Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 883: The time is not right

Li Yi woke up from the cold in the morning.

Starting from a few days before the Lantern Festival, the weather gradually became warmer. He even changed the quilt on his bed to a thin one. However, the cold last night became unbearable in the middle of the night. He kept curling up and couldn't sleep well. I slept soundly until dawn.

Of course, the reason why he woke up was because the tsundere Loli ran in and put her cold little hands into the bed. He didn't know what she had just done. Her little hands were like ice cubes. After he trembled, he lost all sleep. .

"Sir, get up, the sun is shining on your butt!"

The thick cotton coat worn by the tsundere loli rolled around the bed like a bear. Even if Li Yi wanted to sleep in the bed for a while, he could only get up.

He put on his coat and asked casually: "Why did you come here so early today? You don't have to pay your respects to your father?"

The tsundere loli lay on the bed, swaying her calves, and said with a sad look on her face: "My father is ill. The doctor said that my father should have a good rest these days. I took a look outside and came here."

These days, the old emperor's condition has been getting worse and worse. Li Yi is a little worried. He just hopes that this winter will pass quickly and that the worst situation must not happen now.

Hearing the noise and laughter coming from outside, he wondered: "What are you doing outside?"

The tsundere loli curled her lips and said, "They are having a snowball fight. Sister Xiaohuan is seventeen years old, but she is still so childish. I have stopped playing that kind of game a long time ago."

Li Yi was startled and asked, "Is it snowing?"

The tsundere loli nodded and said: "It rained last night. It's so big. Sir, get up quickly. Let's go outside and build a snowman. Build the biggest snowman to compare with theirs..."

A sudden heavy snowfall fell silently. Compared with previous years, there was not much snowfall this winter, but it snowed after the Spring Festival, which has never happened in recent years.

Of course, there is not only heavy snow on the night of Shangyuan, but also poetry.

"The public searched for her thousands of times. Suddenly looking back, that person was in the dimly lit place." This poem only took half a night to spread among the circles of Kyoto literati. That person has not had a poem for a long time. The rumored "No. 1 talented man in Jingguo" was so generous as soon as he made a move, which once again established his position in the hearts of people who like poetry.

This was not the only thing that caused a sensation in Kyoto last night.

There was a vicious imperial criminal who hid in a music hall in Kyoto while evading the pursuit of the police. After being discovered, he was so angry that he killed a musician in the band and grabbed the window. He escaped, and now, his sea arrest documents have been plastered all over the streets and alleys of Kyoto and on all city gates.

What's more, because the villain almost injured the son of Taifu Chu's family yesterday, the Jingzhao Yin Mansion has strictly ordered the government offices in the Gyeonggi region to investigate the whereabouts of the criminal, and the reward was quite heavy, so that the people of Kyoto, if they were outside, When seeing an unidentified outsider, they will secretly pay more attention...

Jingzhao Yamen.

After an old man cleaned his hands in the copper basin, he said respectfully: "Sir, it has been found out that this woman died of suffocation. The two pinch marks on her neck were the cause of her death. "

Zeng Shichun said solemnly: "Has the identity of this woman been found out?"

A police officer came forward and said: "Sir, I have asked the people from the Miaoyin Pavilion. The woman is a musician in the pavilion and is well-known. She does not go to the Miaoyin Pavilion every day. As for the situation at her home, It’s not clear yet, and extra manpower has been deployed to investigate.”

The old man hesitated for a while, and then said: "Sir, according to the tests conducted by my subordinates, this woman is actually seriously ill, and her time is running out. Even if there is no such thing... I'm afraid, I'm afraid. He won’t survive more than half a year.”

Zeng Shichun sighed and said: "Even if she is terminally ill and doesn't have many days to live, there are still 180 days and 2160 hours in half a year... This is still a human life case."

Behind Zeng Shichun, someone finally stood up. Cui Qingming looked at the people in the hall and said, "You guys go down first."

After hearing this, the gangster and several detectives immediately bowed and retreated.

Cui Qingming looked at Zeng Shichun and said slowly: "This matter involves the Chu family. Master Taifu has already acquiesced, so there should be no more complications. Moreover, the woman's time is limited... Master Zeng should know what to do." Bar?"

"Of course I know the seriousness." Zeng Shichun waved his hand and said: "I will order people to search for that imperial prisoner quickly, don't worry."

Cui Qingming smiled and said, "That makes me feel relieved."

Zeng Shichun looked at him and asked, "Are you sure that just by relying on this matter, you can get the Chu family to help us wholeheartedly?"

"Don't worry, Master Taifu is a smart man. If this matter is revealed, it will have a serious blow to the Chu family's reputation. Master Taifu may not care about himself or Chu Ping, but he will never care about the Chu family. It’s hard to build up a reputation bit by bit.” Cui Qingming smiled again and said: “So, the death of that woman is not useless at all…”

"His Royal Highness, Prince of Shu, is the most important thing." Zeng Shichun nodded, clenching his fists in his sleeves, but looking at him calmly, and said, "In that case, leave the matters here to me."

"I believe Mr. Zeng." Cui Qingming bowed her hands to him and said, "I have to go to the Chu family to reply in person, so I'll take my leave first."

"Walk slowly..."

After sending Cui Qingming away, Chen Chong, who was just drinking tea on the side, stood up and said, "If you only have this little strength, you can't move the Chu family."

Zeng Shichun shook his head and said: "It's not that I can't move, it's that the time is not right."

"The time has not come?" Chen Chong was stunned for a moment, then looked at him, narrowed his eyes and said, "Do you know what you will do if the time comes?"

"You will gain only if you give up." Zeng Shichun looked at him and said slowly: "If you want to get something, you have to give up something first..."

"Beast, you beast! Our Chu family has been upright and upright for generations, how come you are such a beast!"

Chu Ping was kneeling on the ground. In front of him were the memorial tablets of the ancestors of the Chu family. Chu Taifu picked up the crutch in his hand and hit him on the back. The clothes on his back were already torn, and his back was a bloody mess...

Taifu Chu was breathing rapidly, and a middle-aged man hurriedly patted him on the back and said, "Father, please don't get excited..."

Taifu Chu shook off his hand, looked at him, and said angrily: "You taught me a good son!"

The son had been traveling with his father, and he had never taught him anything. Although the middle-aged man felt aggrieved, he did not dare to say anything at the moment.

Chu Ping knelt there straight and cried: "It's all my fault. I have lost the face of all the members of the Chu family. Grandpa, please beat me to death!"

"I'll beat you to death. What's the point of beating you to death? Can the woman survive if I beat you to death?" The old man said this, but after all, the crutch he raised could not fall down again.

He breathed slightly, glanced at Chu Ping, a trace of loneliness appeared on his face, and when he turned to leave, he said: "The ancestors of the Chu family will watch and let him kneel here for three days..."

Chu Ping lay on the ground, his body trembling, and said loudly: "Thank you, grandpa, thank you, grandpa..."

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