Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 69: Changing Impressions

Zeng Zuimo hurriedly wiped off the water stains on her clothes, and a deep surprise surged on her pretty face.

She was a little doubtful at this moment, did she hear the words just now wrong?

That scholar was a scholar after all, how could he say such unreasonable words?

But when she turned her head and saw that Wan Ruoqing and several other women had the same expressions as her, and they were obviously shocked, she finally confirmed that what the scholar said just now was indeed those four words.

Her mouth opened slightly, and when she looked at the scholar standing in front of the little maid, her eyes changed for the first time.

"This young man, he... how could he..."

Wan Ruoqing's lips opened slightly, and it was unknown what expression was on her pretty face. Scholars attach great importance to cultivation. She has never seen any scholar say such vulgar words. She has always been very disgusted with these things in her heart, but for some reason, at this moment, she can't feel any hatred for the scholar in her heart.

If the scholar really succumbs to the young man's power, she will be really disappointed.

Unexpectedly, the scholar not only refused, but also refused in such a... unique way.

The women who belonged to the Yunying Poetry Society around her all had their mouths curled up. They wanted to laugh but had to hold it back to avoid losing their manners. It was really hard.

However, at this time, when they looked at the scholar again, they suddenly felt that he was much more pleasing to the eye.



"Sell your old-mother..."

Seeing the scholar opposite saying this with a smile on his face, the young man named Su Wentian was stunned at first, and then immediately flushed. He pointed at Li Yi with his finger, and his lips trembled and couldn't speak.

He was originally a scholar, and he usually dealt with people of the same kind. As a famous talent in Qing'an Prefecture, he talked and laughed with great scholars, and had no dealings with ordinary people------but which great scholar would say "sell your old-mother"?

We are all scholars of status, can we speak more civilized?

Even though he was furious and wanted to curse back regardless of his status, he could not think of any curse words that could match the four words just now, and his face became even redder.

It was really difficult for a scholar who had read the books of sages since childhood to compete with Li Yi, a veteran driver from the 21st century.

"Vulgar person!"

"Filthy words, unbearable to hear, unbearable to hear!"

"It's really insulting, you, you are unworthy of being a scholar!"



Around Su Wentian, several talented people belonging to the Dongli Poetry Society were also stunned for a moment, but then their faces changed drastically, and they accused Li Yi with a sullen face.

We are all scholars. Even if you don't agree, everyone can persuade you again until you agree, so why do you have to curse?

Facing these people's accusations, Li Yi's expression remained unchanged. After all, compared with the later generations' scolding methods, which usually use "your mother" as the center of the circle, the eighteen generations of ancestors as the radius, ***** as the main weapon, sexual fantasy as the main skill, 360-degree all-round radiation, and C-turning the entire family tree, the scolding methods such as "disgraceful", "unworthy of being a scholar" and even "boy" have no lethality to him.

Even because he was worried that the power of this scolding skill was too great, Li Yi had been very restrained just now. If he really angered a few people here, he would inevitably be sued.

Even if he took a step back, he really didn't have to be angry with these guys.

On the surface, they were all so-and-so talented people, and they kept talking about being scholars, but secretly they were thieves and prostitutes, doing things one by one more dirty than the other, and even some dirty things could be put on the table for trading, but in their eyes, it was extremely normal.

Especially when the talented man named Su Wentian smiled and asked him to sell his face, Li Yi felt that giving him those four words was the most appropriate.

Simple and crude, the effect is remarkable.

Dongli Poetry Club is the favorite to win the championship today. I don't know how many people's attention is attracted. Not long after, the abnormality here has attracted the attention of many people. Many people around looked over, and several figures walked down from the upstairs...

Su Wentian cherishes his reputation after all. No matter what the result of today's events is, it is not a good thing for him. He snorted coldly and turned away without saying a word.

Beside him, several people from Bailu Poetry Club also glared at Li Yi with vicious eyes, showing that they disdain to associate with him.

"I will remember you..."

The young man who claimed to be the son of the county magistrate looked at Li Yi gloomily and said coldly.

Behind him, a trace of sadness flashed in the eyes of the two girls. They looked at the little maid standing behind Li Yi with extremely envious eyes, and followed the young man and left silently.

"Son-in-law, it's all Xiaohuan's fault..." After these people left one after another, the little maid pulled Li Yi's clothes and said with sobs, with crystals flashing in the corners of her eyes.

"It's okay, Xiaohuan is not to blame for this." Li Yi smiled and rubbed her head, saying softly.

"But, they, they all said son-in-law..." The little maid raised her head, and two tears rolled down from her big gem-like eyes. In her ears, the words those people scolded son-in-law were already very unpleasant.


She only said half of the words, and Li Yi stuffed a piece of cake into her mouth.

Li Yi pinched the maid's pretty face. The girl's mouth was puffed up. She looked at him and blinked innocently. He wiped her tears and said with a smile: "They are all bad guys. They made our Xiaohuan cry... Let's go home after eating this cake."



"What the scholar said just now is really refreshing!" On the other side, a girl of sixteen or seventeen covered her mouth and laughed so hard that tears were about to fall.

Thinking of the expressions of Su Wentian and others when they just left, several women couldn't help laughing.

As women, they naturally couldn't stand those men who exchanged maids and even concubines as goods. The scholar's behavior won a lot of goodwill in their hearts.

"Zuimo, I think that young man doesn't look like a lecher at all, otherwise he would have exchanged the two girls." A woman looked at Zeng Zuimo and said, "Do you have any misunderstanding with him?"

"Even if he is not a lecher, he is not a good person..." Zeng Zuimo curled his lips and said disdainfully.

No matter what, she still couldn't forgive that guy's attitude towards her.

A few people were talking and laughing when suddenly a burst of shouting came from upstairs. They looked up and found that many people were surrounding a table.

"What happened over there? Could it be that another masterpiece appeared?"

In doubt, the older woman went up the stairs, and after a while, she came down with a paper raft in her hand and a worried look on her face.

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