that appeared in the dream just now, although trivial, were extremely real, as if he had experienced them personally.

Perhaps, it was really what "he" had experienced personally.

Suddenly, there was a strange sound in the room. Li Yi rubbed his stomach. Ruyi smiled and said, "I didn't wake up my husband when we had dinner in the afternoon. I'll go and heat up the food."

Watching Ruyi walk out of the room, Li Yi got out of bed, filled a basin of ice water, and rubbed it on his face. After being stimulated by the ice water, he immediately became much more awake.

He took a long breath. Just now, he seemed to have experienced another life. Everything in the dream was so clear. When he thought about it, those scenes would appear in his mind again.

"It's you." Li Yi murmured to the empty room. There was a strange silence in the room, and no one answered.

The food should have been heated in the pot long ago. Ruyi went out for a while and came back in with a steaming tray in her hand, saying, "It's late now. You can't eat too much. Husband, just drink some porridge."

The rice was ordinary white porridge, and the vegetables were pickled pickles made at home. Li Yi picked up the bowl and ate with relish. He felt that the white porridge and pickles tonight were better than all the delicacies he had eaten before.

The pickles were also pickled with a unique secret recipe, but the secret recipe was not found in the library. When I was a child, I ran around the mountains and fields with my friends after dinner in the afternoon. The amount of exercise was huge. When I went home at night, I would become hungry again.

At this time, grandma would cook some simple white porridge with pickled pickles made at home. When the rice was ready and the kang was almost cooked, I quickly finished my meal and got into the warm bed.

After not eating for a whole day, a bowl of white porridge was naturally not enough. At this time, I didn't care about the rule of not eating too much at night, so I took another bowl by myself, and soon I saw the bottom of the bowl.

"My husband, you can't eat anymore." When Li Yi reached out again, Ruyi stopped him in time.

Although he felt that he could eat another bowl, Ruyi refused to let him go, so Li Yi had no choice but to give up.

Ruyi put the bowls and chopsticks back, and when she came back again, Li Yi suddenly asked, "Tell me, what should I do?"

Ruyi came over, smiled and said, "Don't you already have the answer in your heart?"

Li Yi was stunned for a moment when he heard this, then he smiled, raised his palm, looked at it, and said: "That's all, after receiving such a great favor from you, I should help you dispel so many years of obsession. After this time, you It’s time to feel relieved.”

"What are you talking about?" Ruyi looked at him doubtfully.

Li Yi smiled, patted her hand and said, "It's nothing, it's nothing. Go to bed quickly. Women who stay up late will become ugly..."

When he walked to the bed, he saw Ruyi still standing there, biting her lip, with a somewhat hesitant expression on her face.

Now it was Li Yi's turn to be confused. The one who should be confused was herself. Why was she hesitating?

"What's wrong?" He walked over and looked at her and asked.

"Ms. sir." Ruyi suddenly raised her head and looked at him.

Li Yi looked into her eyes, waiting for her next words.

"Let's consummate the marriage." The hesitation in her eyes quickly disappeared and turned into determination.

Ruyi's voice came clearly, and a bolt of lightning flashed across Li Yi's mind, lighting up the entire world.

At this moment, who is the Li family, who is the distinguished noble, who is the young master, who is going to the capital...

Go to hell!

[ps: The update time is not fixed because the class time is not fixed every day. There will be no updates without asking for book reviews. Generally, unless otherwise specified, there will be two updates every day no matter how late it is. 】

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