It has been almost 3 months since we had annihilated Ebizo's force with pincer attacks.

Since then, we didn't have any big fights with Yudai's Suna force. The only conflicts we had were between just patrols and spies.

Basically, it has turned into the Cold war between the Iwa invasion force and the Suna defense force.

"Hey, Genji. It's been a while since we had any big fights with Suna force. Aren't we Invasion force, so why don't we invade Suna further?"

Gari got curious about why was the cold war happening and asked me.

'Lately, Gari is asking me a lot. Whenever he had a thing in his mind, he just come straight ask me.

Does he think I am his Wikipedia or what?

Well, I appreciate that he thinks I know everything, but he should keep it down a little.'

"Just because we are invasion force, we don't necessarily attack Suna all the time.

Currently, there is Yudai's 2000 force obstructing our 1600 force. It will be very challenging to defeat them with our shorter force.

Even if we defeat them with little losses, there are still 4000 Suna reserves in Sunagakure, we have to deal with. If they come for us, it is definitely doom for us.

That's why Ishika-san is being very careful." I explained to Gari in detail.

If I didn't explain clearly, he will bother me until I answer him better.

"If there are still 4000 reserves Suna shinobi, then why is Yudai's force being so timid and don't strike us? What are they afraid?" Gari got another question.

'Why does Gari sound like he wants Yudai force to attack us? Does this guy want to battle that much?' I narrowed my eyes to Gari.

"It is because Suna is having a war with Konoha besides us. They can't just focus on us solely.

There is a 50-50 chance that we crush Yudai force or they crush us. Let's say we defeat Yudai's force, and those Suna reserves come for us.

But what will happen when Konoha suddenly invades Suna when those 4000 shinobi reserves leave to deal with us?

Suna and us will receive heavy casualties while only Konoha would gain advantages and benefits.

That is why Yudai isn't rush to push us. They rather maintain this cold war than fighting death with our force." I answered Gari.

I saw Gari was about to question me again and quickly changed the subject.

"Dude, you should think about how to save ourselves from Ishika-san's crazy training regiment, rather than thinking about others."

Gari's face went to black as he heard me.

For other shinobi in our force, temporary peach has come for them as there were no big battles.

But for me, Gari and the other 2 squad members, every day was literally death, itself.

Ishika planned to train us for about a week but since the cold war happened, he kept supervising special hell training for us until now for 3 months.

We learned tons of shit such as Earth mobile core jutsu, more about poison, how to remove poison, chakra control, chakra increment, etc.

We sometimes had to run freaking the whole day on the water while eating poison mushrooms, to increase our stamina, poison resistance, and chakra reserves. These regiments might be par or worse than Guy and Lee's.

While Gari and I were chatting, two of my squad members, Gin and Kan came to us.

(A/N: I keep mentioning those two as 'two fo squad members', and felt bad for not giving names.)

"Gari, Genji, Ishika-san is calling us. Let's go hurry. He will kill us if we are late." Gin notified us.

We quickly got up and dashed to Ishika's tent.


When we entered Ishika's tent, we saw Ishika was looking at a report while showing serious expression.

Ishika put down the report and looked at us proudly.

"All 4 of you have done well to endure through my hell training until now. I am very proud of it. Now each of you can at least take down Chunin within 3 minutes.

But I think things here are way too peaceful for you guys to become stronger. And I believe it's time for me to send you guys to another battlefield.

Recently, third Kazekage brought their one-tailed Jinchuriki to our defense force battlefield. This broke balance between our defense force and Kazekage's force.

Tsuchikage-sama sent our 5-tailed beast Jinchuriki in response and also ordered our division force to send aids to Masashi and our defense force.

That's why I have decided to send you guys along with additional 100 shinobi to aid our defense force.

Genji, you will be vice-head of the aid unit. I believe in your quick-thinking and strength.

Our 100 aid unit will leave tomorrow early morning, so be prepared.

Alright, I hope you guys spread mightiness of Iwa explosion corps at there too." Ishika gave us one heck of long-ass order.

All of us wanted to screamed when we heard Ishika's order.

'Before you sent us to the fiercest battlefield, now that things are going easy, you are sending us to the battlefront where we face Kazekage and Jinchuriki???

Ok, I don't care what others say, but I am fully convinced that Ishika is trying to kill all of us.'

All of us fake-smiled and accepted Ishika's order while weeping inside.

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