The next morning, after my arrival, Ishika immediately opened the battle-meeting.

"Just now, one of my explosion corps members from our invasion force reached our camp.

He reported that our invasion force has arrived at Ebizo forces behind and currently waiting for my order.

Also, it seems like Yudai's 2000 shinobi army is currently rushing here, to save Ebizo's force. They will likely to arrive here within 1 or 2 days later.

We need to act quickly.

Therefore, in the afternoon, we will prepare for battle soundlessly and tonight we will pincer attack on Ebizo's force with our Invasion force.

We will attack first, to draw the attention of enemies and our Invasion force will attack them behind afterward.

I have already sent my orders to our invasion force through another explosion corps messenger-birds.

One thing to add, tonight I won't order for retreat. We must finish off Ebizo's force tonight.

Including our invasion force, we have around 2000 shinobi or more in total while Ebizo force has around 1000 or below. We have full capacities to finish them off.

I don't want to see Ebizo force still standing in the tomorrow morning!!!" Ishika ordered them while showing his most serious and intimidating expression to everyone in the meeting.

"Please rest ȧssured. We shall annihilate them within Sunrise tomorrow. sir" Vice-commander vowed to Ishika.

Everyone also swore to Ishika to complete his order.

-----------------------* Night *-------------------------------

Ishika and other Jounins inspected the army to see if they were ready. I was deployed to the frontline again even though I wasn't part of this force.

'Obviously, Ishika ordered me to be in the frontline. He has a very high expectation of me since we have a sort of master-student relationship even though we hadn't had verbal agreement.

And this troubles me very much as he continued sending me to bloody place, full of dangers to toughen me.

He keeps saying the fastest way to become strong is to be in life and death situations. But I don't want to be in that situation!

I don't want to die in early age, damn it.

*Sigh* Let's just hope I don't get serious injury.'

After Ishika and his followers checked on everything, he decided it was time to attack.

"To every Iwa shinobi! Time has come to give death to Suna force.

All Units attack!!!" Ishika loudly shouted.

Under the command of Ishika, all Iwa reinforcements charged at Ebizo's force.

Ishika shot a fire signal to inform the Iwa invasion force that battle has started.


Ebizo was impatiently waiting for Yudai's reinforcement. He sent the news about his crushing defeat to Yudai, even suppressing his humiliation.

But there was not a single letter or report from Yudai so far.

It was getting increasingly hard to defend Iwa reinforcement's offenses each day.

Suddenly the guard came to his tent.

"Ebizo-sama, messenger-bird from Yudai-sama's force arrived.

Yudai-sama and his force are currently rushing here to support us.

Also, the Iwa invasion force retreated to our camp direction. He warned us to beware of the possibility of pincer attack."

"Iwa invasion force retreated to our camp direction?!!

Tch!, This is getting more..." *Interrupt*

Just as Ebizo was about to say more, another guard madly came kneeling at Ebizo.

"Sir, Iwa reinforcement has launched offense on us. Please give us an order!"

"First, no need to panic. How many of them are attacking us?"

"Sir well... It seems like Iwa reinforcement did all-out attack on us." Guard answered Ebizo.

Ebizo was shocked after hearing the guard.

"What? they all-out attack on us?

Why are they being impatient while I should be impatient?

Damn it, for now, deploy all of our force to the front side to resist Iwa reinforcement."

"Understood!" Guards said and stood up to go out.

Ebizo felt something was bugging him, just then he reminded what first guard said to him. He has realized Ishika's plan and got panicked.

He quickly stopped the guards to give further instruction.

"Wait, you two. Forget about my previous order.

Bring 30% of our force and set up an ambush to our rear side while 70% will go out and counter Iwa's reinforcement."

Guards got confused by Ebizo's sudden change of plan.

"But, sir. Why put ambush to our rear side? Don't tell me Iwa invasion force is already behind our force??" Guard asked.

"Exactly, but now is not the time to thinking and explaining. Hurry up and pass my order, now!!" Ebizo shouted at them.


Senko saw the signal Ishika sent and commenced the raid on Ebizo force from behind.

Although Senko believed in Ishika's plan, he still was cautious about the explosion in the middle of Suna camp last night.

Therefore he created a small unit, consists of 5 shinobi, to scout out Suna force first.

The small unit silently rushed to Suna force's rear and started to scout out.

For some reason, Gari was part of this small unit.

He wore Suna uniform and just randomly looked around.

"Tch! There is not even single ant here, Senko-san is worried too much. What a worrywart."

He strolled around, suddenly he heard the voice from his behind.

"Hey, what are you doing over there?"

Gari got startled. This was not the voice of members of the scout unit.

"Ehh, I.. Ehhh .. you ..Ummm, hahaha" Gari got panicked and couldn't answer him.

Gari's mind was a mess now and he was sure that he would get caught.

"Don't just stand there like an idiot. If you get spotted by Iwa shinobi, then our ambush plan will just turn into dust. Hurry and hide." Suna shinobi ordered.

Gari: "??? Eh, yea! Yes. But sir, I was trying to find a toilet before we fight."

"What? Toilet? Just hold it for a few minutes. After Iwa shinobi comes and shocked by our ambush, then you may go to the toilet." Suna shinobi said.

At this moment, Gari knew he met an idiot.

"But sir, I hold it for a long time now. If I don't go now, I might pee in my pants!!" Gari replied back.

"Then pee in your pants. We don't know when would Iwa shinobi come. What if they see you peeing and realize there is an ambush waiting for them!!" Suna shinobi again argued.

"How the hell do they know there is ambush when they see me pee?

Also not only pee, I need to poop. If I poop in my pants, it will be way more lethal than poison gas.

This will reduce our fighting force and enemies won't come to ambush place due to being too smelly here!!" Gari just replied to him with nonsense.

He believed in the stupidity of Suna shinobi.

"Ok, I can accept your reason. Then go do your business. But don't let Iwa shinobi see you." Suna shinobi said.

Gari smiled and said "Also, sir. I would like to be in privacy when I poop so can you not tell others about me?"

"Sure but make sure to come back soon."

"Don't worry sir," Gari said while running.

After getting out of Suna force camp, Gari went to gathering location for the scout unit.

"Haha, what an idiot. To share intel to his enemies, no wonder why this Suna force was crushed so easily by Ishika-san."

There was nobody in gathering location when Gari arrived and even if he waited for 5 minutes more, they still didn't come.

Gari concluded that all of his unit members got caught or something.

"Well, It seems like only I was the one not getting caught. It's a miracle that I met an idiot or else I would also get caught. I feel a bit sorry for my unit members.

I need to inform Kento and Senko-san now. Since I am the only one who comes back to bring intel, would they reward me with something? hehehe"

Gari rushed back to the Iwa invasion force.

After receiving Gari's report, Senko knew there was an ambush waiting for them.

He quickly thought of a plan to counter Suna's ambush and commenced an attack on Suna force from behind.

(A/N: Okay I feel lazy to think of a counter-ambush plan and write it down.

Let's just say Senko sends 100 earth clones attached with explosion tags and boom them when Suna ambushed earth clones. Done!)


Battle between Ishika Iwa force ( including invasion force) and Ebizo Suna force continued for 6 hours straight.

Suna shinobi were desperate and gave their everything to fight back while Iwa shinobi doing their best to eliminate every Suna shinobi as fast as they could.

I now am able to conduct lightning chakra to my buŧŧerfly swords which made my sword movements way faster than before.

With my elevated speed, sharp swords, and with my explosion, I could easily kill Chunins now.

So far, I have killed 5 Jounins, 17 Chunins, and countless Genins.

Although 70% of my kills are from my sneak attacks, I had to admit that I improved tremendously compared to my first big battle where I got my big ȧss scar on my ċhėst and almost drop dead.

I was proud of myself, but I also got small injuries all over my body.

Before I had Gari and other squad members to cover my back and even save me from crossfire. However this time, I was all alone without Gari and my squad members, facing a bunch of Suna shinobi.

If I have to guess, this would be one of the toughest battles I ever faced.

'Ahh, god. I really wish this battle ends soon.

Why the fuċk this stupid Suna shinobi doesn't retreat?

Can't they see they are losing badly?'

I am running out of both stamina and chakra and I knew at this rate, I would really die by chakra exhaustion. I decided to retreat myself for a while to recover and come back to the battlefield again.

'Ishika will kick my ȧss if he knew what I was planning, but since it's still dark, no one will see it's me retreating from the battlefield. hehehehe.'

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