Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 852 You're welcome

In Jing, merchants from Qi and Jing are treated differently.

It is normal to have double the tax rate.

In fact, in Qi, the laws for merchants from other countries are even stricter.

But even so, it is enough for those merchants from Qi to thank the young man from Jing. If it were not for him, they would have gone back and forth for half a year in vain. Some people would have to pay their family fortunes.

At the same time, he was secretly glad that he was with Miss Lin and not someone else. Thinking of the attitude of the doctor just now, who would have thought that the Lin family not only had a powerful hand in Qi, but also had such a skill in the distant Jing capital.

Lin Wanru and Lin Yong went up to simply pack up the things in the room, and the next thing would be left to the Li family guards who came with them.

As for the several shopkeepers and waiters who came with the Lin family, they stayed in the inn temporarily to deal with the goods brought from Qi.

There was nothing to do, so Li Yi turned around and looked at them and said, "It's still early, how about I take you around Kyoto?"

Lin Wanru nodded without any hesitation and said, "I knew Kyoto was prosperous, even the capital of Qi couldn't compare to it. This time I have the chance to see it, of course I have to take a good look, trouble you..."

"You don't have to be polite when you are one of us." Li Yi waved his hand and said, "Then let's go now. After more than an hour of shopping, it's time to go back."

The reason why Kyoto is Kyoto is not only because it is the suburb of the emperor, the location of the imperial city, and the power center of the entire Jing Kingdom, but also because of its extremely prosperous business.

For Lin Wanru and Lin Yong, there are too many things here that they can't see in Qi.

For example, in the shop selling women's intimate items, there are occasionally men. These people can remain calm in such an environment and talk about the women around them from time to time.

Lin Yong also watched Li Yi walk in, and the man surnamed Fang followed him without changing his expression, and then he walked into the store with confidence.

But then, he was dazzled by all kinds of colorful small objects that he had never seen before. He lowered his head and dared not look anymore, and hurriedly retreated.

Li Yi looked back at him, and was not surprised by Lin Yong's behavior.

In fact, even most men in Kyoto still don't have the courage to step into a lingerie shop.

Of course, in the past year, it is not ruled out that some people with avant-garde ideas and full of artistic hearts want to use their wisdom to personally pick out one or two favorite clothes for their female companions...

Lin Wanru was just a simple businessman at this time. Only when Li Yi followed her and accompanied her to look at these women's underwear at the beginning, her face blushed, but soon became natural.

When she stopped at a shelf, Li Yi asked, "How is it?"

Lin Wanru was surprised and said, "What do you mean?"

"My feeling about this place."

She was stunned, then looked around and said, "Both the fabric and the weaving are very high-quality. Although there are many styles, each one is very beautiful. You can see that the people who designed these... these things put their heart into it. It is not surprising that they are welcomed and sought after by women all over the world. No wonder so many people imitate them, but few succeed."

"Unless you reach a cooperation with them, it will be difficult to imitate them." Lin Wanru shook her head and said, "Let's go."

Li Yi nodded, then turned to look at a girl following them, pointed to a few pieces that Lin Wanru had been looking at for a long time, and ordered, "Pack them all for this girl."

Lin Wanru was stunned, then shook her head and said : "No, I'll just take a look..."

Li Yi waved his hand and said, "You're welcome. Actually, I haven't given you anything formally yet. Since you're in Kyoto, I have to show my hospitality. Don't refuse."

Lin Wanru looked at him and said in surprise, "Is it the custom of your hometown to give women these things for the first time?"

"This...is not the point." Li Yi shook his head and said, "When we were in Qi before, you always gave us things. This time, don't be polite to me."

"Miss, it's packed."

The girl smiled and handed over a cloth bag embroidered with a few willow leaves. Lin Wanru noticed that many women in the store were carrying such bags. The material of the handbags was very good and the appearance was also beautiful. No wonder the underwear here is so expensive. Just from the handbags they gave, you can get a glimpse of it.

Li Yi smiled at the girl, then turned around and said, "Let's go, let's go out and look for something else."

"I haven't paid yet..." Although Li Yi said that this was a gift for her, Lin Wanru still took out her purse. Just as she was about to ask the girl the price, Li Yi waved his hand gently and said, "It's our own store, you're welcome."


Lin Wanru's purse almost fell to the ground. She looked at him blankly and murmured, "This store... is it, is it yours?"

Ever since Lin Yong learned that the store selling women's underwear just now belonged to Brother Li, he always had an illusion when he looked at him again.

It was as if he had a halo on his head, and women's bellybands, bras and other things were flying around the halo...

Lin Wanru walked on the street and finally came back to her senses from what happened just now, and said, "There is a ready-made clothing store here."

After a while, she looked at the girl in the shop handing over a familiar handbag with a willow leaf on it, turned to look at Li Yi, and murmured: "This..."

Li Yi looked at her and nodded: "This...you are welcome."

Lin Wanru finally understood this time that as long as there is a willow leaf logo, you don't have to be polite.

After walking half a street, she found that not only underwear clothing stores, cloth stores, perfume stores, soap stores, wine shops, candy and pastry shops, but also the Home Inn where they stayed yesterday.

This even gave her the illusion that she didn't have to be polite when buying things in the whole of Kyoto.

The Lin family has been merchants for generations, and they have been glorious and glorious. They have seen many wealthy merchants, but even those people cannot compare with the scene she saw with her own eyes today...

"Miss, we have been walking around for a long time. Should we find a place to rest?" Lin Yong looked around, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and said: "There is a brothel in front. Why don't we go in and listen to a play. I heard that the plays in the brothel in Jingguo are very exciting..."

Lin Wanru's mind was a little confused at the moment, and she wanted to find a place to sort it out. What's more, Lin Yong's body was already full of things, so it would be good to find a place to rest.

She looked back at Li Yi for advice, and when Li Yi nodded, she said: "Okay, I have only heard about the brothel in Jingguo, and I just happened to see it today."

Walking into the brothel, her footsteps paused, as if she remembered something, and retreated outside and looked up.

The beautiful willow leaf mark was right above her head, which was particularly eye-catching.

"Come in, and order whatever show you want to listen to." Li Yi came over from the back and said, "You're welcome."

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