Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 342 How does it compare to Zhao Chun?

"Grandma, this is too expensive. My grandson can't accept it. Tianlai Xiaoshuo" The night-shining pearl is worth a lot of money, not to mention that it was given to the old lady by the younger aunt. Li Yi quickly put the brocade box back.

He was not very interested in this kind of treasure. What's the point of a pearl that can emit a faint fluorescence? It can only illuminate a palm-sized area, not even as good as a 15-watt light bulb...

"We are all family. There is nothing expensive or not expensive. Take it." The old lady smiled and stuffed the thing back into Li Yi's hand.

She has always felt extremely guilty for the child who has been wandering outside for 20 years. What's a night-shining pearl? Can it make up for what he owed him all these years?

Li Yi held the box containing the night-shining pearl in his hand. When he didn't know how to refuse the old lady's insistence, several surprised voices came from not far away.

"This "Longevity Picture" has some skills."

"Interesting, interesting. Look, these "Longevity" characters put together, do they look like a monkey holding peaches?"

"Take two steps back and look, it will be clearer."

"The two "Longevity Pictures" have their own merits. Although this one is not as good as Zhao Chun in terms of skills, it is novel and not bad..."



The "Longevity Picture" made by the eldest grandson of the Li family is obviously not as bad as everyone expected. It is not as good as Chen Chun, who has already entered the hall of calligraphy, but it is also of an upper-middle level. What is rare is that it has taken a different approach. Hundreds of "Longevity" characters of different sizes are spelled into "Longevity Monkey Offering Peach Picture", which has an extra layer of meaning and also took some thought.

Not seeing the expected scene, Fang's face looked a little ugly.

"Let me take a look."

A figure squeezed in from the back. When they saw the person coming, several people made way.

The Zuo family is full of masters of calligraphy. The old man Zuo, who is still alive today, is so good at regular script that each character is worth a thousand gold. Although Zuo Qiu is not as famous as the old man Zuo, he is only below those masters, far from what these outsiders can compare with.

Zuo Qiu picked up the scroll, walked around, and admired it, but did not make any comments.

"Wan Shou Tu" does not really have 10,000 longevity characters. It is just a quantifier to describe the large number. The most common one should actually be called "Bai Shou Tu".

The one in Zuo Qiu's hand is such a "Bai Shou Tu".

"Wan Shou Tu" can be liked by everyone, not because of the simple piling up of many longevity characters. Each longevity character is written in a different way. Zhao Chun's "Wan Shou Tu" is very regular. Although each character has a different shape, they are similar in size, one line and one vertical line, very neat, and it is not an exaggeration to call it "Wan Shou Tie".

In comparison, the one in Zuo Qiu's hand is a real "Wan Shou" picture.

Putting aside the word "longevity", from a distance, this is clearly a picture of a monkey offering peaches. From this point alone, it can be seen that the man is not only proficient in calligraphy, but also in painting.

Of course, Zuo Qiu doesn't care about the painting. He is attracted by the "longevity" characters that are big or small, straight or slanted.

Zhao Chun is famous, but in Zuo Qiu's opinion, he is still very immature. If he wants to find fault, he can find ten thousand things wrong with a "longevity picture".

However, he can't find a single mistake on the scroll in front of him, as if it is really flawless.

Of course, flawlessness does not exist. The only possibility is that his attainments are not enough to find mistakes.

Of course, he can't find any mistakes.

Wang Xizhi, Yan Zhenqing, Ouyang Xun, Zhao Mengfu, Liu Gongquan..., "Wanshou Tu" integrates the works of countless calligraphy masters, regular script, running script, cursive script, dozens of different fonts, all of which were created during the peak period of their founders. If Zuo Qiu could find faults, he would have been famous all over the world.

For this picture, he even put aside the scriptures that the old monk asked for for the past two days. All the books on calligraphy and painting in the library were absorbed into his mind. Miss Liu Er came to him several times for Landlord, and finally stayed in the room to act as a maid grinding ink. If he didn't make a decent thing, it would be a shame for his hard work in the past two days.

"Good calligraphy, good calligraphy..." Zuo Qiu held the scroll, as if he was intoxicated in it, and walked slowly. Under the gaze of everyone, he walked through the crowd and walked away.

"Bah, shameless guy, you dare to covet the old lady's gift!" The first person to react was Yan Zhang. They had known each other for many years, so he naturally knew the other person's character. His face changed and he hurriedly chased after him.

A moment later, Zuo Qiu put the "Wanshou Tu" on the table with a regretful expression on his face.

With such a picture, he didn't need any ancient calligraphy. What a pity, what a pity...

The guests looked stupid. For a picture, is it worth it?

The eldest grandson of the Li family is not a famous calligrapher. Is it worth Zuo Qiu to do this?

However, seeing the two people staring at the picture eagerly and unwilling to look away for a moment, even the slowest people understood.

This picture seems to be really unusual...

You know, when Zhao Chun took out the "Wanshou Tu" just now, the two were not even interested in taking a look.

Some were surprised, some were confused, but more people doubted the owner of the picture.

The eldest grandson of the Li family said that this painting was drawn by him personally. However, how could something that was treated so well by two masters of extraordinary calligraphy be drawn by a young man?

The old lady personally put away the "Longevity Picture", and the smile on her face became even bigger. For her, it was enough to know that this was a gift from her grandson.

As for Zuo Qiu and Yan Zhang, they were surrounded by several people, and there was a faint voice.

"How does this "Longevity Picture" compare to Zhao Chun's?"

"Can't be compared? That's Zhao Chun!"

"They are all young people. It's possible to say that he is better than Zhao Chun. Zuo Shaojian said that he is far inferior to him, but he is too modest."



Li Yi played with Miss Liu's sword in his hand, wasting time bored.

The ancients did not celebrate birthdays like modern people, cutting a cake, saying a few words of happy birthday and then eating.

After several cumbersome etiquettes, the fat man's stomach had been growling for at least a quarter of an hour, and he had not received the order to start eating.

Two men who are older than the old lady in total, sitting on the left and right of Li Yi, have been begging for a long time, and their only request is to get a copy of the old lady's "Longevity Picture" exactly as it is.

This unreasonable request, of course, Li Yi refused without a second thought.

Writing this thing takes too much energy, and the scriptures promised to the old monk have not been copied yet. After the old lady's birthday banquet, I will leave the capital in a few days. How can I have time to write that thing for them?

[ps: Sorry, I am used to ending at a key place, sometimes I don't realize it, resulting in a situation similar to the previous chapter, pay attention next time. If I type another line at the end of this chapter, it will be a broken chapter again, so I force myself to hold it back. ]

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