Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 58 Distilled Alcohol

"Son-in-law, take a look, have you missed anything?" Lao Fang came in carrying a big bag, took out the things inside, and put them in front of Li Yi.

Bezoar, mint, honeysuckle, spices, several large jars of wine that Lao Fang bought from the city... Looking at the pile of things in front of him, Li Yi counted them and nodded. Lao Fang was very reliable and didn't miss anything he asked him to buy.

As the autumn became more intense, mosquitoes became more rampant at night.

For this special body now, every night is the most tormenting time for Li Yi.

Now that the candied haws business has been on the right track, Lao Fang and his team can handle it. Li Yi doesn't need to worry about it anymore. He finally made time to solve the biggest problem that bothered him at the moment.

"Son-in-law, it's not a festival, why buy so much wine?" Lao Fang's eyes were fixed on the jars of wine on the ground and he couldn't help swallowing his saliva and looked at Li Yi and asked.

In the past, when the family had no money, there were only a few times a year when they could afford to spend a few coins in the wine shop in the market at the foot of the mountain to buy a bowl of wine to satisfy their cravings. The taste was enough to linger for several days.

Although they had no worries about food and clothing these days, and they still had a lot of surplus, Lao Fang, who was afraid of poverty, was still very frugal in life. It was easy to earn copper coins, but it was harder than climbing to the sky for him to spend them. Naturally, he could not be extravagant enough to eat and drink all day.

"Who said we don't celebrate festivals?"

Li Yi raised his eyebrows, looked back at Lao Fang and said, "Isn't it Mid-Autumn Festival in a few days? We have been busy with the candied haws business these days. Everyone has worked hard. When the time comes, we will reward everyone well."

Lao Fang's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this: "Are these wines for Mid-Autumn Festival?"

"No." Li Yi said very straightforwardly.

He used these wines to make floral water to repel mosquitoes, and he couldn't let Lao Fang waste them.

Lao Fang's expression froze, and he was speechless for a while.

Ignoring the resentful look in Lao Fang's eyes, Li Yi spoke again: "Go find a few iron pots and a few empty bamboo tubes, and start working soon."

Li Yi originally wanted to postpone the purification of alcohol for a while and make the soap first, but the plan could not keep up with the changes, so he had to put the purification of alcohol first.

The reason is simple, because if you want to make mosquito repellent floral water, you must use high-concentration alcohol.

Lao Fang's efficiency is very fast, and the iron pot was found quickly. Under the guidance of Li Yi, he worked for most of the day before making the alcohol distillation device.

Distilling alcohol is of course not a simple matter of heating it in a pot. The temperature is too high, and the alcohol and water are evaporated together. After condensation, the alcohol obtained is still a low-concentration alcohol, which cannot achieve the effect of purification.

This simple distillation device heats the water first, uses the water temperature to evaporate the alcohol, and the alcohol vapor re-condenses on the top and enters the bamboo tube, and the purified alcohol flows out.

Li Yi easily found the schematic diagram of the distillation device in the book, but those flasks and glass tubes and other equipment are currently impossible to realize. In desperation, he could only settle for the second best and use these simple things in front of him instead. Although the effect will definitely be much worse, as long as he can get alcohol with a concentration of more than 75%, it will be enough to use.

After all the preparations were done, Li Yi lit the flame below. The next thing to do was just to wait.

Lao Fang scratched his head, looking at Li Yi for a while, and then looking at the strange thing that his son-in-law asked him to make. His head was a mess.

As drops of wine flowed out of the hollow bamboo tube, gradually, the kitchen began to be filled with a strong aroma of wine...


Lao Fang swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Li Yi turned his head and looked at him. Lao Fang immediately wiped the corner of his mouth, moved his eyes away from the bowl under the bamboo tube, and pretended to be indifferent.

When the flow of wine from the bamboo tube became extremely slow, Li Yi knew that the wine in the pot had been distilled almost completely. He took out a chopstick and dipped a little wine in the bowl. After tasting it, he frowned slightly.

Although the alcohol content of the wine after distillation was much higher than at the beginning, it still did not meet his requirements.

"It seems that this distillation device is still too simple. If we want to mass-produce and improve efficiency in the future, we must improve the distillation device." Li Yi murmured, poured all the wine distilled once into an empty jar, and replaced it with fresh wine for the second distillation.

Lao Fang smelled the fragrance in the air, his throat kept moving, and he wanted to pick up the jar next to him and drink it happily, but thinking that these wines must be of great use, he restrained this idea.

The alcohol concentration of distillation once was far from enough. The device was simple and the number of times was enough. Li Yi repeated the distillation over and over again, so that the alcohol concentration of each distillation would increase a little.

The book says that the highest alcohol concentration that can be obtained by distilling alcohol is about 95%. Of course, Li Yi can't get such a high concentration with a few broken pots, but a concentration of about 80% is enough for him to use.

After distilling it several times, Li Yi found that the concentration of alcohol was not much improved when distilling it again, so he gave up.


Lao Fang beside him swallowed again.

Looking away at Lao Fang, Li Yi couldn't stand it any longer. He took out a small bowl of distilled alcohol, handed it to him, and said, "Okay, don't be greedy. How do you like the taste of this wine?"

When Lao Fang heard this, his eyes shone brightly. After taking the wine bowl, he couldn't wait to drink it down in one gulp.

Li Yi watched helplessly as Lao Fang's face turned from black to red, and he let out a comfortable groan. The expression on his face was extremely satisfied, and he said loudly: "Good wine!"


After saying these two words, Lao Fang shook his body a few times and fell to the ground unconscious.


Looking at Lao Fang lying on the ground, snoring, Li Yi couldn't help but feel a little contempt.

Seeing how strong this guy is, it turns out that he is also an embroidered pillow. He can fall down in one bite, so he is not much stronger than me!

Putting the distilled alcohol to the tip of his nose and smelling it, a spicy smell rushed straight into his lungs. In just a moment, Li Yi felt his head started to feel dizzy...

He quickly moved the wine bowl away. At this moment, he realized that what he saw in front of him was high-concentration alcohol with a concentration of more than 75%... In the previous world, alcohol with a concentration of more than 60% was not available in China. Selling is prohibited...

Looking down at Lao Fang lying on the ground, Li Yi couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth...

"You are such an adult and you still can't resist temptation. You deserve it!"

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