Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 388: Officials Visit (1/2)

"With a son like this, why should the Qin family worry about dying?"

Emperor Jing did not continue to review the memorial. After writing a few edicts in his own hand, he went to the queen's palace to rest. Changde stood at the door of the Qinzheng Palace, playing with a token in his hand. Thinking of the contents of the edicts, a rare look appeared on his old face. A trace of ridicule emerged.

The great victory in the battle with Qi State, but the capture of the city was because the late emperor and even Emperor Taizu failed to complete the great cause. Now, your majesty's prestige among the ministers has reached its peak. Various edicts have been issued recently, and the opposition in the court has It has almost disappeared.

"Let's make trouble, let's make trouble, it's a pool of stagnant water, there are quite a lot of undercurrents, but it's okay to make trouble..." After a moment, he put away the wooden sign in his hand, murmured, and the figure quickly disappeared into the dark palace. among.



When he woke up, Li Yi could hardly feel the pain in his ankle.

There is also a zhenqi poured into his body by his second uncle. Although it is almost useless against experts, his body is indeed much better than before. He can be so happy and lively. In addition to the credit of Ruyi Zhenqi massage, he is also It has something to do with his gradually improving self-healing ability.

As usual, he has to give lessons in the palace today. Now he arranges the time for the arithmetic lessons for the princes and princesses, so naturally they no longer need to get up so early.

When going out, Ruyi helped him tidy up his collar and warned: "Ms., please be careful these two days and don't walk or run. Although your muscles and bones are not injured, you still need two days of training if you want to return to normal." ”

When no one was paying attention, Li Yi secretly kissed her on the face and said, "I know."

Ruyi was thin-skinned and her pretty face was slightly red, but she did not dodge.

Behind Li Yi, the little maid said "Ah". She was about to come in, but she ran out again covering her face.

Miss Liu Er was already waiting for him on the carriage outside. Li Yi walked out of the door and was about to get on the carriage when several figures came over from not far away.

Seeing a few people coming from the front, Li Yi's face was stunned for a moment, and then a hint of joy appeared on his face, and he said, "Why are you here?"

Liu Yishou, who was wearing official uniform, also had a look of surprise on his face. He walked over and said a little at a loss: "Sir, it's really you!"

"When did you come to Kyoto?" Li Yi looked at him and asked with a smile.

When he was in Qing'an Mansion, it was because of Liu Yishou that he could be a lazy county lieutenant with peace of mind. This guy was born to be a fast catcher. Even Li Yi had to be convinced by his ability.

"It has only been two days since I arrived." Liu Yishou said with a smile: "Master Liu was transferred to Kyoto and brought his subordinates with him. I originally wanted to visit you, but I didn't expect to see you so soon."

"Liu County Magistrate has been transferred to Kyoto?" Li Yi was a little surprised when he heard this. Although Qing'an Prefecture is also an important town in Jingguo, it is still inferior to Kyoto. He was transferred from Qing'an Prefecture to the power center of Jingguo. Under normal circumstances, it is After being promoted, even County Magistrate Liu could be transferred to Kyoto one day?

This time, before Liu Yishou could reply, a middle-aged man in crimson official attire came forward and said with a smile: "I have met Mr. Li."

He did not introduce the official position, because it was not the first time that the two met. When Li Yi went to deal with the crazy monk's matter, he saw him at the county government office. At that time, this man was standing next to the county magistrate, and he seemed to be the county captain.

"I wonder what brings Captain Sun here?" Li Yi looked at him and asked.

The middle-aged man laughed and said: "The Duke of Qin's office sent someone to the Yamen this morning to report the case. It was said that the young Duke Qin was assassinated and injured yesterday, and I was ordered to come here to investigate."

Lieutenant Chen had a smile on his face, but he was secretly suffering in his heart.

It would not be good to offend either party, but it was obviously much wiser to offend County Prince Li than to offend Prime Minister Qin.

Li Yi thought to himself that Madman Qin acted very quickly. Officials came to the door very early in the morning and he was not willing to wait for even half a day.

The King of Shu does not have the power to detain people, but the Kyoto County Government does.

Moreover, the county captain has a very good attitude, is very friendly, looks businesslike, but always maintains etiquette. Anyone who can get into this position is definitely not an ordinary person.

Hearing this, Miss Liu Er jumped down from the carriage and stood next to Li Yi.

Liu Yishou opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

This was his first time handling a case, but he didn't expect that he would be found on the head of County Lieutenant Li Jueye.

There is no doubt that without your lord, there would be no Liu Yishou today. However, the person in charge today is the county captain, and he can't get in the middle of the conversation at all. At this time, he is in a dilemma.

Sun County Lieutenant smiled and said: "County Master Li and that girl, they only need to go to the county office with Xiaguan. They can make their own judgments about right and wrong. Xianguan also acts according to the law. I hope County Master Li won't do it." Embarrassed."

County Lieutenant Sun's duty is to take people back. As for what happens next, County Magistrate Liu will have a headache. The people from Qin's government are waiting at the county office. This first case may be... It was enough for Mr. Liu who suddenly landed in the capital to drink several pots.

Li Yi smiled and said, "Sorry, I have to go to the palace now. I'm afraid I won't be able to go back with County Captain Sun. You go back first. After I come out of the palace, I will go directly to the county government office."

The Qin Mansion has a prime minister. If he enters the government office, he can let them say whatever they want. He is not that stupid. What's more, the thing he is waiting for has not come yet. Although he doesn't know whether it will come, he has different preparations for it, but none of them is to go to the county government office in Beijing with this Sun County Lieutenant.

Sun County Lieutenant was a little embarrassed because he didn't know what Li Xianzi was doing in the palace, but he couldn't afford to delay anything in the palace, but how could he explain to the people in the Qin Mansion if he didn't bring the person back?

"Li Xianzi, this..." When Sun County Lieutenant was hesitating, a sound of horse hooves from the front interrupted the struggle between heaven and man in his mind. A gorgeous carriage stopped in front of the Viscount's Mansion, and there were several people riding on horses in front.

The one in front was an old man with wrinkles on his face. The people behind him were also wearing brocade robes, middle-aged, white and beardless. Sun County Lieutenant saw at a glance that this should be the palace's eunuchs.

Li Yi also saw it, saw the thing he was waiting for, or the person.

The leading old man dismounted, walked up to Li Yi, and said expressionlessly: "According to the order of His Majesty, bring County Master Li to the palace."

Sun County Lieutenant's eyelids jumped, according to the order of His Majesty?

His Majesty sent the eunuch to personally bring him to the palace. It seems that today's affairs are destined not to be so smooth.

The person who came was an old acquaintance. Li Yi walked over and looked at Chang De and said: "General Manager Chang, what does His Majesty want to see me for?"

Sun County Lieutenant's eyelids jumped again. What does His Majesty want to see you for? Is this what you should ask?

He began to be a little confused about the position of this County Master Li in His Majesty's heart. He couldn't afford to offend the Qin Mansion, so could he offend His Majesty?

Chang De still had no expression on his face, and said, "You'll know when you get there."

After that, he took out a sign from his arms and threw it to Li Yi, saying, "Put this thing away, get in the car."

Li Yi looked at the sign in his hand and asked in confusion, "What is this?"

Kyoto has many rules and signs. Viscounts have signs representing their identities, and those who enter the palace have signs to enter the palace. You have to use signs to do anything. It seems that it is also very popular to give signs, the emperor gives them, and the monks give them. The problem is that he doesn't know what these signs are for.

Li Yi doesn't recognize the sign in his hand, but it doesn't mean that County Lieutenant Sun doesn't recognize it.

In fact, even if the county magistrate doesn't recognize it, he can't not recognize it.

When he saw this sign, he felt his legs go weak and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. Is the Qin Mansion crazy? They actually asked him to arrest this County Li------with this sign, who has the power to arrest him except for the order of His Majesty himself?

This is the card of the commander of the secret agents. The Secret Agents Department is a special department directly under His Majesty. It is only responsible to His Majesty. They have always been the only ones who can arrest people. How can others arrest them?

It is okay to be targeted by the censor. At most, they will have a verbal fight. This is nothing. If they are targeted by the Secret Agents Department, they will not even have a way to survive.

Thinking of these things, County Lieutenant Sun felt his legs became weaker. He finally managed to stabilize himself. In his heart, he had already scolded the manager of the Qin Mansion.

Chang De said lightly: "Secret Agent Commander Card, from today on, you only need to listen to His Majesty's orders. Apart from that, don't care about anything else."

Li Yi's eyes lit up when he heard this, and suddenly he felt that the plain card in his hand became dazzling.

Only need to listen to the orders of the old emperor, doesn't that mean that with this card, you can do whatever you want in Kyoto?

Good stuff, good stuff...

"Let's go." Seeing Li Yi still standing there, Chang De urged.

Li Yi nodded and was about to get on the more gorgeous carriage. Suddenly, he seemed to remember something and turned back. He looked at the county lieutenant Sun and asked, "County lieutenant Sun, what did you want to say just now?"

"I want to say..." County lieutenant Sun's forehead was covered with a layer of fine hair, but he didn't even dare to wipe it off. He said with a serious face, "I want to say that the monks that Li Xianzi asked us to track down last time have been found. They are all monks from Qi. Although they have escaped from Kyoto, the Ministry of Justice has issued arrest warrants. Li Xianzi, please rest assured that as long as there is news about them, I will send someone to notify you immediately!"

"Then I'll trouble County Lieutenant Sun." Li Yi gave him a meaningful smile and got on the carriage from the palace with Miss Liu Er.

Watching the carriage go away and several eunuchs on horseback disappearing in front of him, County Lieutenant Sun breathed a long sigh of relief and finally let go of his heart.

"Go back!" He said angrily. The damn Qin Mansion Manager, why didn't he say that Li Xianzi was actually from the Secret Service? Isn't this asking him to die?

A constable asked in confusion: "Sir, aren't you here to catch the assassin? Where is the assassin?"

It would have been better if he didn't say it. As soon as he said it, Sun Xianwei got angry and immediately turned around and kicked him hard on the butt, "Catch the assassin, catch your mother!"

The constable didn't dare to dodge and said aggrievedly: "Sir, my mother died two years ago..."

"You dare to talk back!"


Looking at the scene in front of him, Liu Yishou smiled. No matter where he is, the county lieutenant is still the county lieutenant as before.



The carriage stopped in front of the palace gate. Li Yi turned to Miss Liu Er and said, "I don't know when I can come out. You can go to the street first and wait for me here in two hours."

Chang De heard this and reminded him, "The token that His Majesty gave you to enter the palace can bring two people in together."

"Ah?" Li Yi was startled for a moment and looked at the old eunuch: "You didn't tell me earlier!"

Looking back at Miss Liu Er, "Then let's go into the palace together. I'll show you what the palace is like."

Chang De said expressionlessly: "She can only accompany you in, she can't just walk around, and neither can you."

"You are the only one who talks a lot!"

Li Yi thought to himself: This old eunuch doesn't talk that much usually. Why hasn't he stopped talking today?

Miss Liu Er still kept her sword close to her body, but even if the general had to take off his armor when entering the palace, she could only leave the sword at the gate of the palace.

Before Li Yi went to Bowen Hall, he had to meet the old emperor first. Chang De led the way, and he and Miss Liu Er walked behind.

"Speaking of all the masters in the world, the palace accounts for half of it. If you meet an old eunuch casually in the palace, he might be an unparalleled master. Please don't run around for a while." Li Yi warned Miss Liu Er.

Liu Ruyi rarely refuted Li Yi this time. She had never been to the palace before, and she never thought that she would have the opportunity to come here. She looked at the palace walls on both sides and the palace in the distance with interest.

"For example, this Manager Chang, although he may not know the Sunflower Book, his martial arts is definitely very good, but he is a bit old. If he is willing, you can ask him to learn a few moves in a while, but remember to be merciful, after all, the old man is in poor health. Virtual..."

Li Yi knew that Miss Liu Er was a fighting madman at heart, but in reality it was rare to find someone who was on an equal footing with her - he was too weak, and Ruyi was too strong, neither of them were suitable opponents.

There must be a lot of masters in the palace, and they should be able to give her a good time.

"No fight." Miss Liu Er said simply without even looking at the old man leading the way.

"Why?" Li Yi was a little confused. He had seen Chang De's skills and he should be pretty good. Could it be that Miss Liu Er didn't want to bully the old man?

"Can't beat him." Miss Liu Er's answer was straightforward.

Li Yi was really surprised this time. He could make such a proud Miss Liu Er admit that she was inferior. This old eunuch seemed to be much more powerful than he imagined.

He raised his head and glanced at Changde. No wonder he was the chief chamberlain and always accompanied the old emperor. The old man was still as majestic as before...

Is your body weak?

Hearing Li Yi's words, the old man walking in front curled his lips. In his opinion, County Master Li's martial arts skills were not worth mentioning at all, but the little girl next to him had an astonishing talent. At such a young age, To be able to achieve such a level, he had seen many people with extraordinary talents in martial arts in his life, but only Her Royal Highness could compare with her.

In Li Yi's view, Miss Liu Er is already a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, and a master. correct.

The fire of gossip in his heart began to burn brightly. Just when he was about to ask Manager Chang if he knew the "Sunflower Book", he suddenly felt something in his heart and looked up at a palace in front of him.

At a glance, I saw dozens of figures slowly walking out of the palace that was more than twice the size of the surrounding palaces.

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