Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 797 What do you like?

[ps: I was delayed by something. I suggest you wait until tomorrow to read this chapter together, because it feels better to stop at that place, so... there are gaps, confess and be lenient. ]

As expected, eating requires more people to create an atmosphere. Xiao Cui is always so enthusiastic and keeps picking dishes for him. The dishes in Li Yi's bowl are piled up into a small mountain. He is a little full. I have to remind her next time to be a little less enthusiastic. I can't eat so much.

"Let's go."

Li Yi rubbed the soft flesh on his waist that was still aching, stepped on the carriage, smiled, waved his hand and said.

Old Fang and the sloppy old man sat on both sides of the carriage. The sloppy old man looked back and whispered: "Do you think your son-in-law is smiling very..."

"Very lewd, right?"

Old Fang smacked his lips and said.

Today's meal is very rich. Following the son-in-law, no matter where he goes, he will never treat his mouth badly.

Before the sloppy old man nodded, Lao Fang was kicked down by a foot that stretched out from the carriage.

The sloppy old man glanced at him and sneered: "Young man, in this day and age, telling the truth will be a disadvantage. First weigh your own strength..."

After saying that, his figure lightly moved three feet to the side, so that Li Yi kicked in vain.

When he returned home, it was just noon. Li Yi got off the carriage and thought about where to go for a meal in the afternoon. He saw a carriage parked at the gate of the mansion.

Ruyi and the others did not come back until the evening. The carriage looked very ordinary, but such an ordinary carriage would not usually be parked here. There was not even a guard at the gate. Li Yi's mind moved. Could it be that the house was robbed?

In broad daylight, there would not be such a bold thief. Li Yi walked into the house and went straight into the inner courtyard. At a glance, he saw someone lying on his rocking chair, rocking happily.

When he stepped into the courtyard, the old emperor sat up from the rocking chair, waved his hand, and said, "This chair is quite comfortable. Come on, put it away, and take it back to Furong Garden when you leave!"

Li Yi stared blankly at the two guards moving his precious rocking chair away. His premonition just now was not wrong----in broad daylight, in the open air, there was indeed a thief in the house.

The old emperor turned his head to take a look, walked straight over, and said dissatisfiedly: "What's going on? I finally came to your house once, and there was no one at home. Where did you go to have fun again?"

Li Yi's face showed astonishment. He came to the house to steal----no, to rob things, and he had to do it in front of the owner, and he couldn't do it even if he was not at home. What's wrong with this?

Are all emperors like this?

Li Yi looked at him, stunned: "Your Majesty, what are you doing..."

"Okay, don't say anything." Emperor Jing waved his hand and said, "Prepare me another meal like last time. Shouning and Yongning are about to finish school. I will pick them up and walk around the street for two hours. After two hours, I want to see the meal ready, otherwise, I will tell your wife that you went out to fool around with other women while she was away."

"Your Majesty, what are you talking about..." Li Yi smiled and said, "I went out for something, not... …”

The old emperor took two steps closer, sniffed fiercely, and raised four fingers to Li Yi, saying: "Rose, Jasmine, and two others who didn't use perfume, four women... Well, if I remember correctly, you have two confidantes in Yangliu Lane, and the other two should be their maids----Do you need me to continue?"

"Your Majesty just said what to eat today, the same as last time, right----I will prepare it now."

A dog's nose is not so sharp, Li Yi cupped his hands and walked straight to the kitchen.

The reason why I agreed to him was just to pity this old man, who has lived a lifetime and only now realizes the joy of being a human being, and it is definitely not because of some fooling around...

After unloading the burden, the old emperor is less and less like an emperor. It's okay to rob things in broad daylight, and even threaten his subjects. If this is known by future generations, he will be criticized to death. Where is the daily life attendant who records the emperor's words and deeds and daily behavior? This part must be recorded----Forget it, this part is still cut off.

Although his moral character was corrupt, his complexion was indeed much better than before. His illness was actually closely related to his mood and fatigue. If he could always stay in a comfortable and relaxed environment, he could greatly prolong his life.

However, things are always the same. If someone takes it off, someone else will naturally take it up.

The eldest princess' complexion did not look very good. Being an emperor was an extremely laborious thing. Even martial arts masters could not bear it. This was one of the reasons why those diligent and wise monarchs in history did not live long.

Two hours was not a short time. Half an hour was enough to cook. Li Yi made some necessary preparations in the early stage and lowered his head and asked, "How do you feel?"

Li Mingzhu leaned against the kitchen door and raised her head and asked, "What do you mean?"

"These days, you have to deal with all kinds of government affairs in person. It must be very tiring, right?"

She lowered her head and said softly, "Father has always been like this."

"Your Majesty does not have to do everything by himself." Li Yi said while cutting vegetables: "The imperial court does not support so many officials just to get their salary and do nothing. I guess those people will do whatever they encounter when they encounter any difficulties. I want you to make a decision. If things go on like this, the master will be exhausted mentally and physically. You have to set a limit on the number of coupons that will be sent to you every day, so that the minister can take more care. Except for those big things, don’t send all the coupons to him. "

"What is a trivial matter to the court may be a matter of life and death to a family of three." Li Mingzhu shook her head and said, "How should we distinguish between big and small things?"

"Major events that matter to the lives of the people in a family of three have to be taken care of by local officials." Li Yi looked at her and said: "You are the emperor - you are exercising the rights of the emperor now. Matters that matter to the fate of the country. That’s what you should decide.”

Li Mingzhu looked at him and said, "How about you come and help me?"

Li Yi was startled, lowered his head and murmured: "Where did we just talk? Oh, by the way, when it comes to how to cook this fish, do you say steamed or braised? Shouning likes to eat braised, steamed is right Your Majesty is in good health..."

He looked up at Li Mingzhu and asked, "How about half steamed and half braised?"

Li Mingzhu looked directly at him, "Speaking of you entering the palace to help me."

Li Yi nodded and said, "It's better to steam it."

After making all preparations, there was no need to rush for time. After Li Yi washed his hands and wiped them clean, he walked to the yard and walked across to Li Mingzhu. He looked directly into her eyes and asked: "Tell me now, these days Do you like what you are doing?”

The eldest princess looked at him and said, "Whether you like it or not, someone has to do it."

"I just asked you if you like it?"

She thought for a moment, then looked into Li Yi's eyes and nodded slightly: "I like it."

A smile finally appeared on Li Yi's face. With her words, everything he did in the past and in the future would be justified.

The big stone in his chest fell to the ground, and Li Yi felt that his eyes must be shining at this time. Even he felt a little dazzling. Then he realized that it was not his eyes that were shining, but the autumn water inlaid in Miss Liu Er's hand. Gemstones shine brightly in the sunlight.

At the door, Miss Liu Er held her sword against her chest, looked straight at him, and asked, "What did she like just now?"

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