Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 835 Where is justice?

"The princess just said, what happened?"

After sending the tsundere loli to go play with Duanwu and Yongning, when he walked into the greenhouse next door again, Chen Chong finally couldn't help but turned around and asked.

"How do I know what happened?" Li Yi glanced at him lightly, "How about I call the princess over again and you ask her in person?"

Chen Chong naturally did not dare to ask him face to face, and asked doubtfully: "Then what did His Highness just say about only having one child?"

Li Yi shook his head and said, "Maybe you are talking about giving birth to a child?"

Chen Chong glanced at him disdainfully, forgetting that he and the eldest princess were not clear about how old Princess Shouning was. If he remembered correctly, Princess Shouning was only fourteen years old now. According to Jingguo's current law, Judging from this, he is not yet an adult. No matter how much His Majesty favors him, can he bear the charge of abducting the little princess?

After walking to the room and sitting down, Li Yi didn't say much. Although Chen Chong didn't look at him and he didn't like him, it wasn't good to leave him here alone. After a while, the third lady came out and saw him being beaten. It won't feel good if you hang it here.

Chen Chong knew that Li Yi was quite dissatisfied with him, but now that he was under the roof, even if he was unhappy, he could only endure it for the sake of his third sister not to be sad.

However, there is a limit to people's patience. Even though this is a greenhouse, over time, the tea will get cold and it won't taste good.

Both of them were silent for a long time. Li Yi had already eaten all the cakes placed here. If he didn't even have to drink tea, he really didn't know what to do now.

"The tea is cold." Chen Chong finally couldn't help but remind him.

Li Yi glanced at him and said, "Herbal tea can clear away heat and relieve heat, and it also has the effect of reducing fire. Mr. Chen seems to be very angry, so you might as well drink more."

Chen Chong took a deep breath and said, "I have been feeling very comfortable recently and am not angry."

"Master Chen has pimples on his forehead. This is a sign of getting angry."

"I just slept late in the past two days."

"Not only that, Mr. Chen's eyes are red, and the corners of his mouth are eroded. These are all signs of anger. I wonder if Mr. Chen has been feeling dry in the mouth and tongue in the past few days, and has insomnia and dreams..."


Chen Chong slapped his hand on the table, his eyes were red, his breathing was rapid, and he said angrily: "I said it, if you don't, it means nothing!"

"Okay, if Mr. Chen says no, it means no..." Li Yi nodded repeatedly, and then waved to a maid standing at the door, "Go and get another pot of herbal tea for Mr. Chen."

Mr. Chen is really kind-hearted and treats him as a donkey liver and lungs. Judging from his facial features, it is clear that he is suffering from internal heat, but he still refuses to admit that herbal tea can clear away heat and reduce internal heat, which is good for the body. Although Li’s herbal tea is not as good as Jiaduobao It’s not Wong Lo Kat, but herbal tea and cold tea sound similar, and the effects shouldn’t be much different, right?

After all, the Li family is a wealthy family, and visitors are guests. As the head of the family, is he so stingy that he is reluctant to offer him a cup of hot tea?

Li Yi shook his head and said: "Master Chen is busy with official duties and is overworked. It is not surprising that he has these symptoms. It's just that although there are many official duties, his health is equally important. Master Chen still needs to pay more attention to..."

"It is indeed much busier than some people." Chen Chong glanced at Li Yi and said: "However, compared with other colleagues in the court, it is still a little worse... Zeng Shilang, the Minister of Household Affairs, has been working for the imperial court these days. Running around and not being able to enter the house, that’s when you’re really busy..."

Li Yi nodded and said: "Unexpectedly, Shi Lang Zeng is usually lazy and tired. Now that he recognizes his true nature, he is really working hard. He is actually a role model for our generation..."

He changed his voice and said: "Master Chen seems to have some complaints about this. I have long heard that Master Chen and Shi Lang Zeng have a close relationship. Could it be that Master Chen thinks that the imperial court is too harsh on Shi Lang Zeng?"

In fact, what he heard was not a close relationship. Some time ago, the romantic affair between Chen Chong and the Minister of Household Affairs Zeng Shichun that was circulated between the government and the public could not be described as "a close relationship."

Of course, even if it is true as outside rumors say, whether the two have a habit of cutting sleeves or Long Yang is good, that is still a private matter, and they, outsiders, have nothing to do with it.

"I don't have any complaints. It's just that a few days ago, Shilang Zeng and Marquis Li Xian were chatting in a teahouse. There were rumors that there seemed to be some discord between the two when they parted that day..." Chen Chong looked at Li Yi, wondering. What was he thinking, he said: "Shilang Zeng is a pillar of the country who works hard without complaining. I hope that Marquis Li will not distinguish between public and private affairs..."

"What kind of rumor is this?" Li Yi shook his head and said, "How could I deliberately embarrass an important minister because of these trivial matters? Besides, I can't make the final decision on these matters at will..."

Li Yi took a sip of tea, but he was really confused.

Judging from Chen Chong's appearance, Zeng Shichun clearly did not reveal the conversation between the two that day. No wonder the King of Shu's family has been a little too quiet these days, and he is not used to the quietness.

I thought they could hold back even these things, and they would definitely be thunderous when they did. Now it seems that Zeng Shichun didn't tell them what happened that day at all...

Not normal, this is really not normal.

When Li Yi was thinking about these things, Chen Chong's eyes remained on his face.

He knew that Zeng Shichun had a brief conversation with Li Yi that day, but Zeng Shichun kept it secret and refused to disclose the specific words.

This only made him more confused.

Of course, in addition to doubts, there was also a trace of annoyance... or anger.

Some things had been said between the two of them. At least Chen Chong did not hide too much from Zeng Shichun, but he did not let Li Yi, the third person, know about the conversation between him and Li Yi...

Hateful, really hateful!

"Mr. Chen, what's wrong with you?" Li Yi looked at Chen Jishizhong, who suddenly looked angry and obviously lost his composure, and asked in confusion.


Chen Chong glared at him fiercely and drank the herbal tea in his hand.

Li Yi did not care too much, but was surprised at Zeng Shichun's behavior. Such a major incident was concealed and not reported. Obviously, he was an extremely unqualified teammate...

Although Zeng Shilang was not a good teammate, he was obviously a good opponent. I wanted to ask him indirectly whether the Cui family had any actions recently, but Mr. Zeng had been working hard for the people these days and running around and I couldn't see him. I wonder if I can get any useful information from Chen Jishizhong.

Li Yi took the teapot off the stove, poured him a cup of hot tea, and asked casually, "What has Lord Chen been busy with these days?"

Chen Chong held the teacup to warm his hands, and replied casually, "Nothing, nothing more than trying to transfer His Royal Highness the King of Shu back from Shuzhou; Jingzhao Yin Dong Wenyun will be transferred to Zhongshu soon, this position is very important, and we need to fight for it; and the great scholar Chu, who is known as the "Jingguo Wenxin", is back to Beijing for lectures, and the Chu family must also contact and recruit him..."

Li Yi really spit out a mouthful of tea.

These two people who are extremely important to the King of Shu... Zeng Shichun knew about it but didn't report it, Chen Chong... Chen Chong leaked such important information to the enemy at will...

Look, look, what kind of people are recruited by the King of Shu and the Cui family...

Under such circumstances, if they are allowed to succeed, where is justice, where is justice!

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