Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 329: Unexplained Invitation

The dinner was sent by the waiter of the inn. The little fat boy and Li Yi stayed to eat together. The little fat boy, who had been living a luxurious life since childhood, was obviously not interested in the food in the inn. Duanwu took the chicken leg that Li Yi tore for her and ate it fiercely. Tian'lai Xiao's story

In the past, she rarely had the opportunity to eat meat. When her uncle came back from outside, he would occasionally bring her some small food, the kind that could buy a lot of food with two cents. That was her happiest moment.

During the meal, Li Yi chatted with the old man for a while, trying to avoid mentioning his deceased mother.

The old man had no objection to moving the family to Qing'an Prefecture. There is home where there are family members. After suffering so many years in the capital, there is not much place for nostalgia here.

Originally, he was intentionally or unintentionally asking about Li Yi's mother. After hearing that Li Yi had started a family, the old man's attention was diverted. His emotions became obviously excited, and his empty eyes seemed to be rejuvenated.

"You are about to be crowned, so it is right to seize the time to pass on the family line..." The old man kept saying this while eating.

When talking about this topic, Li Yi could only smile bitterly. If it were not for the matter in the capital, he would have started this great task long ago.

After eating and drinking the medicine, the old man fell into a deep sleep. Li Yi looked at the sky. He had been busy for almost a whole day, and it was time to go back.

He left dozens of taels of silver for emergency use and asked Duanwu's mother to keep it. When he walked out of the door, he saw several guards from the Prince's Mansion standing in the yard.

"I'm going to trouble you these days." Li Yi walked over and clasped his fists to them.

"Mr. Li, you are too polite." One of the guards smiled and said, "Don't worry, there will be no problem with us here."

Li Yi was very confident in the ability of the guards in the Prince's Mansion.

Without saying a few more words, he waved goodbye to the little girl Duanwu who sent him to the door, and took the little fat boy back to the Li family.

Just now, when he came out of the inn with the little fat boy and the two guards of the Li family and walked to the street, a man came over.

"Sir, excuse me, my master invites you to the Golden Phoenix Tower for a chat." A young man dressed as a servant came over and said with a smile.

Li Yi asked in confusion: "Can you tell me who your master is?"

"You will know when you go." The servant was obviously unwilling to reveal the other party's identity.

"Then I won't go!"

Li Yi turned around and left.

He didn't have any friends in the capital. The other party obviously couldn't be Li Xuan, let alone Li Mingzhu, and of course it couldn't be the old monk he just met------

Since they were not even friends, what was there to talk about?

"Sir, please stay, please stay!" The servant didn't expect Li Yi to refuse so straightforwardly. He was a little anxious and stepped forward and said.

Two guards of the Li family stood on both sides of Li Yi. If the person in front of them made any improper move, they would be able to take him down immediately.

"Sir, my master has no ill intentions." The servant hurriedly explained, took out something from his sleeve, and said, "Take a look at this first."

Li Yi took a step back vigilantly. What if the thing this guy took out from his sleeve was something like the Rain of Pear Blossoms Needle or the Wild Goose Dang Flying Arrow, and he was caught off guard and hit him like this, wouldn't he be wronged?

Fortunately, the servant didn't have such thoughts. What he took out looked like a handkerchief.

This handkerchief must have been a few years old. The corners were slightly yellowed. It was embroidered with two mandarin ducks playing in the water. The person who embroidered this handkerchief was obviously skilled in needlework. Li Yi had received many handkerchiefs. In terms of exquisiteness, this one in his hand was the best.

The two guards of the Li family looked obviously a little strange. They looked at Li Yi with admiration and envy. What else could a woman give a man a handkerchief? Now it was a bold invitation. What was this young master waiting for?

I didn't expect that he had only been in the capital for two days and a woman had fallen in love with him. It seemed that they had underestimated the young master who had just returned to the Li family.

The doubt on Li Yi's face became stronger. If it was in Qing'an Prefecture, such a thing would not be surprising at all, but this is the capital. How could anyone know him?

Besides, the handkerchiefs given were women's personal handkerchiefs, not old handkerchiefs. Looking at the oldness of this handkerchief, it would definitely not have achieved this effect without ten years.

"You didn't recognize the wrong person, did you?" Li Yi looked at the servant and asked.

"Is the surname of the young master Li?" The servant also looked at Li Yi with some suspicion. Yes, it was almost exactly the same as the portrait he had seen!

The only thing that he couldn't figure out was that this young master seemed a little too young.

However, the portrait could not be wrong, and after seeing him nod, the servant no longer had any doubts.

"Since the young master's surname is Li, then it can't be wrong." The servant said with great certainty.

"You two, take the talented person back first." Li Yi ordered the two guards and decided to go and take a look.

The reason why the two guards were not needed was that with their fighting power, they would definitely not be able to handle the things that they could not handle.

What's more, the Golden Phoenix Tower was just across the street, and the night was the best time for the restaurant to do business. There were people coming and going, and nothing would happen.

The two guards naturally would not delay their young master's appointment with the beauty, and forcibly pulled the fat boy who wanted to go and take a look away.

"Young master, please." The servant smiled and made an invitation gesture.

"Wait a moment." Li Yi still felt unsafe, so he called out two guards from the prince's mansion. It would be better to be careful. What if there was a woman with bad intentions and coveted his "beauty"?

What if the other party had more people, with his mediocre skills, he might not be able to resist!

Li Yi remembered that there seemed to be another brothel called Jinfenglou in Qing'an Prefecture, and the top prostitute there had given him a handkerchief, but here, Jinfenglou was really just a restaurant.

The restaurant's business was very good, and the lobby downstairs was full of guests. Li Yi followed the servant up to the second floor. The servant didn't care about the two strangers following Li Yi at all, as if they really had no ill intentions.

"Young master, my master is inside, you can go in by yourself." After taking Li Yi and the other two to a quiet room deep in the corridor, the servant immediately retreated.

Not knowing what was going on yet, Li Yi knocked on the door gently.

"Come in..."

A soft female voice came from the room, and the voice seemed to tremble slightly. I don't know if it was Li Yi's illusion.

The door was ajar. After Li Yi pushed it open, he hesitated for a moment, and still stepped in.

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