Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 3: The chief husband!

Before crossing over, Li Yi's world was a time when the element of crossing over was very popular. Tianlai Novel

No matter it was novels or film and television works, they all rushed to incorporate this element into them. The popularity was so high that from eight-year-old children to eighty-year-old women probably knew what crossing over meant.

Li Yi once thought that if he also crossed over one day, if it was in a peaceful and prosperous era, he would definitely be born in an official family, and when he had nothing to do, he would lead a few lackeys to tease decent women on the street. If it was in a chaotic era, he would rise up, occupy a mountain, and become the king. When he was in the mood, he would take a group of younger brothers down the mountain to rob a few wives of the village chief...

Facts have proved that if you mess around, you will always have to pay.

Li Yi just had a moderate YY, and this kind of thing really happened to him.

What frightened Li Yi even more was that if he heard correctly, those people said that the one who was going to get married was their "village chief"...

Thinking of some terrible possibilities, Li Yi's lips turned pale.

Could it be that the village chief actually likes male homosexuality?

Li Yi had heard that in ancient times, homosexuality, especially male homosexuality, was very popular, and it was also called "Longyang's love". For Li Yi, who would rather die than bend, this was one of the most difficult things to accept.

Li Yi, who felt a chill in his heart, felt it a little and found that there was no discomfort in a certain part of his body, and he couldn't help but breathe a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, his chastity was still there.

After carefully looking at his clothes, Li Yi was stunned for a moment and fell into deep thought again.

He was obviously wearing the clothes of a groom... Could it be that the village chief was a little bottom?

If he was a little bottom, then he could accept it... but not a little bottom!

He couldn't be straighter------straight man!

A real man should stand tall and unyielding!

Just when Li Yi's thoughts drifted to who knows where, the wooden door of the room made a "creaking" sound and closed gently.

To Li Yi, this voice sounded like it came from hell. He shrank back into the wooden bed and didn't even dare to look up.

What he was most worried about was that when he looked up, he would see a big, burly man with a face full of flesh and hair on his chest, and said to him shyly, "Husband, let's consummate our marriage quickly!"

"Eh, so disgusting..." Li Yi shuddered and didn't dare to think about it anymore.

The footsteps were light and getting closer and closer. Li Yi could already smell a faint fragrance. This fragrance was very familiar, exactly the same as the smell on the sheets.

"Forget it, the worst case is death. I won't let him succeed even if I die!" Li Yi raised his head with a look of grief and indignation. Just as he was about to speak, he saw the figure in the room, his mouth half opened, his eyes suddenly widened, and the words he wanted to say were blocked in his throat.

Skin like cream, eyes like autumn water, nose straight, red lips moist, teeth like jade...

The ancients always liked to use such words to describe beauties. Li Yi always thought that this was just a literary exaggeration, or in layman's terms, bragging.

Skin like cream, eyes like autumn water------the ancients seemed to dare to use any words, who doesn't know how to brag?

Moreover, according to their aesthetics, the so-called beauties should be viewed with reservations by modern people.

Li Yi once saw photos of the concubines of the Qing Dynasty emperors on the Internet. They were so horrible. It is said that those concubines were selected from thousands of beautiful women. Li Yi doubted whether those emperors would have any psychological barriers over time...

But when this woman stood in front of him, Li Yi felt that any words of praise were not too much for her.

She just stood there quietly, her white skirt curling, beautiful as clouds, her figure slender and graceful. Li Yi estimated that her height was at least about 1.7 meters. If it weren't for the fact that this body was a little weak, but her height was about 1.78 meters, this woman's height alone would be enough to make Li Yi unable to raise his head.

"You're awake."

The woman spoke lightly, her voice seemed to come from the clouds, clear and pleasant.

This was obviously nonsense.

Li Yi wanted to say "Are you blind?", but he swallowed the words when they came to his lips.

He was afraid of being beaten.

People under the eaves have to bow their heads. A real man can bend and stretch, endure humiliation, and sleep on straw and taste gall... After comforting himself in his heart, Li Yi nodded in humiliation.

Just at that moment, he even had the urge to knock out the beauty in front of him and run away.

Although this body was a little weak, Li Yi was still very confident in dealing with a weak woman.

But he was worried that as soon as he made any unusual movements, a group of bandits would rush in from outside the door, just like what happened today...

The burning pain in his lower abdomen had not yet subsided, and Li Yi did not want to endure such torture again.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you." The woman seemed to see what Li Yi was thinking, and her red lips slightly opened, so Li Yi heard the pleasant voice again.

If the person opposite was a fierce bandit, Li Yi might be very happy to hear this, but when the words "Don't worry, I won't hurt you" came from the mouth of a weak woman, Li Yi couldn't help but feel a personal insult.

For a man, how could he endure...

Forget it, just insult it, it's better than seeing those bandits again... If it's some kind of harm, Li Yi can still accept it.

"During this period, you can stay in the village with peace of mind. If you want to study, let me know and I will send someone to get it for you." The woman looked at Li Yi and said calmly: "In the days to come, In front of outsiders, you and I will treat each other as husband and wife. You can go around the village as much as you want. After a while, when the time comes, I will let you go. "

"Husband...husband and wife are compatible?"

Li Yi was stunned there. It was only then that he realized that he seemed to have made a mistake all along.

Could it be that the "village owner" those people were talking about was the peerless beauty in front of him?

In an instant, the image of the tall and rough man in Li Yi's mind was gradually blurring, and was replaced by an extremely beautiful face. A graceful woman bowed to him and said softly: "Mr. , I am so polite here..."

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Don't think about it, this is just a knock on the door.

The sudden sound brought Li Yi back to reality from his fantasy. Then, he saw that the wooden door latch seemed to have been broken by some impact. A woman with a bucket waist and a young man in his early twenties. The man broke in from outside the door.

"Ruyi, who is he?"

Seeing Li Yi sitting on the bed with his clothes half undressed, the man's expression suddenly changed and he blurted out a question.

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