After figuring out the cause of the matter... Li Yi felt even worse.

Being cheated by others and being cheated by oneself are two completely different feelings.

He looked up at Li Mingzhu and sighed in his heart, this girl is really honest...

He was just talking casually at the beginning. Who would have thought that anyone could be the county lieutenant, let alone this honest girl who took it so seriously?

If he had known that this would be the result, he would not have talked about the county lieutenant at the beginning. At the worst, he should have started as a prefect, right?

While he was thinking about this, Li Mingzhu had taken out a small unopened wine jar from the corner of the counter, sat back at the table with satisfaction, took back the wine glass from Li Yi's hand, and refilled it.

The glass he drank just now was just water wine at best. This scholar's drinking capacity is probably about the same as his cheap cousin.

"Can you speak to the emperor?" Li Yi came back to his senses and no longer blamed her in his heart.

"I guess so."

Li Mingzhu nodded, as if to acquiesce. Smelling the aroma of wine, a trace of satisfaction flashed in her eyes, and she picked up the wine glass.

Li Yi looked at her and asked tentatively: "Then how about we make a deal? Let's stop being a county lieutenant and change to a prefect?"


Li Mingzhu sprayed out all the wine before she swallowed it.

Sitting opposite her, Li Yi, who was not prepared at all, was immediately hit by this unexpected disaster. He was caught off guard and was sprayed all over his face. He wiped the wine off his face and looked at her with a stiff expression.

"You think being a prefect is a piece of cabbage!" Even as calm as she was, she couldn't help but lose her composure after hearing what Li Yi said. Let alone the prefect, even at the level of county magistrate, the appointment and dismissal was not something she could control. Changing to the prefect? ​​He really dared to think!

After rolling her eyes at him, she stood up and walked outside, "The post of county lieutenant cannot be vacant. If there is no other important matter, report to the county government office as soon as possible!"

Walked outside, turned back, picked up the wine jar, and said, "I'll take the wine away..."

Li Yi stared at her disappearing in a daze, always feeling like he was being sold...


"I heard you're going to be a county lieutenant?" Li Xuan asked in surprise as soon as he walked into the store.

"How did you know?" Li Yi sat listlessly on the chair, raised his head and glanced at him and said.

After asking, he felt that he had asked a nonsense question. In this Qing'an Prefecture, what could be hidden from him?

"Mingzhu said so." Li Xuan sat opposite him and said, "Mingzhu said that with your ability, you are idle anyway, it's a pity not to find you something to do..."

"I didn't expect Mingzhu to make such an evaluation of you..." Li Xuan's tone was a little depressed. From childhood to adulthood, his cousin had always ignored him, not only him, but also others. This made Li Xuan feel frustrated. It was the first time he heard her use "capable" to describe a man.

After carefully looking at Li Yi for a few times, he felt that he didn't have any special highlights. Although he was already good enough compared to others, there was still a little gap compared to himself.

Of course, he still had something to ask Li Yi for, and these words were just thought in his mind, not spoken out.

"What? I'm idle anyway, it's a pity not to find me something to do?" Li Yi's expression was stunned. Thinking of the faint expression on the face of the female detective when she said these words, he couldn't help but feel angry.

It turned out that she did it on purpose!

When he was walking in the village yesterday, people around him avoided him as if he were the plague. Wherever he went, people retreated. The naughty kid wanted to come over to say hello to him, but he was held under the arms of the adults at home. He took two steps at a time and hid in the house. He closed the door and two pairs of eyes appeared from the crack of the door...

When he met someone he couldn't avoid, he stood there and tremblingly called "County Lieutenant Sir", and then ran away. Even the dogs in the village couldn't catch up with him...

In addition to Lao Fang, those who were close to Ruyi and her sister before were also somewhat embarrassed when they saw him.

At home, it was even more difficult to explain. The little maid was heartless and had not changed much from before. When she was doing things, she would sometimes cover her mouth and laugh secretly. No one knew what she was thinking in her heart.

As for Ruyi, he couldn't tell her that the old emperor had a seizure and suddenly had the idea of ​​arranging a county lieutenant for him...

Last night, Li Yi rested in the store. When he figured out how to explain to Ruyi, the two of them would have a good talk.

"Do you remember what I said last time about "Female Psychology" and "36 Ways to Chase a Girl"?" Li Yi looked at Li Xuan and asked.

"Of course I remember." Li Xuan nodded. This was what Li Yi promised to teach him last time, but he still hadn't done it.

"I'll teach you these things now." Li Yi said seriously, "You can pursue that female police chief."

Since she made him upset, Li Yi certainly didn't want her to live comfortably.

Now I'll teach Li Xuan the shameless way to pursue a girl, and I'll annoy her to death...

"Why do you want to pursue her?" Li Xuan was stunned for a moment, and then he said in shock, "She's my cousin!"

This time it was Li Yi's turn to be confused, "Then why did you ask me to write a poem last time?"

"I just wanted her to look at me differently..." Li Xuan, who had been ignored since childhood, wanted to see different emotions from her as a cousin, but this goal had been achieved a few days ago.

"Speaking of which, I still have to thank you. Last time, Mingzhu and I made a bet on which of the two stones of different sizes would fall to the ground first..." Thinking of her expression at that time, Li Xuan couldn't help but smile and said to Li Yi.

Li Yi found that he had been thinking wrong all along. It turned out that this guy just wanted to successfully pretend in front of Li Mingzhu. In this world, if you want to hit on your cousin, you will still be beaten.

"By the way, you just mentioned "Female Psychology" and "36 Ways to Chase Girls". You can continue to talk about it." Li Xuan was obviously still very interested in the topic he just talked about.

"Forgot..." Li Yi waved his hand, and the idea of ​​wanting Li Xuan to bother the female head of the police was also futile, and he immediately lost interest.

After telling a few girls a few words, he raised his feet and walked out the door.

"Where are you going?" Li Xuan asked.

Li Yi did not answer, and Li Xuan hurriedly followed.

Anxi County Government Office, Li Yi and Li Xuan were stopped by the yamen runners at the door.

The yamen runner stopped them and asked, "Who are you and what do you want to do in the county government?"

Li Yi took out his badge and waved it in front of him. The yamen runner's face changed immediately and he bowed and said, "Sir, county lieutenant!"

Watching the two people walk into the county government, the yamen runner watched their figures disappear, and then patted his chest. The young man who looked like a scholar just now was the newly appointed county lieutenant?

This is too young!

Just when the yamen runner was thinking about whether the new county lieutenant was reliable, in the county government, County Magistrate Liu was a little distressed.

[Remarks on the release:

After more than three months of bumps and bruises, "The Little Scholar" is finally going to be released.

Don't cry about poverty or misery, just say a few words. After all, the explosion promised tomorrow has not been written for a chapter. If I say a few more nonsense, I will have something to endure in the evening.

The positioning of this book should be the style of TVB casual drama or web drama. It does not seek to write anything heavy. Relaxation is the main goal.

Because it is the first attempt, there are bound to be flaws. Along the way, there are both abuse and praise. For a period of time, I was very annoyed by negative comments, and the pressure was not small, and even affected the state of writing. After all, I wanted to write something relaxing at the beginning, so that everyone can relax and laugh. Of course, it is better, but without a relaxed mentality, you can't write relaxing words.

Later, I gradually chose to ignore the negative things. Here I would like to thank the book friends who have always supported and encouraged Xiaorong. Thank you for every click, every recommendation ticket, and every reward...

I would like to thank my editor Huya in particular. From Fenqiang, Client to Sanjiang, I have always pushed the shelves and recommended them. Without her arrangement, Xiaoshusheng would not have come to this point today.

Tomorrow, the VIP chapter will be released at about 12 o'clock. On the day of the shelf, there will be five more chapters. At that time, I will write as many chapters as I want to post. If there are not enough five chapters, I will make up for it on the same day.

I hope that book friends who have the conditions can come to Qidian to subscribe to the genuine version. After all, subscriptions are the author's livelihood. The better the shelf performance, Xiaorong will be more motivated and there will be more explosions in the future.

In addition, I will announce a book club group number. Interested book friends can add it: 201688857.

Finally, please subscribe, thank you! 】

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