Hard To Reincarnate Into World Of Naruto As Iwa Shinobi

Chapter 2 - 02 Being Born in the Iwagakure

In the Iwagakure (stone village) General Hospital emergency room.

There were several doctors and nurses gathered around over one pregnant woman, trying their best to deliver the baby.

Inside the waiting room, there were unexpectedly several high-ranking elders and shinobi waiting for the news.

If it is an ordinary woman who is in the emergency room giving birth, then all those high ranking elders and shinobi wouldn't even spare glance.

But the person giving birth in the emergency room was not a simple person.

Despite her young age, she achieved a rank of Iwagakure Hospital Director, member of the village council, one of village's rare S rank ninja, and powerful medical ninja whose medical skills are on the par with Chiyo.

(A/N: I didn't put Tsunade as a comparison because she is not well known yet. The current timeline is around a decade later after the first great ninja war.)

"I can't believe that third Tsuchikage sama ordered all of us to be here just for Miyu's pregnancy" one of the elders complained.

"Come on, Miyu lost her husband a few weeks ago. She still hasn't recovered from her depression state. As her fellow members of the council, it is our job to check up on her. There is also a chance that her enemies might come to ȧssassinate." 

"There is plenty of shinobi protecting her now. 

Even without us, she is safe as she can be"

Suddenly nurse came in and reported them the current situation.

"Reporting, the operation was a huge success and Miyu-sama has given birth to a healthy boy"

"See, I told you. Even without us, she is safe. There was no point of us being here"

That one elder still kept complaining.

Others didn't say anything and just laughed at it.

"Now we just have to congrats Miyu and give a report to the Third Tsuchikage sama."


When I wake up, I could feel that all around me was dark. I tried to move my hands but soon tired of me out.

I freaked out a bit, then realised that I am in my mother's belly

System: "Congratulation host. You have successfully reincarnated to Naruto world!!!''

When I heard the system, I confirmed that I was being born.

I could bȧrėly open my eyes due to sudden exposure to light but still could see that there were several people.

"Boy is healthy and fine. Miyu sama. Congratulations." Nurse holding me said to the woman lying on the bed.

But I had no idea what she was talking. I couldn't understand her language.

I quickly asked the system to translate.

I realised that the woman lying on the bed is my mom. She looked beautiful.

(A/N: tbh, even normal average woman in anime are all beautiful.)

Nurses started to clean me. It was a whole new experience for me as several women were looking and touching my nȧkėd body.

Don't touch my thing!!!

How dare they touch my thing as it was natural for them to touch !!!!!

I was violated right after I was born.

After cleaning, nurses took me to my mom.

"Oh, darling. You are so cute. You look just like your father. Try to smile at your momma"

My mom kept hugging and looking at me.

Along the way, I got to know that Miyu was my mother's name.

"It seems like you are hungry. I guess I have to feed you right now."

I was shocked by her words. 

Then I realized all the people here (nurses and doctors) are women.

My mom was trying to show her brėȧst to feed me.

Holy shit. She is about to feed me. Which means I get to see her brėȧst !!!!!!! I even get to suck...

I didn't know being a baby was such a great blessing.

I tried to open my eyes fully to have a better view.

Just as my mom was about to show and feed me, I heard several footsteps coming inside to room.

My mom quickly wore the clothes back.

Several old looking people came inside with gifts and congratulated mom.

'Ahhhhhhh, I was so close to seeing her brėȧst. Fu*k!!! You stupid old men came at the wrong time and ruined it all.

Right now, I really hope you old geezers die faster!!!'

I cursed them again and again.

(A/N: I felt a bit pervert while writing this part. So I just stopped here. Apologies if you guys somehow got disturbed by this part)

I learned that those old geezers are elders of Tsuchikage (Onoki) and members of the Council by listening to a conversation between mom and them.

Suddenly all of them, including my mom, looked at a certain direction quickly with a serious face.

"This massive explosive chakra... There is no mistake about it. It is 5 tailed beast(Gobi)!!! 

How did it get free?"

One of the elders said.

"Tch, I heard Roshi took Kan to train him and control the 5 tailed beast power. I guess he messed up real bad."

(A/N: We know Roshi is 4 tailed beast Jinchuriki. I decided to make Kan as previous 5 tailed beast Jinchuriki before Han.)

"That Roshi can't even control his own tailed beast fully and trying to teach Kan how to control???"

"Fortunately, the beast seems to be out of the village for now. But it's coming to us with incredible speed."

Suddenly shinobi messenger came in.

"To all the esteemed elders, Kan lost control and transformed into 5 tailed beast (Gobi) uncontrollably and now heading to our village. Third Tsuchikage sama called elders to his office."

All elders nodded and went out hurry to Tsuchikage building.

I was surprised that on the day of my birth, the freaking tailed beast got free. 

'Wtf? I am not a Naruto, how the hell I was born in such unlucky day? How shit is my luck?'

I saw my mom was also dressing up to go to Tsuchikage building.

'You are also going too?? Don't go!

Besides, didn't you just give birth? 

Didn't you lie on the bed a few minutes ago?

How in the world can you even move now??'

"Sorry, my baby. Mom has to go. Its mommy job to protect Iwagakure. Mommy will try to come back soon."

After saying goodbye to me, she nodded to nurses to take care of me.

No matter how much I cried to stop her from leaving, she just smiled at me and left hurry.

The nurse took me to place seems like a bunker. She left me there alone and ran hurriedly.

I won't blame her for not staying with me. She has her own child or family to take care of. 

Although I was alone in the bunker, it gave me peace and soon, I fell asleep.

Boom!!! BOOM!!!

I got awake by the loud sudden noise. I bȧrėly opened my eyes and saw the bunker's ceiling is gone and all were in shambled.

I could hear the loud sound of the roar.

'What the hell? I was sleeping in the bunker and when I awake, I am in ruins?!!

System, what happened?'

System: "Host, Transformed 5 tailed beast (Gobi) is now going rampage in Iwagakure, along the way, he/she destroyed the hospital and the bunker also partially got damaged."

'What? I thought it was outside of the village and elders and mom went out to stop he/she? No?'

System: "Indeed, but 5 tailed beast (Gobi) is known for speed. Therefore, by the time Third Tsuchikage summoned and gave out evacuation orders, Gobi already reached Iwagakure."

'Fu*k, just how shit is my luck? I can't even move since I got born just now.'

I cried out loud to get the attention of anyone, so they can get me out of here.

System: "Host, it's useless to cry. All of the members of the hospital and civilians are already evacuated and only shinobi are out there fighting Gobi"

'What? Then why didn't you wake me up when people are evacuating?'

System: "Unfortunately, System can only alert or notify the host when the host is in an awakened state."

'Oh God!!, what a useless system you are!!'

I still cried out of desperation. But my cries were overwhelmed by Gobi's roar.

Suddenly leftover tiles started to fall down rapidly. I saw a few tiles falling towards me.

'Shit!!!! System, do something, I am going to die!!!' 

*falling* *Crash*


Subduing 5-tailed beast (Gobi) took 3 hours.

Onoki and other experienced Jounins worked together to distract the Gobi while sealing team tried to make it transform back to Kan.

Gobi tried its best to resist, but combined powers of Iwagakure shinobi managed to win in the end.

There were only building casualties and no huge life casualties as most of the civilians are already evacuated and only capable shinobi participated in dealing 5-tailed beast.

After making sure everything is alright, Onoki ordered everyone to rest.

Miyu straightly went to evacuation place to find her baby. But no matter how hard she searched, she couldn't fund her baby.

She felt bad feelings and went off to the hospital to continue her search.

When she arrived at the hospital location, she was shocked to see that hospital is completely destroyed.

After looking around the hospital, she decided to go to Bunker.

As soon as she entered the bunker, she stopped her movement.

There she shockingly saw her baby DEAD, crushed by tiles.

"NO NO NO NO!!!"

Miyu quickly cried and hugged her baby.

Miyu *crying* looked like it was the end of the world. 

Miyu who was a genius in the Medical department secretly started to develop the Jutsu to bring back dead people since her husband's death.

She wanted to revive her lover and her dead family members.

Of course, she told Onoki about this before starting to develop the Jutsu to avoid backlashes.

Originally Onoki wanted to refuse Miyu's project. This project would need a lot of human sacrifices and funds.

But when he thought about it, leaf village already has Kinjutsu to bring dead life back, created by the second Hokage.

Prideful Onoki who hated Konoha to the core was worried about this Kinjutsu. Even though Konoha said they have already forbidden from using this Kinjutsu, who would believe that kind of bullshit??

So Onoki accepted Miyu's project and gave his full support. Miyu had a lot of free time (because she is pregnant) and with Onoki's full support, she managed to resurrection Kinjutsu. But this jutsu hasn't perfect yet.

This Kinjutsu has to be performed within 10 mins after a person dead or else it will no work.


Now Miyu who is standing in front of her dead baby was planning to use this Kinjutsu to bring her baby back to life.

Right now she lost too much chakra and extremely weaken state after fighting with the 5-tailed beast (Gobi). Therefore she knew she would die if she used this Kinjutsu now but for her baby, she was willing to sacrifice herself.

"Mommy is very sorry she couldn't protect you during the incident. 

Don't worry, Mommy will bring you back. I am sorry when you awake, mommy will not be there for you. Please grow up well, live happily, Mommy will always love you."

After saying everything she wanted, she started to do hand seal for Kinjutsu.

"Kinjutsu: Resummoning Dead Soul"


'Ugh, Where am I? Am I gonna meet God again? Ugh, It will be very embarrassing and awkward to meet him again after living in the world at most 30 mins.'

System: "Host is not dead yet. The host has been resurrected by the host's mom to live again."

'What??? I am not dead yet?? I resurrected?? What do you mean system??'

System: "Host's mother used to Kinjutsu and resurrected the host after host died. 

And now the host's mother died after using Kinjutsu."

I opened my eyes and saw my mom lying next to me.

'I suffered great pain to reincarnate in Naruto world, and born in a day, the 5-tailed beast attacked, right after that I died by falling tile, then got resurrected again by my mom while sacrificed her life.....

I dont know if I am lucky or not...'

I feel extremely guilty and grateful at the same time. Although she never raised me, she gave birth and resurrected me by sacrificing her life.

'Thank you for fiving my second chance. I will definitely lead a good life.'

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