Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 866 Stargazing Party

After the first day of the new year, according to the custom, the next step should be to visit relatives and friends. Throughout the year, relatives and friends walk around each other...

The Li family has many relatives and friends in Kyoto. The old lady took them with them before, and Li Yi also visited a few of them. This year, he has a lot of leisure time.

Lin Wanru had to conduct business inspections in Kyoto and usually came back very late. Li Yi asked Lao Fang to send a few people to follow him. Although they were celebrating the New Year, there were still many restless people.

"That's nonsense!"

In Furong Garden, Emperor Jing threw several memorials from Si Tianjian and Yushitai on the table, and said coldly: "Calamity star Yinghuo..., the majestic princess, are they the ones who can slander them as long as they can?"

Li Mingzhu walked over, patted him on the back, and said softly: "Father, don't be angry, your health is important. As for those, they are nothing more than rumors and are not in the way."

"I know you don't care, but three people become tigers. If we let it develop, we don't know what it will become in the end..."

Emperor Jing frowned and said: "When the Heavenly Dog swallowed the sun, they said that I was lacking in virtue and should be punished; when the Heavenly Dog swallowed the moon, they said that I was too harsh in applying the law and should reshape the law and examine the injustice; now Ying Huo Shou Xin, it's not enough for them to say that I'm going to die, they actually want to involve you..."

On the other side, Li Yi sat on the lawn and took a bite of cucumber. Both the solar and lunar eclipses were pushed to the Tengu. What evil had the Tengu done...

Li Xuan squatted next to him, holding the half cucumber in his hand for a quarter of an hour without taking another bite.

He is thinking.

At first, I was just thinking about a problem, but now I am thinking about life.

He was studying the stars and celestial phenomena these days. At first, he just curiously asked Li Yi why he always saw lightning first and then heard thunder when it thundered.

Then he learned that the speed of light is faster than sound, so when there is thunder in the distance, you always see the lightning first and then hear the thunder.

It turns out that the spread of light also takes time...

It turned out that when he raised his head, what he saw was the sun half a quarter of an hour ago, the Big Dipper a hundred years ago, the heart constellation five hundred years ago, and even when he looked up at the stars at night, he saw a certain A star that actually no longer exists...

It turned out that even if Li Yi stood opposite him, what he saw was not him at that time...

"Hey, are you okay?"

Li Yi held up the cucumber and waved it in front of his eyes. He felt a little regretful and a little worried. He really shouldn't have said anything just now. The scale and magnitude of the starry sky were far beyond the limits that people today can imagine.

If after realizing the magnificence of the universe and the insignificance of himself, he had any thoughts that he shouldn't have, it would be a huge sin.

Li Xuan looked up at him and asked solemnly: "Who are you?"

Li Yi looked at him for a moment, then finally sighed and said, "It seems I can't hide it anymore..."

He looked at Li Xuan and said seriously: "To be honest, I traveled here from more than a thousand years later..."

Li Xuan looked at him, thought for a moment, and said equally seriously: "In this case, I won't hide it from you. In fact, I come from the moon..."

"Hello Moon Man!"

"Hello, people from the future!"

The two people raised the cucumbers and touched them, and then there were two "click" sounds.

Li Xuan is very smart, and under Li Yi's long-term indoctrination and training, his ability to accept new things is extremely strong.

He almost never doubted Li Yi, because even if he did, one day he would always find evidence to prove that he was right.

At that time, when Li Yi told him that the stars he saw were actually just balls, he didn't believe it. However, now he has seen with his own eyes that those stars are really balls...

"What are you going to do about Mingzhu?" Li Xuan lay on the lawn with his hands folded behind his head and said, "Are you going to let them slander you like that?"

Li Yi shook his head and said, "I still have to rely on you..."

"Tell me, what do you want me to do?" Li Xuan sat up from the lawn again, his eyes flashing with excitement.

Changde stood behind Emperor Jing and said: "According to the report from the Secret Intelligence Service, the slanderous remarks against Her Royal Highness the Princess have not spread widely. There are indeed many rumors among the people, but compared with the previous public discussions, , the impact is much smaller.”

Emperor Jing waved his hand and said: "Yinghuo Shouxin has nothing to do with Mingzhu. My people are not all stupid people. They know how to distinguish right from wrong and will not be easily used by those unscrupulous people. Besides, Mingzhu does things for the people." They are all the beneficiaries of those things, how can they do such ungrateful things..."

Chang De nodded and said, "Maybe that's true..."

But he knew in his heart that this was not the only reason.

Comparatively speaking, the fact that the head of the Cui family split their love with his second brother Duanxiu and neglected his wife, which led to the affair between the eldest wife of the Cui family and the third eldest son of the Cui family, is more interesting than whether the princess is a disaster star.

He was also very interested in this matter. They said that the circle of powerful people in Kyoto was extremely chaotic, but he did not expect that it would become such a chaos...

"Even so, we can't let down our guard." Emperor Jing frowned and said, "If you continue to spread the word, if anyone in Kyoto spreads such unethical remarks again, I will be punished by fifty..."

"Your Majesty, this must never be done..."

Li Yi walked over from the side and explained: "Defending the people's mouth is better than Fangchuan. The more suppressed it is, the stronger the backlash will be. By then, Her Royal Highness will not only be a disaster star, but also be called a disaster star by them... …”

Seeing him coming over, Emperor Jing lay back on the rocking chair, waved his hand and said, "Don't beat around the bush. If you have any idea, just say it."

"In matters of public opinion, it is better to block things than to clear them up. Since everyone thinks it is a disaster star that has hit the emperor, wouldn't it be good if we just let them know that Yinghuo and Xinsu are far apart and cannot hit each other no matter what?"

After listening to Li Yi's words, Emperor Jing seemed to have remembered something. He straightened up, turned to look at Li Xuan, and asked, "Can the Academy of Sciences really see Yinghuo clearly?"

Li Xuan nodded and said with a smile: "Back to the emperor, in three days, Xuan'er is going to hold a "stargazing party" at the Academy of Sciences. By then, not only the emperor, but also the royal family, the dignitaries of Kyoto, and All the ministers can have a look at Yinghuo's true appearance, and if the emperor is interested, he can also see what is on the moon..."

Emperor Jing looked at him, pondered for a moment, and then asked: "How confident is Si Tianjian?"

Li Xuan smiled and said: "Xuan'er was planning to ask Lord Si Tianjian why it was obviously just an ordinary solar eclipse and lunar eclipse, but it was related to Tiangu. There is a huge difference between Yinghuo and Xinsu. How could we encounter it, let alone a warning from God and an ominous sign?"

Emperor Jing asked in confusion: "Solar eclipse, lunar eclipse?"

Li Xuan nodded and said: "It's exactly "Tengu swallows the sun" and "Tengu eats the moon." Three days later, Xuan'er will tell Uncle Huang how solar and lunar eclipses are formed. This is just a normal The astronomical phenomenon is not an unlucky sign, let alone the Emperor’s fault..."

Emperor Jing waved his hand and said: "No need to be at the Academy of Sciences. In three days, I will have a banquet for all the ministers in the Furong Garden. Your stargazing party will be held here then..."

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