Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 868 Brother Zui Mo

"What are you doing..."

At the gate of the courtyard in Yangliu Lane, Li Yi stood there in shock as he watched the handsome man coming out of the courtyard.

Although Jia Gongzi looked a little feminine, he was still heroic, but that was not the problem. The problem was that when he met her in the morning, she was not dressed like this. Li Yi looked at her in surprise and asked, "Why are you dressed like this?"

"It's not easy for people to see it this way."

The goddess of Luoshui seemed to be very confident in her male appearance, and said with a little pride.

Li Yi knew that she was thinking about him, so he shook his head and said nothing more.

"Let's go."

She took Li Yi's arm and walked towards the outside of the lane.

"Wait a minute." Li Yi looked back at her, looking her up and down, and finally stopped at a certain place, and asked in surprise: "Where are the breasts?"

She blushed immediately: "Shameless..."

"Impossible, how could it suddenly disappear? Was it an illusion before?"

He wondered, and his arm was gently twisted, followed by her extremely embarrassed voice: "It's entangled, entangled..."

On the street outside the alley, the sloppy old man looked at Lao Fang and asked in surprise: "That thing, can you see it on the moon?"

"That's not..." Lao Fang looked at him and said with some regret: "Yesterday I wanted to call you, I wanted to open your eyes, but unfortunately I didn't find you..."

Seeing a figure coming out of the alley, he immediately jumped off the carriage and found that his son-in-law and a handsome young man walked out hand in hand. He stood there blankly, turned his head the next moment, sat back next to the sloppy old man, and said: "Today's moon is really big and round, but my son-in-law said there is no Chang'e on the moon, what a pity, I thought about marrying her when I grew up when I was a child..."


The carriage stopped at the gate of Furong Garden. When getting off the carriage, the handsome young man still had a blush on his face. He followed Li Yi two steps away and refused to get close.

Li Yi walked back two steps and said: "Just be normal, don't worry, no one will think too much..."

Lao Fang was not interested in watching the excitement now, and the sloppy old man was the same. After sending them in, the two left together.

When entering, Zui Mo was casually arranged an identity of a college, and the guard at the door did not ask any more questions.

Today's stargazing party was different from an ordinary banquet. There were dignitaries from Kyoto, officials from the capital, local officials, and many people from the royal family. There were also reserved seats for the School of Calculation and the Women's School. After entering, someone took them to the designated seats.

The School of Calculation was located in the front. He had greeted Li Xuan in advance. Zui Mo's seat was next to him. Behind the two were several college gentlemen.

"Mr. Li..."

After greeting several gentlemen, the two sat down directly. The banquet was still a while before it started. Li Yi moved to her side and spoke in a low voice.

Raising his head inadvertently, he found a line of sight looking over from the opposite side.

Zeng Shichun, the newly promoted Jingzhao Yin, stared at the opposite side with wide eyes and subconsciously wanted to stand up. He was halfway up when he remembered something and sat back down.

Someone beside him asked in confusion: "Master Zeng, what's wrong?"

Zeng Shichun shook his head and said: "It's okay, I'm old, and my waist is a little sore after sitting for a long time. I stand up and move around, and it's much better..."

The man smiled and said: "Master Zeng is in his prime, and he is the backbone of my court. What nonsense are you talking about..."

Li Yi also saw Zeng Shichun of course, and raised his glass to signal him. Zeng Zuimo raised his head and looked across, and his face flushed instantly.

"Your Majesty is here!"

The eunuch's shrill voice came, and everyone in the hall stood up and bowed. The old emperor looked good today. He was accompanied by the queen, and behind him were the royal family. Li Yi saw Li Xuan inside, and the King of Ning who had not seen him for a long time.

Tsundere Loli was also inside, holding Yongning's little hand, turning her head around, looking around restlessly, and when she saw Li Yi, she happily winked at him.

The emperor's banquet is just a symbol of grace. It is obviously impossible to eat well and have a full meal on the small table in front of you.

On both sides of the hall are ministers, and in the middle are palace maids dancing. Speaking of this kind of ritual music, the royal family is still worth watching. Those palace maids are also selected from thousands of people. They are slim and beautiful. Even their heights are the same, and their looks are naturally good.

Looking at their dance movements, there is a kind of classical beauty everywhere. It is an extremely wonderful visual enjoyment, but after watching for a long time, my waist hurts a little...

"Where are you looking..."

"Look at Lord Zeng across the street, he has been looking at us..." Li Yi rubbed the position that she had twisted just now, and said aggrievedly.

"Nonsense..." She glanced at Li Yi, then put her hand back on, but this time she didn't twist it, but gently rubbed it, and whispered: "Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt..." Li Yi shook his head and said: "But what I said just now is true, Master Zeng is really watching us, if you don't believe me, just look..."

Zeng Zuimo looked up and met a certain line of sight, and immediately blushed and retracted his hand, lowered his head and stopped talking.

The highlight of today is naturally not this meal, but Li Xuan's stargazing party.

After a while, an eunuch stood up and announced the decree. The Academy of Sciences helped the emperor to relieve his worries and developed a magical object that could be used to observe the stars in the sky and correct the calendar. It could also be used as a scout to observe the enemy in front of the battlefield. After reading a series of rewards for the Academy of Sciences, he led everyone to the outside of the palace to see the true appearance of the moon and Mars.

The old emperor took the lead and walked out of the palace, and the ministers naturally followed. Li Yi just stood up when a voice came from behind.

"Sir, sir, wait a minute..."

The arrogant loli pulled Yongning's hand and ran over from behind. She looked at Li Yi and then at the goddess of Luoshui who was dressed as a man, and doubts appeared in her big eyes.

"Sister Zui Mo..."

Yongning had been pestering her for a while, but he recognized her at a glance. She hadn't seen the sister who sang to her for a long time, and ran over happily.

Zeng Zuimo's face showed embarrassment, and he was a little at a loss. He thought that he would not be recognized by others in men's clothing, but he did not expect that even a six or seven-year-old girl could not hide it...

The arrogant loli was surprised for a moment, then ran over, shook her arm and said: "Hehe, it turned out to be Sister Zuimo, so fun, next time you can teach me to pretend to be a man, okay..."

"Now it's Brother Zuimo." Li Yi walked over and said: "Okay, let's talk about this later, let's go outside to watch the fun first..."

"I didn't expect that Yinghuo could be seen so clearly..."

"Yes, it turns out that Yinghuo, like the moon, is a sphere..."

"Lord Chen, make way, make way, it's my turn to see..."

"Lord Xu, didn't you see it just now, don't waste everyone's time..."

Outside the palace, countless people surrounded a strange cylindrical object, pointing and talking.

The stargazing party started to warm up three days ago, and now it has aroused everyone's curiosity. Those who have come forward to watch have surprised expressions in their eyes and are surrounded by people, vying to ask questions. Those who have not seen it are anxious and can't wait to go forward...


Cui Qingze looked at this scene with a gloomy face and a bad premonition in his heart.

[ps: Thanks to the book friends "三 Cut Shi Oh Husband" and "Huan Weishuo" for the 10,000 rewards! ]

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