Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 550: Lady Xin, there is porridge to drink

Li Yi found that the maids in the house were a little strange in the past two days. They often looked at him secretly when he wasn't paying attention. When he noticed that she was looking at him in the same way, they all looked away.

This has never happened before.

When he washed his face in the morning, he glanced at his reflection in the water a few more times. He hadn't become noticeably more handsome recently, so there was no reason to suddenly become so attractive?

The same thing happened several times. Thinking of the King of Shu throwing himself into the lake that day, Li Yi couldn't help but wonder. The unpleasant-tasting pear he ate a few days ago didn't look like a pear at all. It was a pear. It's not a devil fruit that can enhance your charm. After eating it, you awaken your domineering domineering energy...

"What are you reading?" When he was sitting in the yard and flipping through the tattered book that his second uncle gave him, he saw from the corner of his eye two maids hiding in the corner and looking at him, whispering. Pointing, he finally couldn't help but walked over and asked.

"No, it's nothing." The two maids lowered their heads and wiped the pillars, not daring to look at him.

Li Yi was a little confused and ignored them. Yesterday, his second uncle told him that he had been neglecting martial arts training during this period. He threw him a booklet with no cover and yellowed pages, leaving him to think about it by himself.

Lao Fang was not so lucky. He was whipped by two guards with whips. He insisted on not being whipped until half a stick of incense was hit, and then started again.

"Sir, he doesn't look so scary."

"Yes, are the rumors outside false and not talking about our Lord?"

"I've asked twice, they are talking about Sir Alex, but--it really doesn't look like him!"


The two maids were full of doubts. Their lordship didn't look like the kind of person who could scare people into jumping into a lake just by looking at him. What's more, he was a prince.

As for the second young lady, the handsome and kind lord--they really couldn't imagine the scene at that time.

But in the past two days, word has spread in Kyoto that the prince took a look at the King of Shu in the Qin Prime Minister's Mansion, and the King of Shu jumped into the lake. It is said that he even sprained his feet. This is really unbelievable to the maids of the Li Mansion. .

The prince has always been kind to them. I heard that the King of Shu was once beaten by him, and it seemed that he beat him very badly. This is naturally unimaginable to them, but just looking at it------nothing As for that?

Li Yi glanced at the two maids in the corner and said, "You have been cleaning that pillar for half an hour. If you continue to be lazy like this, your money will be deducted..."

The two maids ran away immediately. The Lord was just talking about deducting money, but he did not dare to discuss it any more.

The little yellow book in his hand was very difficult to read, and he might not be able to handle it at his level. Seeing Ruyi walking in from the outside, Li Yi hurriedly waved, "Madam, come here..."

In the next few days, Li Yi spent part of his time studying the little yellow book. Ruyi seemed to value it very much and would give him guidance whenever he had time.

Most of the time, Xiaohuan still took Xiaohuan out for a stroll, went to Goulan to watch the theater, and inspected the shops. There was nothing going on in the palace, and the days were as leisurely as ever.

Sometimes he would meet Wan Ruoqing. She was always very busy. Li Yi began to feel that it was not an option to continue like this. There were too few talents with management capabilities. When there were more and more stores, there were more and more things. Just relying on that One person or a few people is not enough.

Wan Ruoqing nodded and said, "I have been cultivating it consciously, but it won't take a day or two. I can still take care of it here for the time being."

She was always so restless. Li Yi said it several times, but it obviously had no effect. Fortunately, Xiaozhu was following beside her, which would not make her as tired as before. Li Yi changed the topic and pointed to a door at the door of Goulan. Shed asked, "What is this for?"

I noticed this thing when I came here just now. There were several beggars waiting outside, and they were actually lined up.

"This is the porridge shack that was set up here two days ago. These beggars have nothing to do on weekdays, so we let them clean it after closing the fence at night. Cleaning always takes a lot of effort on weekdays, but there are quite a lot of them. It saves a lot of time.”

Wan Ruoqing explained: "It doesn't cost much to give out porridge twice a day, and they are willing to do it. It's almost dinner time now. Anyone who has worked can get a bowl of porridge with a ticket, and two A steamed bun.”

A densely populated place like Goulan generates a lot of garbage every day, which is really troublesome to clean. Especially after various flavors of melon seeds become popular in Kyoto these days, the cleaning work becomes more and more troublesome. This is a good idea, Li Yi I feel that this method is unlikely to be thought up by Wan Ruoqing. People should be put to their best use without any waste. This is Old Man Sun's style of doing things.

If you just give out porridge for free, I'm afraid it will create inertia, but that's fine. In fact, the cost will be smaller.

Not long after, someone brought out a large pot of porridge. Li Yi took a look and saw that it was not too thin. The beggars in line all had tickets in their hands. One ticket came with a bowl of porridge, one portion of pickles, and two portions of porridge. A steamed bun, for these beggars who have had one meal but no next meal, the food is already very good.

Not far away, there were beggars watching with envy. Seeing that after the beggars had received their meals, there was still a lot left. The girl in charge of serving porridge waved her hand to a nearby place and said, "There is still a little left today. I want to eat." Just come here, this time it’s for free for you. If you want to eat every day, go to other restaurants in Kyoto and ask again. If you see it, it’s the one with the willow leaf sign at the door. Ask them if they still lack people..."

When the beggars heard the words, they immediately swarmed over, saying loudly such things as "Great Good Man" and "Living Bodhisattva". The girl hurriedly said, "Get in line, get in line, get in line, otherwise we won't give it to you..."

At the far corner of the street, a beggar was about to come this way, but was stopped by someone.

The beggar turned around and said impatiently, "I don't care whether the Queen of Heaven you are talking about is true or not. She can't give me porridge. I tell you, don't stop me anymore. The porridge will be served over there in a moment." It’s going to be gone…”

"What's a bowl of porridge?" The young man next to the beggar looked at him with bright eyes and said, "Two months ago, I was the same as you and didn't believe in the Queen of Heaven. But if the Queen of Heaven hadn't appeared, I would have If you starve to death, how can you survive until now?”

The beggar looked at him again and saw that although his clothes were not gorgeous, they were hundreds and thousands of times better than the beggars like them. He asked suspiciously: "Is that the Queen Mother that day? Do you believe she can really have it?" Porridge?"

"Huh, the Queen of Heaven has appeared twice. Everyone in Kyoto knows it. You can go and ask..." He took out a scroll from his arms, opened it carefully, and said with respect and enthusiasm on his face. : "This is the Queen of Heaven..."

"Wait a moment..." The beggar glanced at the scroll and said hesitantly: "Wait a while while I go get a bowl of porridge. It will be gone soon!"

"There are quite a few beggars in the city of Kyoto. Many people have come to ask questions in the past two days, and they have all been asked to go to other places. We are indeed short of people..."

Wan Ruoqing and Li Yi were talking about these things when they saw a beggar coming from a distance. She really picked up the spoon and waited for the beggar to put the bowl on the table in front of her.

The girl who had been giving porridge just now had a stomachache and went to the hut. She happened to see her and took her place here for a while.

The beggar put the bowl and tickets on the table. He raised his head and was about to say give him a little more. When he opened his mouth halfway, his eyes almost popped out.

"My God, my God, my God...the Queen!" His voice was trembling, and his mind went blank. A thought suddenly came to his mind, "So the Queen of Heaven really has porridge to drink!"

"What... Madam, have you admitted the wrong person?" Wan Ruoqing shook her head in confusion. Seeing that the girl had come over, she handed over the spoon in her hand, turned around and walked into the Goulan with Li Yi.

The girl rubbed her belly, made porridge for the beggar, and said as usual: "It's still the same time tonight, wait here, someone will take you in... Hey, hey, what's wrong with you?"

The beggar came back to his senses, looked at the girl, rubbed his eyes, and when he looked back, a look of confusion appeared on his face.

But he quickly realized what he was doing, picked up the bowl of porridge, and even forgot to take the steamed buns, turned around and ran across the street...

In a corner of the street, the young man put the scroll away and carefully put it back into his sleeve.

At this moment, the beggar ran over quickly from the opposite side, grabbed his arm, and said in a trembling voice: "I believe, I believe, I believe in the Queen of Heaven!"

When the young man wondered why he had such a change, the beggar said excitedly, "I just saw the Queen of Heaven!"

The young man's body shook, and a trace of fanaticism immediately appeared on his face. He grabbed his arm and asked: "Where is it? Where is the Queen of Heaven!"

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