Hard To Reincarnate Into World Of Naruto As Iwa Shinobi

Chapter 43 - Beating up Senju and Uchiha

Me and Genji used Earth Style: Mobile Core jutsu and lowered the ground surrounding us to separate Konoha kids. Gin and Kimiko took the spy and escaped from battlegrounds.

As my order, Gari lowered the ground where there were only Hyuga twin and him while Kan and Kitsuchi matched with Ino-Shiika-Cho formation kids. I matched with Uchiha Fugaku, Nawaki Senju, and Minato.

I didn't worry about Gari's, as his explosion ability is quite dangerous for Taijutsu users such as Byakugan. He would just blow up his opponent with just simple contact. Those twins could use Hyuga's 'Rotation' jutsu to protect from Gari's explosions, but I wonder how long can they keep up using Rotation. I could see visible tiredness from those Hyuga twins from overusing their eyes.

As for Kitsuchi's side, I am a bit worried. Kitsuchi kept boasting that he could beat Jounin throughout the journey, but I would be an idiot to believe everything he says. Also, he is facing off against Shikaku, possibly the smartest kid in the world! That's why I ordered Kan to stick with him.

According to the Kitsuchi, Even though Kimiko improved her fighting strength since the Academy battle event, she mainly focused on learning Sensing and Treating injuries skills. Which also meant she is a support type. I just don't understand why she chose to develop the medical and sensing field while she has super op Kekkei Genkai(Lava). Anyway, I am sure Gin will protect her and Spy safe just in case something happens.

Now I am left with an annoying kid, proud-arrogant kid, and the actual genius. I feel like they are the past-version of Naruto, Sasuke, and Kakashi.

"You think you can face all three of us together? You are just around the same age as us. I will punch you hard for looking down on me." Nawaki loudly shouted and dashed at me without even thinking.

"Wait, stop. We shouldn't rush to him," Minato warned Nawaki. But Nawaki didn't listen any crap of Minato

"I will go easy on ya and not use my sword, come on."

Nawaki pulled out his fist to punch me, but was blocked easily and counter-punched be me instead. I continued to block and recounter him. Basically, I was playing around with him while he was doing his best to defeat me.

'Wow, Nawaki's Taijutsu is amazingly shit. I expected at least good movements from him since he is a Senju, but it seems I overestimated Konoha's royals training. Well, Konohamaru also would have turned out weak if it wasn't Naruto. I should have expected this.'

After 3 minutes of playing around, I got tired of Nawaki's ranting and weak-ass Taijutsu and started to beat the crap our of Nawaki like there is no tomorrow.

Minato was carefully studying my taijutsu as he never saw Wing Chun style, but seeing Nawaki getting his ȧss whooped by me, he immediately dashed out to save Nawaki.

"Fugaku, cooperate with me to save Nawaki. We can't win against this guy one on one" Minato requested to Fugaku. But knowing he is Uchiha, Fugaku just ignored.

Minato without any choice, rushed to me alone. He created smoke around him using a smoke bomb and threw Kunai at me to stop my beating to Nawaki.

I was about to use Nawaki as a shield but realised I was supposed to keep him alive, so instead, I kicked away the kunai away.

Minato stabbed me but was shocked that he stabbed a log instead. I used Substitution jutsu and easily avoided Minato's attack.

I gotta say, Minato's Shunshin is very accurate and fast. But I fought tons of speedy shinobi like him during the war and came out alive. I had wealthy experiences while he didn't.

I generated lighting chakra on my legs to further speed up my Shunshin jutsu and appeared in front of Minato. Minato surprised but still raised his arms to guard.

"Not bad, but you are still too weak," I said Minato.

'Yess, I wanted to say that shit once in my lifetime. Hehe.'

Then I side kicked his stomach as his guard didn't even matter with my full raw strength. Minato went flying while spitting out the blood.

Seeing Minato went flying, Nawaki got angry and shouted.

"Minato!! Are you okay?

Damn you bastard, you hurt my friend. How dare you!! I will never forg..."

"Enough about your friends bullshit. You can say that shit in front of old man Onoki later. For now, just stay put." I said to him.

Nawaki got knocked out and Minato could bȧrėly move from my kick. The only one left is Fugaku. But this guy seems to smirk at me.

"Hmph, finally you finished off those weaklings. I was waiting for you to clear them out. They just get in my way. Now I can use my full power." Fugaku announced to me.


'Didn't this idiot see how I beat the crap of Nawaki or how fast I was to kick Minato?? And he still thinks he can handle me?

Everyone look, there is an idiot here!!!

Sasuke got his gene from his dad, I see. I must teach this a lesson.'

Fugaku closed his eyes for second and reopened them as Sharingans. They were not fully developed, but the second stage of sharing an's (two Tomoes).

"Now come at me." He arrogantly declared while showing his hand gestures to come.

'Okay, I am pissed. If I don't humiliate you today, I will quit being shinobi, damn it.'

I dashed at him. At first, Fugaku was able to dodge my attacks using his Sharingans. But even with his Sharingans, he realised he couldn't hurt me.

Therefore, he started to copy my Taijutsu slowly. This further pissed me off.

'I practised so hard to master Wing Chun style and he is planning to copy it by simply watching my movement!! You fuċkɨnġ copycat.'

I augmented lightning chakra on my leg to the max and darted at Fugaku. Although Fugaku could see me, his body couldn't react.

I punched him in front, dashed to his behind and delivered a sidekick, jumped and gave the axe kick.

(A/N: it's like how Lee beat up Garra at the first half during Chunin exam.)

Seeing he couldn't beat me in taijutsu, Fugaku immediately retreated and decided to use Ninjutsu.

He performed several hand signs, then his stomach suddenly gotten bloated. He was preparing to spit out firs ball.

But before he could spit the fireball, I shunshined to him and kicked his bloated stomach as hard as I could and interrupted his jutsu.

"Hey, don't you know illegal to interrupt when someone is performing jutsu!!"

"Bitch please, we are Shinobi. We were raised to do illegals."

Fugaku couldn't say anything back to my reason. I used this chance and appeared behind him.

"Now taste your village's Secret jutsu.

Konoha secret finger jutsu: Thousand years of death!!!!"

I thrust my four fingers between Fugaku's buŧŧȯċks with all my strength. Fugaku while screaming, went flying like Naruto.

I was sure this jutsu would humiliate proud-ass Uchiha.

"Haha, how did you feel? Oh my, your buŧŧ stinks like hell. Haha, Uchiha getting his ȧss poked."

I made fun of him loudly to humiliate him more. Fugaku's face became red like monkey's buŧŧ.

Fugaku couldn't take humiliation any longer, he stood up and rushed at me with killing intent.

After having fun, I knew I shouldn't waste my time anymore, so I grabbed my sword.

I dashed at Fugaku, kicked his lower legs and slashed at his right eye.

This happened so quick that Minato didn't see anything, but as for Fugaku, in the shock of losing his eye, he couldn't even scream.

After 2 seconds, intense pain came out to Fugaku and he sobbed and screamed as loud as he can.

"My eye, my eye!!!!"

10 more seconds later, Fugaku passed out from the intense pain and shock of losing his right eye.

I didn't kill him as Onoki would sure give reward me handsomely. Onoki hates Uchiha more than anyone in Iwagakure and I am sure he would be delighted to have Uchiha clan head heir.

As for cutting his eye, it was a bit of punishment for pissing me off when he doesn't even have the power to defend himself.

Now the only one still conscious is Minato who could bȧrėly move due to my kick.

"Any last word?"

"Let's Go Die Together!!!"

Minato pulled out threw explosion tags around us to suicide bomb and was about to form the tiger hand seal to activate them.



I already predicted he might suicide bomb with me, and instantly cut off his right mercilessly to make him couldn't activate explosion tags. Then I cut off all the explosion tags to make things safe just in case.

Minato cried out as he failed his plan and lost his right arm.

"Nice try. Others might have died with you, but unfortunately for you, you met me, Minato. I kinda feel sad for ya. Now say goodbye to your life."

Just as I was about to slash Minato, my instincts sensed danger coming at me from above as if I stay longer in this spot, I would die.

I immediately shunshined away from the place. Soon after Anbu appeared at the spot I was standing before.

"That's further as you go. You now under arrest for infiltrating to Konoha' land. Why would Iwa send jounin level shinobi like you on this low-level mission?" Anbu questioned to me.

I was a bit shocked to see Anbu. Regrettably, I couldn't kill Minato as this Anbu interrupted me.

'Tsch, I knew it. Hokage wouldn't just send their future kids alone without protection.

I don't how many of Anbu are there but I am sure they are helping other Konoha kids too. Luckily, I made a good choice to ȧssigned Gin and Kan to Kitsuchi and Kimiko.

But these guys sure are late. If I wasn't playing around from the start, they would be all dead.

What's this? Minato is also surprised by this Anbu appearance. Does that mean they didn't know about Anbu following them?

Hmmm... Oh, I get it. I am sure Hiruzen ordered them to follow Konoha kids without being discovered. But since there were Hyuga Twins, Anbu had to follow them outside of Twins' Byakugan range.

No wonder they took quite long to come here and Kimiko couldn't sense them. They were just too far away from us.'

I ignored Anbu's question to me and grabbed the other sword in my back and readied in battle stance.

I am sure this Anbu already sent an emergency help request to Konoha, I need to kill him and Minato quickly and run away bringing Nawaki and Fugaku as hostages.

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