Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 372 The Crown Prince's Consort invites you

Li Yi did not make fried rice with egg this time. The food bureau in the palace has rich materials, many of which are not usually seen outside. It is a great waste of resources to just take some white rice and two eggs.

He carried Princess Yongning to a chair and let her sit quietly, while he was busy in front of the stove.

In just two quarters of an hour, two bowls of steaming noodles came out of the pot.

Some time ago, he asked for the secret recipe of He's noodles from his aunt. After Li Yi's own improvement, the raw materials used were richer while retaining the original taste. Looking at the big and small sitting on the stone table in the yard, the fragrance drifted far away. The head of the Shangshi Bureau swallowed a mouthful of saliva, looked at the pot, and wanted to cry but had no tears.

When you eat noodles, at least leave some soup for yourself!

The food in the palace should have been innovated long ago. Being able to make ordinary noodles so extraordinary, maybe it can also be liked by those nobles. For him, it is a credit.

Princess Yongning only lowered her head to eat, still reluctant to talk, but Li Yi still understood the principle of "too much is as bad as too little". It was a great progress that she could reach out to him, and he would change slowly. If he showed too much impatience and aroused her disgust, all his efforts would be wasted.

After dinner, Li Yi took Princess Yongning's hand and walked back to the original place, where several eunuchs and palace maids were waiting anxiously.

"See you tomorrow!"

After handing her to a palace maid, Li Yi turned around and waved, then turned and walked towards the palace gate.

The little girl looked at the direction he left until his figure disappeared, and she didn't look away for a long time.



Li Yi decided to teach them all the contents of the book in a short time, and then let them slowly digest and study by themselves, so that he would have enough time to do his own things.

The number of classes per month was stipulated by the old emperor, but how to teach them and which four days to choose were decided by Li Yi himself, as long as he taught them everything that should be taught.

When he walked out of the palace gate, Miss Liu Er was already waiting for him in the carriage. Li Yi did not go home first, but planned to go to the Prince's Mansion first.

It was necessary to tell him about the invitation to the banquet by the King of Shu.

The gatekeeper of the Prince's Mansion was very enthusiastic about him now, telling him that the Prince had gone out in the morning and should be returning to the mansion soon, so he should wait for a while in the mansion.

When Miss Liu Er saw the guards of the palace flying around on a grass slope behind and having a lot of fun, she had no interest in drinking tea in the house. Li Yi sat in a hall and occasionally saw a shadow passing by quickly in his sight.

In fact, gliders can only let people experience the fun of flying. If you want to fly higher, according to the current level, human-powered airplanes are probably not worth building, but hot air balloons can be considered.

Li Xuan is now studying air, buoyancy or aerodynamics. Any subject is enough for him to spend a lifetime, which is unimaginable for Li Yi. Fortunately, he can enjoy himself, so he lets him go.

He only drank half of the tea, and instead of waiting for Li Xuan, he waited for a maid from the Prince's Mansion.

"Excuse me, are you Li Xianzi?" The maid walked in leisurely from the door, blinking and looking at Li Yi and asked.

Li Yi nodded and asked, "Is the prince back?"

The maid shook her head and said, "The prince has not come back yet. I am here on the orders of the prince's wife to invite Li Xianzi to come over."

"What, the prince's wife?" Li Yi was slightly stunned when he heard this.

The prince's wife asked him to go over, where?

He was indeed very familiar with Li Xuan, but he had only met the prince's wife a few times, and he had never even said a word to her. What on earth did she want to talk to him about?

However, Li Xuan was not there, and the other party was the owner of the prince's mansion. Li Yi could not refuse, and he had no reason to refuse. He was led by the maid through two corridors and finally came to a hall.

"My lord, please follow me in." The maid said, and walked in first.

"Crown Princess, County Master Li is here." The maid respectfully said to a figure behind the curtain, and then slowly retreated.

Li Yi was not surprised by the curtain in front of him.

The royal family and those big families attach great importance to etiquette. A single man and a single woman in the same room should always avoid suspicion.

Otherwise, when Li Xuan comes back and sees himself and his Crown Princess together, I don't know what he will think in his heart.

Although he once said that he would give the Crown Princess to me, he was drunk at that time and couldn't take it seriously.

In an unfamiliar environment, Li Yi would always subconsciously look at everything around him.

This is obviously not the Crown Princess's boudoir, but a place like a study. There are two rows of bookshelves, and some calligraphy and paintings are hung on the walls around. You can tell at a glance that they are made by women.

Li Yi is now considered a master in these two things. The calligraphy and paintings are all new. It must have been made not long ago. It is very likely that they were made by this Crown Princess.

When Li Xuan was drunk in Ruyifang, he once said that the princess he was going to marry was a noble lady from a wealthy family in Jingguo. She was not only extremely beautiful, but also well-educated, and proficient in everything from music, chess, calligraphy, and painting. Now it seems that it is not an exaggeration at all.

It was a pity that I didn't agree to exchange with him at the beginning...

"I'm sorry to ask County Master Li to come over. I hope you don't mind." Soon, a voice came from behind the curtain.

The voice was very gentle, and at first glance, she was the kind of well-educated and well-mannered girl. She was completely different from Miss Liu Er, who spoke with a sword-like tone.

"You are too polite, Princess." Li Yi pretended to be indifferent and asked directly: "I wonder what the Princess wants me to do?"

Li Yi was actually not good at dealing with strangers, especially strange women, so he didn't say so many roundabout things.

The other party didn't seem to expect Li Yi to be so straightforward. After a moment of silence, he asked: "I wonder when Li Xianzi and the Prince met?"

Li Yi was stunned when he heard this. Did the Princess call him over just to ask this question?

After thinking for a while, he said: "It's only been a few months."

"It was when I was in Qing'an Mansion." Another voice came from the curtain.

"That's right." Li Yi nodded and said.

He raised his head and looked inside the curtain. He always felt that the Princess' tone was strange. Why did she ask this question? Was she worried that he would compete with him for a man?

There is absolutely no need for this. His orientation has been very normal from the beginning to the end. As for Li Xuan------this guy has no orientation at all.

"Then I wonder how much does Li Xianzi know about the prince?" The voice inside the curtain was still soft.

Li Yi finally realized where the strange thing was.

As Li Xuan's prince's wife, she actually asked how much she knew about him. He was not Uncle Li downstairs. Li Xuan and she slept in the same bed. Shouldn't she be the one who knows Li Xuan best?

Could it be------Li Yi looked up at the curtain again, and suddenly thought of a possibility.

Li Xuan, that guy, couldn't still be------

How could this be possible? They have been married for quite some time. There is no couple in the world who has not consummated their marriage after a month of marriage. Even Liu Xiahui couldn't do that, unless the man was asexual------

Pooh! It seems that something is wrong...

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