Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 402: Old Man Sun's Worries


The girl with bare shoulders let out a long yawn, got up from the bed, and saw through the window that the sun outside had already risen in the middle. It was all because she slept too late yesterday, otherwise she would not have been able to get up at this time.

After rolling on the bed, she saw that familiar figure still sitting in front of the desk, frowning and writing something on the paper from time to time. The girl climbed up from the bed and said in surprise: "Sister Ruoqing, You didn’t sleep last night!”

The woman turned around and saw the girl sitting cross-legged on the bed in an inelegant posture. She pointed at her bellyband that had half slipped off. She turned around again and wrote on the paper: "Some things need to be dealt with. There are also The personnel arrangements for several new theaters have not been finalized yet. After thinking about it for one night, it will be over soon. "

The girl on the bed didn't wear shoes or socks. She came over barefoot and was wearing only a bellyband and underpants. She lay on her back, hooked her neck with both hands and said, "Then you can't stay here all night." Go to sleep. Mr. Li told you when he left that you wanted me to take good care of you. No, I can't listen to you next time and go to bed first. Before midnight, I will tie you to the bed even if you are tied. "

Wan Ruoqing put down the pen and took Xiaozhu's hand away. The pressure on his back became more obvious. He shook his head and said, "You are a big girl now. How can a big girl run around on the ground wearing a bellyband? Hurry up and get dressed." How bad it is for others to see.”

"There are no outsiders here, what are you afraid of?" The girl reluctantly climbed off Wan Ruoqing's back, walked to the head of the bed and began to slowly get dressed. At this time, another figure walked in from outside the door, and the girl looked up. He glanced at it and turned a deaf ear to it, adjusting his bellyband as if he didn't see it.

Zeng Zuimo glanced at the girl and stopped looking at her. He placed a bowl of hot porridge in front of Wan Ruoqing's table and said, "Who can see that you are working so hard and your body is almost exhausted? Is it worth it?"

Wan Ruoqing smiled and said: "It's not as serious as you said. It's just that there are a lot of things these days. Just get over it."

"What are you going to do? After finishing this bowl of porridge, go to bed quickly." Zeng Zuimo put away the papers on the table, paused, and said, "I was just in the theater when I heard a few county police officers chatting, and Capt. Liu Letter from Kyoto.”

Liu Captou is naturally Liu Yishou. Under Li Yi's special instructions, he helped the theater a lot, including Zeng Zuimo's rise in fame, which attracted the covetousness of several young men with a good background. He also helped to settle the matter. Although the two women They had not had much communication with him, but he was the person they knew best in the county government.

About two months ago, Magistrate Liu of Anxi County was transferred to the capital. It was said that he was promoted. It was considered a very sensational thing in Qing'an Mansion. Even they heard about it, and Capt. Liu also followed. The county magistrate has left. Fortunately, the police officers in the county government have been paying close attention to the theater. Not only have they dealt with several groups of thugs who were provoking troubles, but they also regard the theater as the focus of patrols on weekdays.

However, Wan Ruoqing still doesn't quite understand what Liu Captou's letter from Kyoto has to do with them.

"Captain Liu mentioned that person in the letter, do you want to listen?"

When he mentioned "that person", there was a hint of anger in Zeng Zuimo's tone.

As the biggest beneficiary of the theater, he walked away and left all these chores to a weak woman. As the theater continued to expand, Zeng Zuimo could see how hard Wan Ruoqing had worked in the past few months. Everyone felt a lot haggard, and naturally they were full of resentment towards Li Yi.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there are other reasons for these grievances.

Perhaps this trace of resentment began to accumulate after we left without saying goodbye a few months ago, and it has only reached its peak now.

Wan Ruoqing was actually a little hungry after being so busy last night. She sipped her porridge in small sips. The expression on her face moved when she heard this, but she didn't speak, waiting for her words.

"He was knighted and is living a good life in Kyoto. I'm afraid he won't come back again. What's the point of doing this?" Even Zeng Zuimo didn't realize that her tone changed when she said this. It's not the same as usual.

Xiaozhu put on her clothes, looked at the two people in the room, stuck out her tongue, and quietly left.

Wan Ruoqing put down the spoon and said after a while: "People always have to do something, either these or those. Doing these things can make more people eat, and I like it very much."

Zeng Zuimo asked angrily: "Do you believe these words yourself?"

"What about you?" Wan Ruoqing raised her head, looked at her and asked seriously.

Inside the room, the atmosphere began to fall silent for a long time.

"None of my business!" After a long time, Zeng Zuimo said angrily, turned around and walked out.

Wan Ruoqing smiled helplessly, walked to the bed and lay down, sleeping with her clothes on. The moment she touched the pillow, sleepiness swept over her.



"The next game is about to start, let them control the time."

"How is the rehearsal for the script of "A Chinese Ghost Story" going? Ah Fu, go and keep an eye on it and don't let them be lazy."

"We cannot delay the ranking of martial arts masters. We need timely feedback from several arenas..."

"I know, I'll ask Miss Wan about this later."



In a newly built theater, Old Man Sun took a sip of tea and felt that his throat that was about to smoke was much better.

There are now more than 20 theaters scattered all over Qing'an Prefecture. The daily affairs are so complicated that he has no time to tell stories, especially these theaters that have just been built and are still in the initial stage. He can't leave him.

At this moment, he finally understood what Li Xianwei said to him when he left Qing'an Prefecture. He thought he was conservative enough, but he didn't underestimate the market, but overestimated his energy...

Sure enough, as more and more theaters were built, many problems also emerged. If it weren't for Miss Ruoqing who helped him share most of the affairs, he would have to die here.

However, these miscellaneous matters are only part of Old Man Sun's worries.

Although the theater is constantly developing, the popularity of the "Liao Zhai" series and "The Legend of the White Snake" is gradually fading. Although under the guidance of Li Xianwei, the things extended around the martial arts master rankings have allowed the theater to operate for a long time, once there is no good script, some of his ideas can only go this far.

In addition, there are more difficult problems that are gradually pressing in.

After County Magistrate Liu left Qing'an Prefecture, Constable Liu Yishou also left. They lost their biggest support. The newly appointed county magistrate finally saw the profits of the brothels a few days ago. After several hints, he pretended to be confused and dodged them. In recent days, he finally began to suppress them to varying degrees. This matter must be resolved as soon as possible. Decades of experience have made him know better than anyone how many methods the government has to prevent a brothel from operating normally.

Li Yi didn't know about the worries of Old Man Sun. He had just arrived at the city gate at this time. Sitting outside the carriage, looking at the familiar tall city walls, a sense of familiarity came over him.

Qing'an Prefecture, finally back!

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