Iwa and Suna forces clashed and the battlefield became even more fierce when Kento and explosion corps joined in.

It was literally chaos.

The first enemy I faced was a Chunin puppet user.

He was controlling two puppets, one looked like a horse while another had three eyes.

"It seems like Iwa lacks proper shinobi as they even send a little child to the frontline. How pathetic. Now Die!! "

I didn't react to his taunt and draw out my twin blades.

Although I wasn't proficient at Wing Chun twin buŧŧerfly swords yet, I wanted to know if I can handle this puppet user using only my swords.

Puppet user tried his three-eyed puppet to attack me.

Three-eyed puppet's hands switched to blades and tried to slice me, but I blocked them with ease.

While I was blocking puppet's blades, I saw several senbons and Shurikens flying at me from horse-faced puppet's mouth.

But soon three-eyed puppet came to me quickly and continued to attack me while horse-faced puppet kept shooting senbons and shurikens at me.

I soon got annoyed and decided that it was impossible for me to finish this puppet user with only using my blades.

That horse-faced puppet kept throwing needles and senbons which annoyed me and decided to destroy it first.

I performed hand signs for Earth style: Stone pistol jutsu and spitted out only one rock at puppet user.

I didn't shoot several stone pistols since there were many Iwa shinobi around us, fighting their own battle.

Puppet user thought it was just a regular stone pistol and controlled horse-faced puppet to block it.

I immediately used an explosion release and blow off horse-faced puppet.

Puppet user shocked by a sudden explosion. Although he was safe, his horse-faced puppet completely blown by pieces and became useless.

"Explosion?!! So it was you who break our formation. Now I will use my everything to avenge my fallen comrades."

This puppet had horns and looked like a demon. What surprised me the most about this puppet was it's 8 arms.

Demon puppet has 8 arms and was taller than me.

"Now go die"

Puppet user immediately used both demon puppet and three-eyed puppet to attack relentlessly, giving me no time to use any jutsu.

I tried to counterattack puppets, but blocking 10 blades at the same time (including three-eyed puppet's blades) was all I could bȧrėly manage since I was still halfway mastering Wing Chun buŧŧerfly sword style.

I finally managed to create a distance between puppets and me. I quickly performed hand signs.

"Earth style: earth wall"

I created an earth wall to block puppets incoming attacks and also to hide myself from the puppet user's view.

While I am hiding behind an earth wall, I created 3 clones, 2 to hold off puppets while remaining one clone will charge to puppet user.

But the real plan is the real me use earth travel jutsu and slowly appear puppet user's behind and finished him off. All of my clones are baits.

Puppet user saw two of my clone holding off his puppets while one clone coming at him.

"Fool, You don't know I am also good at wind style, do you?"

Puppet user quickly cut off chakra string and performed hand seals.

"Wind style: air current dance"

His jutsu hit my clone and shocked that it was earth clone who charged at him.

Then he thought one of the clones holding off puppets was the real me. He quickly reattached his chakra string and attacked the remaining clones.

Now he got more shocked and confused when all of my clones proved to just clones.

Right that time, I slowly came out of the ground behind. He didn't notice me at all.

Some of Suna shinobi saw me standing behind puppet user, shouted to warn puppet user while fighting with other Iwa shinobi.

Puppet user was about to turn his head until he heard my voice from behind.

"Suprise!! motherfu*ker!!!" and I sliced his head off.


Before I get to have a breath from my fight with the puppet user, a sudden barrage of kunai were aimed at me.

Luckily I didn't let my guard down the whole time and dodged them swiftly.

"How dare you kill my cousin, I will avenge my cousin!!!"

I felt a strong blast of déjà vu as if I have experienced a similar situation.

That strong Uzumaku jounin chased us immediately to revenge his son during the invasion and now I killed random Suna shinobi and his cousin immediately came for revenge.

'Hmm, now that I look closer, this guy was one of shinobi who tried to warn puppet user.

I am sure this guy is at least Jounin level'

Since I knew my opponent is Jounin, I decided to change our battlefield.

The current place is too crowded with Iwa and Sun shinobi and I won't able to go all out to finish him.

I am sure this guy will chase if I run away.

I slowly lead him to a quiet place to fight.

After running for 10 minutes, I found a peaceful quiet place to battle with that Suna jounin.

"It seems like you stopped running. Decided to give up on your life?"

Suna jounin mocked me after seeing me stop moving.

"Oh no, I was just being nice and searched for your future burial place. I decided this place would be it."

Suna jounin looked pissed and replied.

"I will admit you are a genius to able to kill my cousin (chunin) with your age.

But you are too arrogant to even think about facing a jounin. You are the one who is going to drop dead here, brat!!!!"

Suna jounin dashed at me with incredible speed.

Suna Jounin used Kunai to direct slash, but I blocked with my right blade and counterattacked using my left blade.

Then Suna jounin lowered his body and performed sweep kick.

I immediately jumped to dodge his sweep kick and swing both my blades fully at Suna jounin.

Suna jounin quickly backflipped to dodge and threw shurikens at me. I used my blades to block all thrown shuriken and waited for his offense again.

Like this, he and I kept doing intense taijutsu bout for 10 minutes.

Although Suna jounin was much more experienced, he had never seen such unique taijutsu before and was not having an easy time.

We stepped up a little bit and started to use ninjutsu.

"Wind Style: Air bullets" He shot multiple bullets of air at me with intense speed.

"Earth Style: Earth Wall" I formed the wall to block air bullets

"Earth style: Earth dragon" This time I did the offense.

Suna shinobi already knew about my explosion release and dodge it as further as he could.

Then he started to perform more powerful jutsu.

"Wind Style: Vacuum bullets"

I knew this jutsu is powerful since Danzo kept using this jutsu during his fight with Sasuke.

"Earth style: Stone Pistol" I shot stone pistols to each vacuum bullets.

I knew vacuum bullets can easily pierce through stone pistols so I used exploded stone pistol at the right time to fend off vacuum bullets.

We kept using offensive and defensive ninjutsu at each other for 10 minutes straight.

Suna jounin was shocked that I knew so many ninjutsu and have a huge charka reserve despite my age.

"It seems I have underestimated you a bit kid. But this ends now.

Wind style: sandstorm jutsu"

Suna jounin used the last blast of wind and created a massive cloud of dust which was thick enough that it is capable of blocking my vision.

Although I could bȧrėly see, I calmed myself to tried to think of what was Suna Jounin's next move.


A few minutes later, I sensed air pressure whip coming at me. I ȧssumed it was a vacuum blast and quickly jumped high to dodge.

As expected vacuum blast passed the place where I was before.

Then I saw Suna jounin jumped with kunai in his hand striking at me.

I quickly draw out my blades and put on a defensive stance to block his Kunai.

But I saw the smirk on Suna jounin's face.

Suddenly Suna jounin's kunai started to glow with intense blue chakra.

(A/N: just like asuma wind blade)

Suna jounin coated his kunai with his wind nature and slashed at me.

At this moment..., I knew I fuċkėd up.

Suna jounin's kunai penetrated my two blades and slashed my ċhėst.

After slashing my ċhėst, Suna jounin kicked me at the belly and I flew away.

I coughed my blood. There was a long scar on my ċhėst.


I got careless, He forced to make me jump and struck me while in mid-air.

Since I was in mid-air, I couldn't dodge, but to only block with my blades.

I thought his Kunai was just normal but didn't expect it was special kunai that can absorb chakra.

My blades were just normal metal so they got easily broken by wind nature coated Kunai.

It was truly unexpected, but I still can win this.'

I somehow managed to avoid serious deep cut on ċhėst since I was prepared at last moment, but I pretended to have life and death situation, looked tired to deceive Suna jounin.

"What did I tell you, even though you are genius, you are not ready to face me head-on, brat. Now time to die."

Suna Jounin mocked me and slowly walked towards me, thinking the battle ended.

It seems my acting deceived him pretty well.

I acted to breathe heavily and quickly performed hand seals.

"Earth style: Dark Swamp."

The ground beneath Suna jounin changed into the mud and trapped Suna jounin completely.

Suna jounin got shocked that I was able even to perform A-rank jutsu after getting slashed by him.

He tried to escape by no avail.

I smirked at him.

"You stupid jounin. You fell for my acting damn good. I think it's you will die, not me."

I snapped my fingers and suddenly 10 of my earth clones appeared out of dust and clutched Suna Jounin.

"What?? How?? When did you make your earth clones?? I never saw you make them!!!"

Suna jounin got surprised that my earth clones appeared suddenly.

'This idiot. I knew you were going to pull something, so I quickly created earth clones the moment I got into the cloud of dust.

When I felt a vacuum blast coming, I ordered my clones to lie down and wait for my signal before jumping to dodge vacuum blast.

Although I didn't expect his charka kunai blade, I managed to react fast.

But if he used longer weapon, I might have died.

Of course, I am not going to tell this idiot my plan, He can go drop dead while thinking forever how I did it'

"Because of you, I managed to get the first scar on the ċhėst. Thank you and goodbye bastard!!! KATSU!!!!!"



10 of my earth clones exploded with him, but I wasn't sure about his death, so I created earth dragon and exploded it right at the place he got trapped.

After checking his messed up corpse, I finally relaxed a bit.

I still didn't let my guard down since I knew I was still on the battlefield.

I quickly took out an emergency bandage and wrapped around my injury to stop the bleed.

10 young Suna genins abruptly appeared in front of me.

"How dare you kill our jounin sensei!!!! We will avenge our sensei!!!

Surround him, guys. He is injured, we can finish him off to pay respect to our fallen sensei."


I keep sensing Déjà vu a lot today.

'Just what is wrong with this Suna shinobi?? Are they all related??

I killed, puppet user, then Suna jounin attacked, so I killed him.

Now his students are coming for me.

Is this what we call domino effect?'

There are 10 genins. If I kill them all, I can complete half of my battle quest (win the battle and kill at least 10 opposition shinobi).

10 Suna genins surrounded me and I waited for them to attack.

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