Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 760 Is she as pretty as the girl Zeng from Yangliu Lane?

"You're a little weird today. Why are you so weird? You're so weird and good-looking..."

This sentence can even be regarded as a golden phrase for flirting with girls in later generations. After receiving such praise, although girls will not be overjoyed, they will always be a little happy in their hearts. However, in today's era, a woman will be stopped casually on the street like this. To put it bluntly, what you get will definitely not be embarrassing or happy. Calling him "a slut" is considered a minor offense, but in serious cases, a slap in the face is very likely.

Miss Liu Er took a sip of the soup, then looked up at Li Yi and asked, "I didn't hear what you just said."

"I said, you... look really good today."

He is upright and is not afraid of slanted shadows. He is good-looking and let no one say it. The more he is at this time, the less he can be timid. Li Yi has a serious expression and speaks righteously without any guilt at all.

"Didn't you look good before?"

Li Yi was surprised that Miss Liu Er could say such a thing. This was simply a test. He shook his head repeatedly: "It looked good before..."

"Then what's so good-looking today?" Miss Liu Er looked at him and asked, "Is she as good-looking as Miss Zeng from Yangliu Lane?"

This is a gift question.

Today's sunshine is a bit dazzling, so dazzling that Li Yi can't see clearly Miss Liu Er's beautiful face under the sun.

"Oh, the sun is so poisonous today. It stung my eyes so hard that I couldn't see or hear anything..."

Lao Fang closed his eyes and stood in the yard, groping with his hands. When he was groping for the door, he tripped on the steps and almost fell, and he kept complaining.

"Pretend..." Li Yi looked at Lao Fang stumbling out with disdain, looked back at Miss Liu Er, and curled his lips and said: "It's cloudy today, where does the sun come from? You can't find a good reason to lie..."

Li Yi looked at the door worriedly and said, "It may be that there is something wrong with Lao Fang's eyes and ears. I'll go take a look..."

Lao Fang walked in again from outside, scratched his head and said, "I forgot to mention that those people came back from Shuzhou."

He handed a letter to Li Yi and said: "This is what Miss Yang Liuqing gave to the second lady. Miss Yang did not come back with them this time. It seems that she left alone when she was in Shuzhou."

After saying that, he looked up at the sky, waved his hands in the air, and groped out of the courtyard.

Li Yi, Miss Liu Er and Lao Fang set off first, traveling lightly and traveling almost day and night, so naturally they returned to Kyoto before them.

The remaining team of nearly a hundred people, led by Yang Liuqing, came back from Shuzhou. However, what Lao Fang just said--she didn't come back with everyone?

Li Yi walked over and handed the envelope to Miss Liu Er: "It's for you."

He thought in his mind that when those people came back, the materials donated by King Shu to them should also arrive. That was a lot of wealth, how should they spend it...

"I'm done drinking, remember to wash the dishes."

In a moment, Miss Liu Er had finished reading the letter, put it on the table, stood up, and turned back to her room without arguing with Li Yi about what had just happened.

Li Yi picked up the letter in surprise, looked at it, and after a moment, slowly put it down, glanced at Miss Liu Er's closed door, and frowned slightly.

Yang Liuqing left.

As suddenly as she came, she left just as suddenly.

She didn't say where she went or whether she would come back. She just thanked Miss Liu Er for teaching her martial arts in the past two years. These two years were the happiest two years of her life. , she will always know all this, she will always have such a master, and there is no way to repay her kindness...

Once the letter reaches this point, there is no further content.

Li Yi tapped his index finger lightly on the table, a look of memory appearing on his face.

"Excuse me, does Liu Ruyi live here?"

When the girl who was about the same age as Miss Liu Er appeared in front of him more than a year ago, she had a small bundle on her back and a long sword in her hand. The cold expression on her face was exactly the same as Miss Liu Er's.

At that time, she wanted to challenge Ruyi, who was ranked first in the hero list. She followed the rules of the world by opening her mouth and keeping silent. After losing to Ruyi, she wanted to become her disciple.

Although Miss Liu Er did not agree, her perseverance still makes Li Yi a little surprised when he thinks about it now.

He comes here every day before dawn to boil water, chop wood, clean the yard, and does almost all the chores at home.

Before her, the most diligent person Li Yi had ever seen practicing martial arts was Miss Liu Er. After her, Li Yi had never seen anyone who worked harder than her.

She seemed to be carrying something heavy, which she had kept buried deep in her heart and never revealed to anyone.

In the past two years, the only thing she has done is to constantly surpass herself. From a little thief who knew some kung fu, she has now become a top expert.

Although she is still a long way from being a master like a grandmaster or Miss Liu Er, her progress is so fast and her future is unlimited. Even now, she is on the top of the Heavenly Ranking, and her ranking is also at the forefront.

Li Yi didn't know what she was carrying that made her so strict that she demanded so much of herself. She was curious about the reason why Yang Liuqing left, and she was more concerned about Miss Liu Er's feelings.

On weekdays, her cold face is just an appearance. Cold on the outside and hot on the inside is her character.

She never talks much and always proves everything through actions.

If she had not determined this disciple from the bottom of her heart, she would not have spent so much effort to train her. Although she did not show it on the surface, Li Yi still saw some different expressions on her face when she left just now.


Li Yi has always known that Yang Liuqing has a secret, especially on the way back from Qi State, this feeling became stronger.

Thinking of something, Li Yi walked out and entered another small courtyard.

The second uncle fell asleep in the rocking chair, and the sloppy old man squatted far away, flipping through a yellowed book in his hand.

When Li Yi walked over, he didn't even realize it. Until Li Yi coughed lightly, he hurriedly stuffed the book into his sleeve, raised his head and asked: "Why, are you going out?"

As a martial arts master, it is incredible that he needs to be reminded to find out when someone approaches him.

Li Yi looked at him and asked, "What book is Mr. Xu reading that makes him so engrossed?"

The sloppy old man stood up and said with a smile, "It's a profound martial arts secret book. You won't understand it even if I tell you."

"It turns out that men and women in the profound martial arts secret book don't wear clothes." Li Yi didn't expect that he was still so stuffy at his age. With his status and strength as a master, he still had to rely on reading this kind of book to solve personal problems. He smiled and said, "If Mr. Xu likes it, I will give you some more profound secret books next time, with color pages, which are very precious..."

Having seen more real and exciting things, although he is not very interested in those traditional picture books, it is still easy to get a few copies.

The sloppy old man said seriously, "You misunderstood, this is really a secret book..."

"I know." Li Yi waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Xu, I won't tell anyone..."

If the dignified martial arts master likes to read pornographic books, the sales of martial arts tabloids will definitely increase if this news is released.

After laughing, Li Yi's expression became serious and he asked, "Does Mr. Xu know something about Yang Liuqing?"

The sloppy old man was about to explain, but when he heard this, he looked at him and asked, "What happened to her?"

"She left, so I want to know something about her." Li Yi then recounted the story of Yang Liuqing's departure.

If this matter has no beginning and no end, I'm afraid Miss Liu Er will always feel uncomfortable.

The sloppy old man thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "The martial arts she used are like those of an old man from Wuguo."

"Wuguo?" Li Yi frowned slightly.

The sloppy old man showed some reminiscence on his face, and nodded, "If I'm not mistaken, she should have some relationship with the royal family of Wuguo."

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