Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 892 Let them investigate!

"Tai Tuo, Qi State took the initiative to seek peace. This is a blessing that has never happened since the founding of the country. Once the war with Qi State stops, we, Jing State, can take this opportunity to recuperate and grow stronger..."

Chu family, Cui Qingming's face was full of excitement, and suddenly turned sharp, "However, that thief harbored evil intentions and deceived Your Majesty. Even Prime Minister Qin and Prime Minister Shen, the veteran generals, and many important officials in the court were all tricked by him. The rhetoric has deceived us... If we miss this opportunity, our losses will be immeasurable."

Taifu Chu sat on his seat with a calm expression. When Cui Qingming finished speaking, he looked at him and said lightly: "I have seen Jingguo and Qiguo sue for peace three times in my life. As a result, this world is still this world, and there will always be a future." During the war, Qi's ambition will never be satisfied..."


"Weak people are never qualified to negotiate terms. The grievances between Jingguo and Qi cannot be resolved by a peace treaty. The situation in Qi is in chaos now. We only need to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. There is no need to intervene, let alone What's more, a prince of Qi who does not have a high position cannot represent Qi. "


"I know this well, you don't need to say anything." Mrs. Chu picked up the teacup on the table, and the meaning of seeing off the guests was already obvious.

Cui Qingming swallowed what he wanted to say, his expression returned to calm, he stood up slowly and said, "Junior, take your leave."

He walked out of the hall and walked back along the way he came. When he was about to walk out of the Chu family's door, he heard the sound of hurried footsteps behind him.

"Brother Cui, Brother Cui..." A middle-aged man caught up quickly and said, "My father has been in a bad mood recently. If he said something too extreme, I hope Brother Cui won't take it seriously."

"How could it be..." Cui Qingming smiled and said: "The Taifu has always had such a temper. How could I not know that today, I was reminded by the Taifu's words that there are some things that I have to think about carefully. Ichiban.”

The middle-aged man felt relieved and said, "That's good, that's good..."

At the gate of the Chu family, Cui Qingming raised his head and looked at the plaque that read "The Bones of the Country". After a long time, he turned around and got on the carriage.

The driver leaned on the carriage, opened the curtain a crack, and whispered: "Second Master, the people in the yamen seem to have found that place."

Cui Qingming frowned slightly: "So fast?"

The man nodded and said: "Today, the detectives sent by the Kyoto County government to make an unannounced visit have arrived five miles away from that place. I'm afraid they will find out soon. We need to move as soon as possible..."

Cui Qingming opened the curtain of the car window, glanced in the direction of the Chu family again, leaned on the carriage, and said calmly: "If they are willing to investigate, let them investigate... and go to Jingzhao Yin Mansion."

The coachman lowered the curtain and whispered: "I understand..."

Outside Kyoto, in a certain village, in front of the grass reed at the entrance of the village.

Chu Ping bowed slightly to the white-haired old man in front of him, "Thank you very much, Sun Daru. Chu Ping benefited a lot from Sun Daru's advice today..."

"The younger generation is to be feared, the younger generation is to be feared. We guys are getting old. In the future, it will be your young people's world..." The old man stroked his white beard and said, "I would like to say hello to the Grand Tutor. I will definitely pay you a visit one day... "

"Junior, take your leave."

"I'll see you off not far away."

Chu Ping walked all the way to the entrance of the village, where someone was already waiting.

A young man in gorgeous clothes pointed to the carriage next to him and said with a smile: "Master Chu, please..."

On a high hill outside the village, a policeman was lying prone in the grass. He took back the tube in front of him and frowned.

They had been following that carriage today, but judging from the sign on it, it belonged to a small and powerful family in Beijing, so the matter was a bit tricky to deal with.

He looked back and whispered: "You guys keep a close eye here, I'll go back and report to you!"

At the same time, Jingzhao Yin Mansion.

Zeng Shichun put down his tea cup, looked at Cui Qingming and said, "Don't worry about that woman. In order to prevent her from causing trouble outside, I have put her in prison. As long as I find a reason, she can be locked up like this forever..."

Cui Qingming nodded and said: "What I just said..."

"Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on you there, so you won't make any mistakes."

"This matter is of great importance, so please leave it to Brother Zeng."

Zeng Shichun looked at him and said solemnly: "Brother Cui can rest assured that Zeng is doing something."

"Stand still."

Li Yi crumpled a piece of paper into a ball and threw it into the lake. He didn't quite understand the four words sent by Zeng Shichun.

The envoy of the State of Qi came to Beijing. This was an obvious and great opportunity. How could they incite public opinion, unite the courtiers to force the palace, put pressure on His Majesty? After a whole set of gift packages, the Cui family and their colleagues The party is almost done.

But if others don't move, it's not easy for him to move first. In this way, Master Zeng's sentence of "stand still" seems a bit aimless.

Half of the words are spoken, and this half is still unclear and hazy, which is really annoying.

Her Highness the Princess threw a stone casually, leaving a long trace on the lake. It flew to the opposite side before disappearing. She asked casually: "What other reasons can they come up with this time?"

Li Yi followed her example and threw one, and the stone sank into the lake with a "dong" sound.

"I don't know..." He shook his head, thought for a while, and suddenly said: "How about we just be more cruel..."

Li Mingzhu looked at him and asked, "How cruel?"

Li Yi pointed at the ripples on the lake and said, "Take advantage of the dead of night, dark and windy, send a few experts to tie up Cui Qingze, Cui Qingming and other important figures of the Cui family..."

"Then what?"

Li Yi threw another stone into the lake.

Li Mingzhu looked at another ripple on the lake and asked, "What if Master Chu stood up to oppose it?"

Another "dong" sound came from the lake.

"Concubine Cui?"


"What about all the officials who oppose in the court, and all the people who oppose in the world?"

"Forget it." Li Yi shook his head, put his hands behind his head, lay on the lawn, and sighed, "In this way, the fish in this lake will not be able to be eaten in the future."

So this kind of thing can't be rushed. His side still has to occupy the righteousness, and basically can only rely on the other party to die. This is very passive and not easy. As a friend, if he does this for her, if he doesn't reward him heavily in the future, and give him a very big official or something, it will be unjust.

Li Mingzhu knew that he was just joking, and she imitated him, put her hands behind her head, lay on the lawn, and looked at the blue sky. At this moment, all the heavy court affairs seemed to be completely erased from her mind like this cloudless sky.


Li Yi turned sideways and was about to speak, but his mouth opened halfway, and the whole person was stunned there.

When she put her hands behind her head and lay on the lawn, the clothes on her chest were tight, and an attractive curve would be highlighted.

The two were very close to each other. Because of the perspective, at this moment, Li Yi couldn't tell who was winning and who was losing between her and Miss Liu Er...

In the pavilion in the lake, Li Xuan sighed.

He always felt that there was something else between Li Yi and Mingzhu besides the love between men and women that he didn't know.

It was a pity that the two denied it every time, and he couldn't get any useful information from anyone.

Beside him, the arrogant loli held her chin with both hands, looked in the same direction as him, and sighed leisurely...

[ps: Thanks to the book friend "lm876a" for the reward! 】

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