
Chapter 48: influenza

Jiang Yan returned to the office of the news agency and just sat down, and she felt that the glances of people around her seemed meaningful.

After the whisperer walked over with the coffee cup, she immediately turned around and did everything in silence.

The atmosphere in the office was weird all morning.

Jiang Yan returned to her seat, Yun Cai walked over and whispered to her: "Someone anonymously discussed your matter in the group of colleagues last night."

"Talk about me."

Yun Cai hesitated, then touched the phone out and opened the group to Jiang Yan.

"Do you still remember the incident of the rich second-generation drunk driving three years ago? Yesterday I checked the report at that time and it felt a little hard to explain."

"The race driver's matter, he committed suicide later."

"You are young, he was only nineteen years old, and he was still studying."

"I read the report, feel it, the report is a bit unobjective and emotional."

"Is it?"

"Wait, I will send it to you to see."

[An anonymous user uploaded a video file. 】

This video happened to be from Jiang Yan's live report at the time. In the screen, the boy was arrogant, pointed at the police and cursed and wanted to get in the car and leave.

And Jiang Yan was quite sharp, and the boy was almost speechless with his vocal questioning, forcing him to behave even more gaffe.

At that time, Jiang Yan saw that he not only had no regrets at all, but also moved out of his family and said that he could afford to pay, which made Jiang Yan angry.

At that time, he had just graduated and entered the news industry, and he was confident that he wanted to make all the invisible sins public and return the world to a bright future. Facing the victim's tragic fate, Jiang Yan was really angry when she saw Shen Zhe's words and deeds of repentance.

So the report at the time was indeed emotional.

"Don't you think that this report is very inflammatory? The victim and I were both offended when I read it for reasons other than relatives."

There was silence for a few seconds in the group, and someone said: "That kid is indeed a bit too much."

"But after all, it's only a nineteen-year-old kid. Our reporter should report the news truthfully when reporting, instead of mixing up his own emotions."

"Uh, it is indeed a bit unprofessional. Reporter Jiang had just graduated at the time and had not been working for long."

"At that time, netizens saw this report that the perpetrator of cyber violence returned human flesh to him, exposed all his identity information, and forced him to commit suicide. This is not justified by the excuse of inexperience."

"It's a little bit."

"I heard that the perpetrator was the brother of Reporter Jiang's boyfriend. If you say it better, this is called righteousness, or if it is ugly, it is called denial of the six relatives."

"You can't say that."

"For their own business, most people really don't want to go to this cruelty."

Song Xiwen: "It has been almost three years since things have passed. At this time, what should I say, I have nothing to do, have I finished my work?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, the chat in the group was ended, and everyone who was talking about it stopped talking.

Jiang Yan returned the phone to Yuncai and said, "Thank you."

Yun Cai looked at her worriedly: "Don't mind too much."

Jiang Yan sat down and drank coffee casually: "Of course I wouldn't mind."

She didn't care what others thought of her.

In the afternoon, a female intern who had just been here for a while walked over to Jiang Yan's desk and threw a document to her: "Sister Jiang, the manuscript you requested has been proofread."

Jiang Yan looked at the document scattered on the table and said in a deep voice, "Stop."

"what happened?"

Jiang Yan looked up at her: "What are you dissatisfied with me."

The female intern chuckled: "No, Sister Jiang."

"Reorganized to me."

Colleagues around me glanced over intentionally or unintentionally, watching a good show on the wall, the female intern's face changed slightly: "This has been sorted out."

Jiang Yan tapped the file on the table with her fingertips: "It's messed up like this, is it tidy up?"

After all, the female intern is young and can’t hold herself back: “What are you dragging? Isn’t you stepping on other people’s flesh and blood, or your boyfriend’s own brother, so cruel, it’s no wonder that you can stay in a place like the Middle East for three years ."

The whole office quieted down instantly, and the colleagues watching the excitement around him quickly turned their eyes back and pretended to be doing their own thing.

The atmosphere became awkward for a while.

After the female intern said these words, she immediately regretted it, but the water splashed out by the words she said had no room for change. She could only hold on to her breath and not let herself be too embarrassed.

Jiang Yan slowly said, "Are you finished?"

The female intern was stunned.

Jiang Yan pointed to the file on the table: "After talking, rearrange the file and give it to me."

The female intern grabbed the documents angrily, and after each sheet was neatly folded, a thick pile was formed and handed it to Jiang Yan again.

Jiang Yan glanced at her, calmly took it, and opened it.

Seeing that the female intern was still standing by her side, she didn't lift her head, and said, "Is there no work to do? Still standing here."

The female intern thought she was angry with herself, so she didn't dare to leave for a while. When she heard this, she was stunned: "Huh?"

"Ah what."

The female intern did not expect that she would let her go so easily: "What I just said, don't you respond?"

Jiang Yan looked up and asked, "What did you just say?"

"I say…"

Before the female intern could say her words, Yun Cai hurriedly pulled her away: "I still have some proofreading manuscripts here. Come and see."

In an empty pantry, the female intern threw away Yun Cai's hand and muttered, "What are you doing to pull me?"

Because both of them are interns, and they usually talk a little bit more often, Yun Cai said to her, "Blame me, Sister Caiyan is clearly giving you a step down."

"Where did she give me steps, she just kept me out of the stage."

"It really makes you unable to get off the stage, can you still stand here?" Yun Cai said: "You have no grudges with her, so you can just poke at others' sadness and blame her for not giving you face."

"I just can't bear it. I used to respect her a lot, but when I knew about the incident in the group last night, I was fighting for the child. She was really too much. Shouldn't our reporters report things fairly and objectively? The truth, how can she have her own personal emotions, distorting the facts in this way, inducing people who don’t know the truth on the Internet, causing harm to others, she really tarnishes her career as a journalist."

"Yeah, you said it yourself, remember that you should be fair and objective, but you dare to say that you just acted, didn't you look at it with a bias? You were not there when it happened, but you were a partial listener. I looked at the chat in the group with conviction, thinking that I had made my own judgment? I thought she was such a cruel and ruthless person. Have you ever understood her?"

With Yun Cai's words, the female interns were speechless. After thinking about it carefully, it is really not easy for people to maintain their own independent judgment and thinking without being affected by external words.

She whispered: "Then should I go and apologize to her?"

Yun Cai said: "No need, Sister Yan shouldn't make any calculations, otherwise I won't let you off easily just now."

"Will she wear small shoes for me?" The female intern was worried.

"Sister Yan is not that kind of person."

Yun Cai has always been leading by Jiang Yan, she understands her, what is the matter, she will only say it clearly on the table, and will not make people stumbling behind her back, she acts frankly and openly.

She patted the female intern on the shoulder: "Don't worry too much."

Before leaving get off work, Song Xiwen convened a meeting and announced a serious matter: "Jiangcheng Hospital has confirmed a case of rh influenza yesterday."

As soon as he said this, the quiet meeting room could hear the gasp.

r Influenza is a violent flu virus in recent times. After the patient is infected, the patient will have fever, cough, headache, muscle aches, etc. in the middle, and will have chest tightness and dyspnea in the middle. The severely ill patients may even experience myocardial damage, which can cause heart strength Exhaustion.

It can be said that it is a relatively rapid flu epidemic in China in recent times. Jiang Yan heard that several patients infected with r flu in other provinces have been diagnosed and died.

In a corner of Jiangcheng, when the r-influenza virus was raging across the country, no infected patients were found. I did not expect that the hospital would confirm a case so quickly.

"In the next period of time, more patients may appear. The government will also increase epidemic inspections at bus stations, train stations and other places. We need to send reporters to follow up on the latest situation of r influenza." Song Xiwen looked up. Look at everyone at the long desk.

"Everyone here, are there any voluntary follow-ups?"

The entire office presents an embarrassing silence. Everyone hangs their heads down, some casually flipping through the documents in their hands, some stray eyes, and no one speaks.

Jiang Yan turned the pen in her hand and swept around, just about to raise her hand, but then heard Song Xiwen say: "The r flu is coming so fiercely, many reporters, doctors and nurses were infected with the virus before, and there are still people who have not been rescued."

Jiang Yan secretly pulled her hand back.

Since Song Xiwen said this, whoever dares to go if she wants to die.

"But front-line work cannot be done without someone else, otherwise the audience will know the first-hand news about the epidemic."

Wang Huaichun said: "We can leave it to competitors, such as the news channels of Apple TV or Grape TV."

Song Xiwen said: "You have a good abacus to weaken the enemy's strength."

Everyone laughed softly, and the atmosphere eased a lot.

Wang Huaichun said: "I'm kidding, I can go without anyone, but can I pay more for overtime?"

Song Xiwen said straightforwardly: "Okay, considering the increase in the risk factor of work, I can give you proper processing capital."

Jiang Yan slowly said, "There must be a brave man under the reward. For the sake of overtime pay, I will try to be brave."

When someone appeared, a few colleagues raised their hands.

Song Xiwen glanced at Xu Zhaozhao. Last night, she bounced a lot in the group. At the moment, she lowered her head to look at the phone, and usually stopped sending it.

"Okay, Jiang Yan, you and Xiao Wang's colleagues will go on the field service tomorrow, and you will stay after get off work and deploy key epidemic prevention areas such as the hospital and train station."

Before going to Lu Lin's house in the evening, Jiang Yan went to the drugstore to buy a few packs of Banlangen.

As soon as Lu Lin came home, before taking off his shoes, Jiang Yan soaked Banlangen and brought it over: "It just happens to be right, I drank it while it was hot."

"Which one are you singing?"

"R flu." Jiang Yan handed the quilt to his mouth: "First-hand original unprocessed news, Jiang Cheng has confirmed that a patient has been infected with the flu. This virus is spread through the air. It is extremely contagious and has a mortality rate. High and terrible."

Lu Lin entered the room, Jiang Yan chased him, asking him to drink Banlangen.

Lu Lin took the cup and frowned, "Is it useful to drink this stuff?"

"On the Internet, it is said that eating gadgets will increase resistance. I don't know whether it is true or not. Try it and be assured."

Lu Lin took a sip, turned around and hugged her waist: "I think more exercise can increase resistance."

Jiang Yan pushed him: "Oh, you are crazy."

"No kidding." He put his arms around her waist and gnawed over: "I haven't seen you for a day, I want to kill my brother."

Jiang Yan pushed: "You drank the medicine."

Lu Lin turned around and drank the water Isatis in the cup, then turned around and hugged her onto the bed.

"Eating." Jiang Yan said, "The food is going to be cold."

Lu Lin took her hand: "Tomorrow I am going to Beijing for a business trip for a meeting. I won't be back for a few days. You will be good tonight."

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