Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 360: Hanshan Dharma Assembly

Perhaps because of the strict royal etiquette, teaching the princes and princesses was a very easy thing. The unexpected situation that Li Yi expected did not happen. Except for a small episode with King Jin at the beginning, the first class went quite smoothly. 』

Today, the main thing is to let them recognize numbers and learn to write. In an hour, the break between classes took up half an hour, and they couldn’t teach much, not to mention whether they could accept too much.

Every substitute teacher must cultivate his own eyes and teeth among the students, or lackeys in layman's terms.

Princess Shouning, who is the most intelligent and has the most solid foundation, naturally became the representative of mathematics. In addition to maintaining classroom discipline, she also has the responsibility of supervising and checking the completion of her brothers and sisters' homework.

After agreeing to teach Shouning how to make hot pot, Li Yi demonstrated it to her in person at the Shangshi Bureau after the lecture.

The old emperor's asthma prevented him from eating spicy food, so he didn't even need to add dogwood. There were also many things to pay attention to in the sauce. This time, Shouning followed the good tradition of "a good memory is not as good as a bad pen" and wrote down the steps one by one. She had never been so active in class.

Although the little Lolita was occasionally arrogant, she was sensible and filial. Li Yi did not hold back when teaching her, and even some ultimate secrets were not hidden.

Before leaving, she casually took two cucumbers from the Shangshi Bureau. It was the end of the month and the spring chill was strong. This thing can only be eaten in the palace.

Four guards of the Li family were guarding the palace gate. The carriage of the Viscount's Mansion was parked there. Li Yi got on the carriage. The driver flicked the whip and the carriage slowly went forward.

This carriage was given by the old emperor. The feudal society was strictly hierarchical and the etiquette was even stricter. What kind of person sat in what car and what kind of support they should have were all stipulated by law. When you go out and see the other person's carriage, you know whether you can afford to offend the person inside or not.

Of course, Li Yi is now one of the people he cannot afford to offend.

The carriage is the best, but it turns out that two wheels are sometimes not as good as two legs.

There was actually a traffic jam in the city. The carriages and sedan chairs in front of him had already formed a long queue. Li Yi could only get off the carriage and told them to take a detour and wait for him at the city gate.

After walking about dozens of meters from both sides of the road, he finally saw the source of the congestion.

In front of a medicine shop, a group of people were blocking the road.

"The Qi people are not good people. They actually sold fake medicine to us and smashed his shop!" A voice shouted.

Someone immediately joined in: "Yes, in my Jingguo capital, this shop should have been smashed long ago!"

The door of the medicine shop was closed, and the crowd was excited. They threw everything they could get, stones, rotten vegetable leaves, rotten eggs..., and the door of the medicine shop immediately became a mess.

Li Yi had no intention of watching the excitement, so he walked around from a distance and walked towards the city gate in front.

Jing State had been bullied by Qi State for decades. Although the people were not at loggerheads with each other, there had never been a lack of angry young people from ancient times to the present. There were always people whose national pride was so strong that they thought that Qi State was a bad guy and should be destroyed by humanitarianism.

If Jing State had been bullied all the time, this contradiction would not have been intensified. After all, fists were the hard truth. If there was any conflict, the government would protect the people of Qi to a certain extent in accordance with the principle of maintaining international harmony and protecting international friends, and avoid further hostility with Qi State.

But now it is different. Just a few days ago, Jing State, which had been suppressed and beaten, suddenly turned over and fought a beautiful battle. Jing State, which had always taken the initiative to seek peace, took the initiative this time and even occupied two of the opponent's cities. The international situation suddenly reversed, and the long-standing dissatisfaction and resentment of the people of Jing State were vented, and the people of Qi living in Jing State suffered.

At this time, there was no need to care about the ** country. It didn't matter whether the medicine sold in the pharmacy was fake or not. What mattered was that this was a shop owned by the Qi people. The envoys of Qi were about to arrive. At this time, we had to show our power and let them know that the people of Jing were not easy to bully.

Li Yi didn't plan to watch the excitement. He hadn't eaten yet. Being a teacher for the princes and princesses, not to mention the low salary, he didn't even care about the food. He was thirsty and hungry. The royal family lacked the most basic humanistic care. How many ministers like him were disappointed?

"This donor, please stay."

A voice came from behind. Li Yi looked back and saw two monks walking towards him.

"May I ask the donor, do you know how to get to Fahua Temple?" An old monk stepped forward and asked with a smile.

Another middle-aged monk was dressed simply, holding an iron rod in his hand. His face was narrow and thin. He stood behind the old monk expressionlessly, which gave people a lot of pressure.

"I don't know." Li Yiduo glanced at the middle-aged monk, then shook his head, pointed to the crowd in front, and said to the old monk: "Master, you might as well go there and ask."

He didn't know where Fahua Temple was, but he knew how to get to Hanshan Temple. By the way, the scriptures can be copied today, and it's time to send them to the old monk Tanyin.

"Amitabha, thank you." The old monk smiled slightly and turned to the crowd.

During the meal, I learned that under the leadership of the old lady, the whole family would go to Hanshan Temple tomorrow.

Just a few days after the temple fair at Hanshan Temple ended, a more lively and grand Dharma Assembly began. Funded by the court, Hanshan Temple was set up to offer food, promote Buddhism, and praise Buddha's virtues.

It is said that all the famous monks in Panorama will gather at Hanshan Temple these days, and the unknown ones will also try to gather at Hanshan Temple. Such a large Dharma Assembly is held only once a year. Not only the dignitaries in the capital, but also the royal family will participate. If you show your face in front of the royal family and make your presence felt, you may be named a great monk.

Later, Xiaohuan said that the old lady actually wanted to take the young lady to worship Guanyin, the Goddess of Childbirth, and all kinds of gods and Buddhas, as long as she could give her a great-grandson.

Li Yi felt that praying to Buddha for a great-grandson was a bit far-fetched. Only praying to him would be useful for such a thing...

Since they were going to Hanshan Temple tomorrow, it was just right for them to bring the scriptures with them. I don’t know what kind of superstitious thoughts the old lady had, and she brought all the female relatives with her, and didn’t allow him to go with them.

But anyway, he was too lazy to go. What’s so good about a group of monks chanting scriptures? If it were young and beautiful nuns, it might be a bit interesting, but if that was the case, the old lady might not let him go.

"When you go tomorrow, help me hand this sutra to an old monk named "Tan Yin." When copying the sutra, Li Yi specifically chose the short ones. In fact, it would take several days to complete, but with his shoddy work, he completed the task ahead of schedule not long after dinner.

If he really had to move all the Buddhist scriptures in the library, he would never do anything else in his life. This sutra is full of classics, which is definitely enough to deal with the old monk.

Xiaohuan took the sutra, opened it and took a look. She felt dizzy after reading it. She quickly closed the book, nodded, and said, "Don't worry, son-in-law, I will definitely hand it over to the old monk in person."

"Remember to call "Master" tomorrow..."

Li Yi added another sentence when he walked out of the study.

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