Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 815 Just Listen

"As for waterproof paper and fireproof paper, the Academy of Sciences really can't make it..."

Li Xuan looked a little haggard. It was obvious that he had been thinking about this matter a lot in the past few days. It seemed that he really had no clue, otherwise he would not have given up so quickly.

"Forget it if you can't make it. The worst I can do is stop eating paper-wrapped fish." Li Yi shook his head and said, "Mingzhu is very busy these days. You should keep an eye on the affairs of the paper mill, especially the method of making paper. Don't leak it. Go out and take care of the people in the princess's mansion."

Li Xuan nodded and said, "Don't worry, I'm watching."

"Speaking of Mingzhu..." Li Xuan turned to look at him and hesitated for a moment before saying: "I know it's not easy for you, but Mingzhu is already tiring enough to deal with political affairs. You... you still have to be more restrained and pay attention. Body."

Li Yi looked at him in surprise and asked, "What should we control?"

"Anyway, just be more restrained. Look how tired she is..."

Seeing Li Xuan turn and leave, Li Yi shook his head and murmured: "Inexplicable..."

Afraid that he would forget something, I reminded him again, "We must keep visiting the Yu family!"


Li Xuan waved to the back and walked out of the door.


A steward of the Yu Mansion said with a wry smile to the middle-aged official sitting on the chair: "Sir, it's really not that we are unwilling to help. It's just that the Yu family's paper mill just received a few large transactions a year ago. We really can’t spare any extra manpower for the list..."

The middle-aged official thought for a while and spoke again: "If the Yu family is willing to provide this batch of paper to the academy first, the price can be increased by one liter..."


The steward had a look of embarrassment on his face, thought for a moment, and said, "Sir, wait a moment, I'll go and inform the head of the family first."

Not long after, Ningyuan Hou Yu Dingfeng personally escorted the officials of the Princess Mansion out of the house and said: "Don't worry, Sir, what Her Royal Highness the Princess has done is a good thing that benefits the country and the people, and the Yu family is also doing its part for the country..."

"Thank you so much, Lord Marquis. I will take my leave first..."


Watching the official leave, an inexplicable smile appeared on Yu Dingfeng's face and he walked back into the house.

"Dad, is this how we promised the princess?" A young man came from a distance, followed behind him, and asked eagerly: "In this case, how will we explain to the Cui family, and how will we explain to His Highness the King of Shu? "

"What do you know!" Yu Dingfeng glanced at him and said: "The demand for paper in the academy is so huge that no one can afford it except us, the Yu family. They offer such a high price, why not do it? If this big All the money is spent on this. I don’t see how their academy will operate in the future. If their academy cannot continue, we got the money for nothing. Not only will Concubine Cui not blame us, this matter is also a great achievement. "

After the young man was stunned for a moment, a look of reverence appeared on his face, "Father is brilliant!"

Yu Dingfeng waved his hand and said, "Okay, stop flattering me and tell me, what's going on?"

"You can't hide anything from daddy." The young man smiled coquettishly and said, "The third brother has been introspecting in his room for half a month. Mother asked the child to ask when..."

"Don't mention that bastard to me!"

Hearing him talk about this matter, Yu Dingfeng's face showed strong anger. If that blind beast hadn't offended the Chen family, how could that lunatic Chen Chong come to the government to ask for guilt? The Yu family was a flower. It took a lot of money to settle this matter, and it still hurts him to think about it now.

"A month is a month, not even a day or an hour!" Yu Dingfeng said with a stern face and asked, "Have you found the prostitute that day?"

The young man lowered his head and said, "Not yet. When I found the brothel, I heard that she redeemed herself and left that day. As for where she went, I don't know..."

Yu Dingfeng's face became even more gloomy. If he didn't know by now that the Yu family was being plotted, he wouldn't be worthy of becoming the head of the Yu family.

As early as half a month ago, after listening to the guards recounting the events of that day in detail, he discovered that the appearance of the woman and what she said were intentionally guiding the treacherous son and the Chen family member. There was a conflict and Chen Chong came to the door. It was clear that someone was plotting against the Yu family behind their backs!

Although I don't know who is behind the scenes, the score with the Chen family will have to be settled sooner or later.

Originally, after knowing the identity of the other woman in the village that day, he still had many concerns. After all, the youngest doctor Jin Ziguanglu in history was not an easy person to get along with.

Fortunately, after such a long time, there was no movement from that person. I'm afraid... he has forgotten about it, right?

Well, he must have forgotten.

"Has the Yu family agreed?" When Li Yi walked out of the School of Calculation, Li Xuan chased him from behind. After hearing what he said, he asked.

Li Xuan nodded and said, "I just agreed, should we release that kind of paper now?"

"There's no rush." ​​Li Yi waved his hand and said, "Let them stock up on more goods first."

There was only a small grudge against the Yu family at first, but it has been half a month. With the interest, the small grudge has long turned into a big grudge. Bullying Mingzhu and bullying Zui Mo only caused them to lose money. It is nothing. After all, Although the money is gone, the people are still there.

When passing by a brothel, let Xu Lao stop the carriage. This brothel is the core of all the brothels in Kyoto. All the big and small matters of the brothels are usually gathered here, just like if you are not in Yangliu Lane, you are here most of the time.

"Li County Marquis?"

When entering the brothel, a voice came from behind. Li Yi turned his head and looked at the middle-aged man who came in from outside.

The middle-aged man in gorgeous clothes took two steps forward, smiled, and said, "It's really Li County Marquis."

Li Yi's eyes swept across the man behind the middle-aged man, and then looked at him in confusion and asked, "Who are you?"

"I am Qin He." The middle-aged man smiled and said, "Prime Minister Qin is my father."

Li Yi bowed his hands: "So it's Lord Qin."

"I don't dare to be the Lord." The middle-aged man smiled and said, "I am the fifth child in the family, I have no official position, I am just an ordinary man, Li County Marquis, also come to the brothel to watch the show?"

"I just take a look..." Li Yi smiled, He asked casually, "Which play did Master Qin Wu watch this time?"

"The Orphan of Zhao." Master Qin Wu smiled and said, "This play is really good. I don't know who wrote the script. This is the third time I've watched it."

Li Yi was surprised and said, "So Master Wu likes to watch this kind of play of forbearance and revenge..."

Master Qin Wu smiled and shook his head, "Just watching it casually, just watching it casually..."

After chatting with Master Qin Wu for a while, he went into a fence. After Li Yi stopped outside for a moment, he retracted his gaze and walked towards the small building inside with ease.

"Mr. Li."

Inside the small building, there were several women busy. When they saw Li Yi coming in, they hurriedly stood up and saluted.

"Master, are you here to see Miss Ruoqing? The lady is upstairs."

Li Yi smiled and nodded to them, walked up the stairs, and knocked on the door of a room gently.

"Come in."

When Li Yi pushed the door open, Wan Ruoqing was writing something at her desk. Without raising her head, she said softly, "Two new plays have been released recently, and the playlist needs to be rearranged; the costumes should be ready soon, so I'll go and urge them tomorrow; the two brothels in the east of the city are a little short of staff and need to be transferred..., ah, you're here."

There was no sound coming from the door. She looked up and stood up immediately after a slight pause.

Li Yi walked over slowly and said, "You don't have to arrange these trivial matters yourself, the people below can do it well..."

Wan Ruoqing smiled and said, "There's nothing to do, so I just did these things that I could do."

"You, how many times have I said it, but you never listened to me once." Li Yi looked at her, shook his head, and said helplessly.

When talking to her, she always spoke in such a gentle voice. She was a truly gentle woman like water. Even if she was in a restless mood, she could quickly calm down after a short moment with her.

I just came to see her when I passed by here, talked about some things in the brothel, and told her countless times to rest more and not to be too tired. Then I refused her move to go downstairs to see him off and said goodbye.

Above the small building, a soft line of sight, through the window, watched him walk out of the brothel and stopped at the place where his back disappeared.

The figure leaned against the window, staring blankly, staring... until the sky darkened.

[ps: When writing about Ruoqing, I always feel blocked and uncomfortable. Although the ending is destined to be good, the character must be full and there must be a tortuous process. This is indispensable.

I discussed this plot with Silly Rabbit and felt that there is a song that suits her very well. You can search and listen to it, "I Want to Love Him Very Much", by Twins. Baidu Encyclopedia has the creative background. I have been looping it for a day and will post it on the official account later. 】

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