Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 596 Let’s take the exam

"Wang Dan, what's wrong?"

A young man of about the same age next to him noticed something unusual about him and asked with some confusion.

"No, it's nothing..." Wang Dan shook his head and muttered in his mind: "You can't see me, you can't see me..."

A trace of doubt appeared on the face of the young man next to him. When he looked at the stage again, the doubt turned into impatience.

We have been talking for most of an hour about this person who is the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue. There is too much nonsense...

Qin Huan, the Secretary of the Ministry of Revenue, usually doesn't talk much. How could he talk so much at this time? I don't know how long he listened. When Li Yi was about to fall asleep standing up, he was pushed by a doctor next to him. .

"Uncle Li, His Majesty is calling you."

Li Yi raised his head, rubbed his eyes, and heard Emperor Jing's voice in his ears.

He turned his head, and Emperor Jing was looking at him, "As the dean of the School of Arithmetic, what else do you have to say to the students of the School of Arithmetic?"

Seeing the young dean walking to the front, more than half of the people immediately showed deep gratitude on their faces.

It is the dean's credit that students from poor families can have such an opportunity.

For the sake of the poor students, he even did not hesitate to offend the powerful people in the capital. He just wanted to win more places for the poor students. Who else in the court was willing to do this for the poor students?

Of course, the faces of a few people in the crowd were not good-looking, such as Chen, Qin, and Cui, whose faces were slightly gloomy.

The humiliation of that day almost made them a joke in the capital, and it was not something they could forget in a few months.

Li Yi looked down, reached out and pressed down, and the noise below immediately disappeared.

"Is everyone here?" He turned around and asked a certain arithmetic doctor.

The arithmetic doctor immediately said: "Go back to the dean, the one hundred and twenty students from the arithmetic college have all arrived."

"Now that everyone is here, let's take the exam."

Li Yi looked at the students below and said: "In half an hour, the classroom will gather for the entrance examination to the School of Arithmetic Science. Those who fail will be disqualified from admission."

As the dean, I have nothing to give them, so I will treat this exam as a meeting gift.

I thought that the young dean would give a long speech like the previous ones, but I never expected that he only said two short sentences.

Before the joy in the hearts of the students could rise, they immediately turned into astonishment and shock.

If you fail the entrance exam, will your admission qualifications be cancelled?

It took a lot of effort to get into the School of Computer Science and enjoy special national allowances, graduation packages, and civil servant treatment. If I were to be expelled from the School of Computer Science again, it would be a small matter to lose face. My dream of becoming an official in this life would be almost shattered!

After a brief silence, a huge uproar came from below.

Emperor Jing looked at Li Yi with a puzzled expression, obviously waiting for his explanation.

"Your Majesty doesn't know something."

Li Yi walked over, looked at Emperor Jing and said, "As early as three months ago, the College of Mathematical Sciences had distributed the textbooks they needed for admission. If they were more diligent, three months would be enough to cover the contents of the textbooks. I have read them all, and all the content involved in this exam can be found in the textbook. If in this case, there are still people who fail to reach the passing line, it means that they are just lazy people who are destined to not be successful. The big thing is that if you really become an official in the court in the future, it will not be the luck of the court. "

Li Yi said solemnly: "Even if the college is valued by His Majesty, it must be responsible to His Majesty and the court. If there are not enough students, we can recruit more, but we must not waste time on these people."

Emperor Jing pondered for a moment and nodded slightly, "It makes sense. So, I will stay here for a while and see what the result will be."

"Ah? Your Majesty wants to stay here?" Li Yi froze on the spot.

Emperor Jing looked at him and asked, "What? What's the problem?"

If the old emperor wants to stay here, he will not be able to take special care of those "difficult candidates". Plan A will be temporarily canceled and plan B will be postponed...

"No, no..." Li Yi shook his head and sighed secretly in his heart. You are so busy with official duties, and you have to waste time here. How many memorials have to be reviewed today, don't you have some idea in your mind?

The candidates below had realized that this test was unavoidable and hurriedly walked towards the college dormitory.

There is still half an hour before the exam starts, so just remember as much as you can.

"Father!" After the students dispersed, King Jin walked over from the side, walked up to Emperor Jing, and said with his head raised.

Emperor Jing smiled and touched his head and said, "Han'er, have you thought about it carefully? Do you really want to be a teacher in this college?"

"Think about it!" King Jin nodded fiercely and said, "My child has grown up, and he must share his worries for his father!"

Emperor Jing smiled, with a deep look of relief on his face.

The playful boy I used to be has finally grown up.

Thinking of Goulan next to the academy, there are all kinds of delicious food and strange things on the streets. From now on, he doesn't have to stay in the palace every day. He can go fishing by the river and chase rabbits in the mountains. Li Han's face His expression became more determined.

"Father, don't worry, my child will definitely be a dedicated gentleman!"

One hundred and twenty students were divided into four examination rooms, each of which was supervised by two doctors. There were also palace guards at the door and outside the window, patrolling with eyes like knives, eliminating the possibility of cheating.

In the examination room, some people were smiling and high-spirited, while others were worried and dejected. Outside the examination room, Li Yi was taking Emperor Jing and everyone to visit the School of Mathematics.

This place is different from ordinary academies in Jingguo. The classrooms, playgrounds, dormitories, and canteens were all designed by Li Yi himself. The layout is very in line with aesthetic principles. The green plants on both sides of the road are sprouting, and it is very comfortable to step on the lawn in the middle of the playground.

"Not bad." Emperor Jing seemed to have a good impression of this place and nodded with satisfaction.

"Actually, there are still some shortcomings." Li Yi pointed to the open space not far behind with some regret, and said: "If we can dig an artificial lake there, it would be great. Students can walk by the lake, read, and sleep comfortably by the lake..., but the funds are not enough, and there are still tens of thousands of taels of silver. Your Majesty, can you..."

"Ahem..." Emperor Jing coughed dryly and said: "There is no need for an artificial lake. The treasury is tight this year and we need to save unnecessary expenses..."

Why is it unnecessary? In the summer evening, if you move the rocking chair to the tree by the lake, the breeze blows from the lake, listen to the cicadas, and you are in the mood, you can also fish and barbecue at night------what a beautiful picture.

We can't just think about letting the School of Mathematics export talents for the country. Necessary humanistic care is also indispensable...

The old emperor is too poor now. We have to find a way to make him make some money. When the treasury is a little full, he will be embarrassed to not give the money to the School of Mathematics to dig the lake.


The ringing of the bell means that the exam is over. The students walked out of the exam room. Some looked up at the sky, while others looked down at the ground. They didn't expect to encounter such a thing on the first day of school. They were really not mentally prepared at all...

For some of them, today is the day they enrolled, and also the day they were kicked out of the academy. It's a half-day tour of the academy, and they can also pay homage to the emperor and the important officials in the court. It seems that it's not a loss.

[ps: I still owe nine more chapters]

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