Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 405 Reunion

Osmanthus cake can barely fill your stomach, but it is not enough to fill you up.

There is a noodle stall on the street not far from Ruyifang. Li Yi and Xiaohuan used to frequent it. Unexpectedly, the woman selling noodles has not closed the stall yet. Li Yi ate another bowl of noodles there. The woman didn't talk much and didn't seem to recognize that he was a regular customer of the noodle stall. She had many customers every day and it was difficult to remember one or two.

After eating noodles and returning home, he lit the lamp, sat at the table, took out the things he took from Wan Ruoqing, and read them carefully.

The handwriting on the paper was beautiful and the content was clear. Li Yi didn't spend much time to get a comprehensive understanding of the current situation of the theater.

There are about 20 theaters in Qing'an Prefecture now, with the prefecture city as the center and extending outward. Due to the problem of manpower, it has almost reached the limit of expansion under the current circumstances.

As for the Jianghu or the martial arts world, all of them are in the charge of Old Man Sun. The authority of the Wulin Heroes List is increasing day by day. Some brothels outside the city even provide competition arenas for masters from all walks of life to compete for rankings. The masters who participate there are free, and the onlookers have to pay a certain fee.

Of course, no one lacks those few copper coins. Many people think that watching two people on the stage with swords and sabers is much more interesting than watching a group of people singing operas. Therefore, there is no shortage of onlookers in every game, and the profits obtained are certainly not to be ignored.

It is not easy to develop to this point in two months. No one knows better than Li Yi how powerful this is.

Of course, the development of the brothel has also encountered a bottleneck. If you want to retain customers, you must constantly innovate and have better stories and scripts. Fortunately, he will stay in Qing'an Prefecture for a while. During this time, he will move out those legendary cultural crystals.

He had slept enough during the day, so he didn't feel tired at the moment. He took out paper and pen. Xiaohuan was not there, so he could only grind ink by himself. After a while, Li Yi picked up the pen, closed his eyes, and when he opened his eyes again, a thick book that no one else could see appeared in front of him.

There were three big characters on the first page - "Journey to the West".

"Before the chaos, the world was in chaos, and no one could see it. Since Pangu broke through the chaos, he opened up the world and distinguished the clear from the turbid...." As a few lines of small characters appeared on the paper, the story of a monkey officially opened a new chapter in this strange world.

In the courtyard next door, the girl moved around, practicing sword in the moonlight, and occasionally looked up. Until she was ready to rest at midnight, the lights there were still on.



The moment Wan Ruoqing opened her eyes, she was stung by the sunlight shining from the window.

She stretched out her hand to cover it, sat up from the bed, and a trace of doubt appeared on her face.

If she remembered correctly, she just wanted to lie on the table for a nap for a quarter of an hour, so how could she lie on the bed?

Moreover, it was about to get dark at that time, why was it suddenly bright now? Was it an illusion?

For her, it seemed that only a quarter of an hour had passed from her lying on the table to waking up from the bed, and her mind was still a little confused at this time.

"Wake up..."

Just as she tried to make her mind clear as soon as possible, a vague voice suddenly came from the direction of the door of the room.

Li Yi was holding a bun wrapped in paper in his hand, and one in his mouth. When he saw Wan Ruoqing wake up, he gestured to her and said, "I just bought buns with cabbage filling. Do you want two?"

Wan Ruoqing stared at him in a daze, with a look of astonishment and shock on her face, and she was a little unable to recover for a while.

After a while, she nodded and said, "Well, let's have one..."

Li Yi knew how long it would take for a person who had been pressed to wake up, so when he came here early in the morning, he bought two more breakfasts.

Wan Ruoqing took a long time to wash up before she appeared in front of Li Yi again. She was not wearing any makeup, and her spirits were better than last night.

For a woman, someone who can meet her without makeup must have regarded her as a real friend. Li Yi was very pleased about this, although he couldn't tell what changes she had before and after makeup.

"Sorry, I didn't know you didn't eat buns stuffed with cabbage. Xiaozhu has gone out to buy them again."

Just now, when Wan Ruoqing was washing up in the room, Xiaozhu took a bun and ate it. After finding out that it was stuffed with cabbage, she told Li Yi that Wan Ruoqing never ate buns with this kind of stuffing, and she went out to buy breakfast again.

Li Yi didn't really like the buns stuffed with cabbage, but he stayed up late to copy books last night and got up late in the morning. The buns with other fillings were all sold out in that bun shop, so he had no choice.

Wan Ruoqing smiled, picked up a bun and took a bite, then looked up at him after a while and asked, "When did you come back?"

"Yesterday." Li Yi wiped his hands and said, "I came here last night, but you were asleep at that time, so I didn't wake you up."

Wan Ruoqing regretted why she didn't insist a little longer yesterday, but she quickly changed the subject and said, "Theater..."

Seeing that he was going to talk about the theater, Li Yi waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about the theater. Rest well in the next few days, and I'll take care of those things."

What he did with the theater was just because he didn't want to see the brothel close down, and he didn't think about making it big and good. Although he has different ideas now, it's impossible for Wan Ruoqing to work so hard because of this.

Wan Ruoqing bit the buns in small bites, and didn't know what to say for a while.

After more than two months, nearly three months, I thought there would be a lot to say, such as asking him how he was doing in Kyoto and whether he would never come back in the future. However, when the words came to my lips, I didn't say them in the end.

"I advise you to let it go. That person is having a good time in Kyoto. Maybe he has forgotten about what happened here..." Zeng Zuimo came from outside with a lunch box in his hand. She would advise Wan Ruoqing several times like this every day, but today she closed her mouth before she finished her words. Looking at the back of the person sitting opposite Wan Ruoqing, a trace of doubt and disbelief flashed in her eyes.

After a while, Li Yi took a sip of the porridge Zeng Zuimo brought with a spoon, looked up at her and asked, "By the way, what did you say about being happy and romantic just now?"

"Nothing!" Seeing his indifferent look, Zeng Zuimo gritted his teeth and said.

"Where did you buy the porridge today?" Li Yi suddenly asked.

"What?" Zeng Zuimo turned his head and looked at him, feeling a little nervous for no reason.

"Don't go to that store in the future. They can't even control the heat of ordinary white porridge. Sooner or later, they will close down..."

"Eat it or not!" Zeng Zuimo snatched the bowl from Li Yi's hand, put it back in the food box, and walked out angrily.

"What's wrong with her?" Li Yi looked at Wan Ruoqing and asked in confusion.

He shouldn't have offended her in any way today. Could it be that she is still brooding over the misunderstanding?

The first time they met again was like this. Li Yi felt that the friendship between the two might be overturned.

Wan Ruoqing pondered for a moment and said, "Nothing..., it's just that the porridge just now was made by Zuimo himself."

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